Psychology Question


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Psychology Question
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Report should not be more than five (5) pages.

Report Format

1. Front Cover: Give your own title for the report

2. Introduction

3. Findings on the issues

4. Conclusion (state what you learnt from the assignment)

5. Source of information

6. Any additional information

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Industrial Psychology – Assignment 2
To learn about the organisation’s situation and approaches towards absenteeism and
turnover rates.
To analyse the case study.
Case Study: Managing Attitude of Sales Force
Barry Niland, supervisor of a small sales department, noticed that one of his industrial
sales representatives, Henry Hunter, had a problem. Among other signs, Hunter’s sales
had declined in the last six months, although most other sales representatives regularly
were exceeding their quotas. Niland decided to try to boost his sales representative’s
performance by reminding him of the many opportunities for satisfaction in a sales job.
Niland explained his actions as follows:
I pointed out that in his customer’s eyes he alone is the company. He has the opportunity
to help his customer. He has the opportunity to show his ability and knowledge to many
types of people. He has the opportunity through his own efforts to help many types of
people. He has the opportunity to support the people who make our products, to reward
the stockholders, and to control his financial return through his own know-how. He has
the opportunity of testing his creative ideas, with immediate feedback about their value.
He has the opportunity to meet constantly changing conditions, so there is no boredom in
his job. There is no quicker way to achieve personal satisfaction than sales work.
Main Tasks
1. Select an industry and contact three organizations within that industry to learn of their
absenteeism and turnover rates. What have they done to reduce them?
2. Answer the following questions related to the above case study.
a. Comment on Niland’s approach in dealing with his sales representative.
b. Suggest approaches for increasing Hunter’s job satisfaction and organizational
Report Format
1. Front Cover: Give your own title for the report
2. Introduction
3. Findings on the issues
4. Conclusion (state what you learnt from the assignment)
5. Source of information
6. Any additional information
Submission Date: 14 November 2023
 This is a group work. Each project team should have 3-5 members.
 Each member should actively participate.
 Grading will be based on individual and group performance.
 Only “one member” submits assignment in the Black Board
 Report should not be more than five (5) pages.
 Make sure all the members’ name and ID number is included in the report.
Marking Scheme
Total marks = 10
1. Introduction of the report
2. Detail on findings and Q&A
3. Conclusion / Source of info.
4. Overall presentation style
Please Note:
1. SafeAssign scanning should be less than 20% when you submit in the BB.
2. DO NOT COPY FROM YOUR FRIEND – Anybody found copying will get ZERO.
3. MARKS will be deducted for Late Submission.

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