Module 10: Informative Speech Evaluation



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This assignment is closely tied to specific course objectives. It provides you with an opportunity to experience the development of interpersonal values that open and maintain channels of communication, by engaging one another on the Discussion Board, writing your own posts, and responding to fellow student’s posts. Another important course objective this assignment aligns to stipulates that students exercise critical insight in judging spoken discourse. By reviewing their work and other students’ work directly relates to this course objective.

Part 1: Complete a self-evaluation of your presentation.
Use the Best in the Class and Coaching Tips for Informative Speeches.rtf Download Best in the Class and Coaching Tips for Informative Speeches.rtfas a guide and discuss 1 or 2 things you did well and at least 2 areas for improvement. Remember to identify and define each item (cite the definitions if you use any terms we have learned so far!) and to provide quotes and action descriptions that show your reader how you performed in each of these areas. Add some thought about how your recommendations will improve the next speech performance. This post should be a minimum of 3 paragraphs.
Click the Reply button below to post your evaluation.
The first line of your reply should be “LAST NAME FIRST NAME: My Personal Evaluation.” So if your name is Megan Sanchez, it would read “Sanchez Megan: My Personal Evaluation.”
Part 2: Write assessments for two class members with your evaluation of their speeches.
Use the Best in Class and Coaching Tips form as a guide and discuss 1 or 2 things the speaker did well and at least 2 areas for improvement. Add some thought about how your recommendations will improve the next speech performance. Remember to identify and define each item (cite the definitions if you use any terms we have learned so far!) and to provide quotes and action descriptions that show your reader how the speaker performed in each of these areas. Each assessment post should be a minimum of three paragraphs.
In the assessment of others use a salutation to greet the person and write in the second person. For example: “Hello, Megan. I think you did a great job with a strong attention-getter by using a dramatic example. According to the authors, a dramatic example is ‘…XYZ. (p. 999).’ Using the ABC as a dramatic example really captured the attention of the audience because….” Sign your name at the end of each posting. Altogether, you will develop three separate postings. Each should include at least three paragraphs that highlight 1 or 2 things the speaker did well and at least 2 areas for improvement.
Click the Reply button below to post your assessments.
The first line of your reply should be “LAST NAME FIRST NAME: Speaker Name Evaluation.” So if your name is Megan Sanchez and you evaluated Colin Stuart, the thread would read “Sanchez Megan: Colin Stuart Evaluation.”

The assignment is worth 20 points toward your course grade. Each part is worth 10 points. You can find the grading rubric for this discussion activity by following the directions on how to view the rubric for a graded discussion.

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Hasan Nore: My personal evaluation,
After, I listened to my personal evaluation about my informative speech, I noticed
that my attention-getter was strong, and I let my audience know what I am going to tell
them Yazidis’ culture. I started my informative speech by asking my audience a rhetorical
question about Yazidis’ culture and let my audiences that there are a group of people call
Yazidis: a small group of minorities who lives in northern Iraq region. Along with that,
Yazidis people live all over the world. For instance, I did well in my informative speech
about my culture by maintaining eye contact with my audience and letting them know
that I’m talking to my audience. It is extremely important to let my audience know what
is coming for them.
There are two areas that I need to improve for my next speech which are
discontinuing nervousness before doing any recording or giving speech in-person and
delivering smoother message by using more transition in my presentation. For example,
sometimes it is very hard to make any kind of speech because I get very nervous. With
that, I am going to improve in these areas by practicing about 10 to 15 minutes a day
before I start with presentation. Also, I will make sure to do some breathing technique
before I present my presentation. Secondly, I will practice every day for about 10 to 14
minutes of pronouncing my speech to make it smooth. By doing that, I will add more
transition to create a clear idea for my audiences, and I am sure my next speech will be
When I was listening to my informative speech about my culture, I knew that there
are several important elements which explained the meaning behind Peacock Angel and
why it represents my culture. For example, the informative speech was well organized,
and it was easy to understand from the speaker. Also, I provide important evidence
about Peacock angel which represent Yazidis’ culture and religion. For example, Peacock
angel is significant for Yazidis’ culture and religion because of the name Tawusi Melek
who is the chief Angel for the seven angels in the Yazidi’s religion. With that I was able
to manage and just say the important point in my speech. Also, I remind my audience
with important evidence and the main points in my presentation.
Humber Abigail: American culture Evaluation.
Hi, Abigail. I believe you did a wonderful job on your informative speech by explaining
your thoughts and your ideas about your culture. Along with that, your informative
speech was well organizing. By using transition and letting your audience know that
there’s another idea coming next. Also, you did well by maintaining eye contact for your
audience to let them know that you are talking to them. It is very important to organize
your informative speech because it is easier to understand from you. By organizing your
informative speech, your presentation is smoother, and it is easier for your audience to
follow. I believe you have done excellent work on your presentation.
In addition, your presentation was well done, and your audience can easily spot the
topic of your informative speech about American culture. Also, you showed your
audiences a flag to represent America and use as an object. For example, your attention
getter was excellent and immediately let your audience know that they had to watch
your video until the end. With that, you let your audience know, what will come next in
your informative speech about American culture, and your audience will be eager to
learn more about American culture and why they’re so important in the world. Again,
you did a great job with your informative speech, and your presentation was perfect.
Everything about your presentation was perfect, you had explain every part of your
informative speech about American culture. However, there was one thing missing from
your informative speech, and that was visual resources and integration of technology. It
is important to show your audience some visual resources because it will be easier to
understand your audience’s point of view. Along with that, maybe some of your
audience would like to see some images of what you were taking about. For example, if
you had created a PowerPoint with some meaningful picture which represent American
culture would be perfect. So, maybe next time when you create a speech, think about
using a PowerPoint with some images to support your ideas in your presentation.
Overall, your informative speech was well done.
Teklu Ruth: Ethiopian culture and society Evaluation.
Hello, Ruth. I am excited to learn more about your information speech on Ethiopian
culture and society. Along with that, you had organized your speech in a significant way,
and also, your topic was easily spotted. For example, you provided important elements
which represent your culture. While listening to your informative speech about Ethiopian
culture and society, you had mentioned about traditional religious practices: such as
customs, laws, beliefs, and languages. With all of these, you had explained this concept
with transitions, and had more detail for audiences to learn about Ethiopian culture. It
was important to keep in mind when giving an informative speech by organized your
ideas stop by stop to let your audiences understand. General, you did an excellent job
with your presentation by organizing your ideas.
Moreover, you have done an excellent job with providing visual resources and
integration of technology by using a PowerPoint display for your informative speech
about your culture and society. In your PowerPoint, you had given some important
pictures which represent your culture and your background. This was extremely
important for your audience to had a sense of feeling and images about your culture and
society because not everyone knew about all of the cultures in the world, so it is
important to show your audiences. For example, you had explain your informative
speech about your culture and society with writing, and you had provided your audience
with PowerPoint which let’s see through images as well as writing. Overall, I believe you
did an excellent job with your informative speech about your culture and society, and
also, your presentation was well visualized for your audiences to follow.
Based on the “Best in the Class and Coaching Tips Form”, it was difficult to find the
area that you needed to improve because your informative speech was excellent in my
opinion. But, while listening to your informative speech the second time, I noticed your
eyes contact with your audience was less and, it seems like that you were not being
aware of your audiences. Sometimes, by looking at your audience, it will let them pay
attention to your speech more, so it was significant to practice this area. Maybe next
time, try practicing your speech before presenting your final speech, that would help you
be prepared and be able to directly look your audience’s eye while presenting your
presentation. Again, it was difficult to find what was missing from your presentation,
except the eyes contact was avoid.
“Best in the Class and Coaching Tips Form”
As we listen to one another’s presentations highlight on this form what was best about each person’s presentation.
Try to identify at least three or four elements for each person. Note: You may have more than one person
representing the various categories. Try to identify at least two or three elements for each person. Develop specific
Topic – The speaker chose a topic you can relate to. The topic aroused your curiosity and the way that the speaker
developed it greatly enhanced your understanding.
Analysis – The speaker presented the material in way that enabled you to remember and apply the information.
Interest and Motivation – the speaker motivated you to maintain interest throughout the presentation, beginning
with an introduction that gained attention and continuing throughout the speech to renew your motivation to listen.
Adaptation to Audience – The speaker explicitly stated how the information in the speech pertained to audience
members in light of audience demographics, worldview, cultural views or other salient aspects of the audience.
Organization – The speaker developed the three parts of the speech to enhance your understanding and to present
information in a memorable way.
Language and Style – The speaker used clear language, avoided jargon or explained technical terms to aid
understanding. The language of the presentation was creative and dynamic.
Source Credibility, Competence and Presentation of Supporting Materials – The speaker demonstrated his or her indepth knowledge of the subject and supported ideas with a substantial amount of support material. The speaker
provided oral citations of evidence to credit sources.
Delivery – The speaker used techniques of delivery that emphasized key ideas, maintained attention, added dynamism
to the speech, and appeared to be spontaneous, conversational and smooth.
Visual Resources and Integration of Technology (if used) – The Speaker employed principles of effective design for
visuals that he or she created. Elements of technology (such as video, PowerPoint displays, audio files or other sensor
aids) were integrated smoothly into the presentation in a manner that gave primacy to the speaker.
Coaching Tips
Review the items from the Best in the Class portion above, and then highlight at least two ways in which you
think a speaker may improve. Adopt the role of coach to highlight how to make improvements with concrete

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