Health & Medical Question


Each student will be responsible for a paper that compares and contrast the Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) with one of the replacement proposals of your choice from at… or at… (Note: You may also use any other proposal you find through your online search). After comparing and contrasting the ACA and a replacement plan, each student should develop their own conclusion, based on the evidence, about which healthcare reform is best fit for the United States. It should not be merely a recitation of interesting facts, but a short research paper. You are to objectively analyze the following aspects:

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Health & Medical Question
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• Overall approach

• Women’s health

• Financing

• State Role

• And 2 others aspects of your choice from the list on that website

Health Reform Research Paper Proposal – Due Unit 4

Write one paragraph about which health care reform that you will be comparing the ACA to and include 2 other aspects you will be using in your comparisons. You will submit your proposal in Unit 4.

Health Reform Research Paper Draft and Final – Due Unit 11 and Unit 13

The required length of the research paper is 8-10 pages of text, plus the title page and references. All papers must include at least six (6) different, APA formatted referencesof peer-reviewed scholarlysources other than assigned readings for this class. Internet sources that include information other than web-available journals are NOT acceptable for this assignment as part of the six (6) sources. Brochures or interviews also are not acceptable as part of the minimum number of sources required. Such sources may be used – but only as supplements to the six (6) ‘acceptable’ sources required for this assignment. Ten points will be deducted from your earned grade for failure to provide sufficient and appropriate sources. Your paper must also follow the guidelines of professional writing and be typed (double-spaced); use a font size of 12; and have 1” margins. Papers that do not adhere to these type/font/margin stipulations will receive a 25-point deduction from their earned grade. Papers that include more than 4 lines of direct quotation (of ANY length) will earn a 50-point deduction. The paper is to be your writing, not that of someone else. It should follow a commonly accepted format of APA 6th edition. The paper will be submitted in SafeAssign. All work must be done by you and original for this course.

Be particularly careful in using and properly citing web-based resources. The library has excellent handouts on proper format for web citations. Remember that ANYONE can post material to the Internet and there is no guarantee of quality or accuracy in a lot of it. Try to get your information from reputable sources. Check our Learn Online site for postings of new web sites, and feel free to add some yourself!

The draft of your paper will be reviewed during Unit 11 and after which you will receive critiques to improve your paper. Your final paper isdue by 11:59 PM Sunday (Week 14).

*The Health Reform Research Paper addresses Core Curriculum Learning Goals 1, 2, 3.this is my proposal -ACA vs. Replacement
My Health Reform Research Paper will compare the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to the 2017 “Graham-Cassidy-Heller-Johnson Amendment,”. The analysis will include “Financing” and “State Role,” as well as the overall approach. The 2010 ACA sought to overhaul American healthcare in many ways. It required most U.S. citizens and legal residents to have health insurance and created state-based exchanges to compare plans and apply for financial aid for individuals and small companies. For those earning 100-400 percent of the federal poverty level, it offered refundable premium tax credits related to income and coverage costs to make coverage accessible (Zhao et al., 2020). It also mandated assured issues, minimal rating fluctuation, and no pre-existing condition exclusions in the insurance industry. Another key ACA provision was Medicaid expansion to 138 percent of the federal poverty threshold (Zhao et al., 2020). These policies increased insurance coverage, consumer safeguards, and healthcare safety nets. In contrast, the Graham-Cassidy-Heller-Johnson Amendment changed the method. It suggested a seven-year state block program called the Market-based Health Care Grant with a 1.176 trillion-dollar budget. Block grants would replace federal investment in marketplace premiums, cost-sharing subsidies, and Medicaid expansion, forcing states to embrace them or leave their inhabitants ineligible for federal financial healthcare assistance after 2019. This proposal would also let states define coverage market rules, including health status rate setting. It promoted Health Savings Accounts and repealed ACA mandates and subsidies. My research on “Financing” will examine how these two-healthcare reform plans presented alternative ways to fund and sustain healthcare access for Americans. I will also discuss the “State Role” to see how the ideas assigned state responsibilities and their effects on state healthcare administration and customization. My research seeks to illuminate how alternative healthcare reform models may affect U.S. healthcare accessibility, affordability, and quality through this detailed analysis.


Zhao, J., Mao, Z., Fedewa, S. A., Nogueira, L., Yabroff, K. R., Jemal, A., & Han, X. (2020). The Affordable Care Act and access to care across the cancer control continuum: a review at 10 years. CA: a cancer journal for clinicians, 70(3), 165-181.