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Cultural Identity Paper
Construct a 5-7 page reflective paper addressing your own cultural identity. The purpose of this
assignment is to stimulate self-reflection on one’s life experiences, particularly regarding race,
gender, class, ability, and sexuality. It also seeks to prompt thought about the interrelationships
among race, gender, and class (socioeconomic background), and how this influences your
clinical work. This paper will be in two parts. The first part of the report will focus on your
reflection. The second part of the report will focus on how your worldview influences your work
with clients.
Your paper should be composed in APA 7th edition format, including a title page, running
header, page numbering, and headings. The document should be in font size 12-point Times
New Roman, Arial, or Calibri and should be single-spaced. Margins should be one inch on all
Part 1
Write an autobiographical account of the critical incidents in your socio-psychological
development concerning your understanding of race, gender, class, ability, and sexuality. A
critical incident is an experience or series of incidents that influenced your ideas and behaviors
about a particular subject or your entire worldview. In writing your account, provide a brief profile
of your immediate family in terms of race and socioeconomic class. Be sure to include the
number and gender of your siblings, your parents’ and grandparents’ occupations and
educational backgrounds, and your family’s household division of labor. Discuss the formative
experiences that shaped your beliefs about race, gender, class, ability, and sexuality. Describe
when you first realized your race, gender, knowledge, and sexual identities and class position.
Specifically, you are asked to discuss when you first realized that you were Black, White,
Latina/o, etc.; a male or a female; queer, heterosexual, bisexual, etc.; and wealthy, middle
class, working-class, or impoverished? And, when possible, discuss the intersection of two or
more of these identities.
In writing part 1, you may want to recall:

The racial and class composition of the neighborhood in which you grew up? What was
the racial and class composition of the town or city in which you were raised?
What interracial/interethnic and cross-class experiences you have had or observed?
Discuss the most crucial of these experiences.
What messages did you receive about people of different races and classes from your
parents, teachers, authority figures, and friends?
What were you taught, or have you observed about masculinity and femininity, about
gay men and lesbian or transgender individuals during your childhood or from the
In what ways has your race, gender, class, and sexuality (and their intersection) affected
your experiences in schooling, interpersonal relationships, and career opportunities.
Part 2
Reflect on how these experiences influence your work with clients, supervisors, peers, and
Page 1 of 3
In writing part 2, you may want to reflect on:

How your life experiences have shaped your personality and your interpersonal style of
relating to others (including clients, supervisors, peers, faculty).
Your positionality and possible aspects of privilege, and how this influences your clinical
What emotions are you comfortable expressing? Which emotions are difficult for you?
How are your emotional strengths and weaknesses connected to your history? How has
your history affected your choice of marriage and family therapy as a career? • How do
you think your past affects your work with clients?
What types of worldviews of others might you have difficulty accepting, understanding,
or appreciating?
What motivates people to act and change? Please recognize that I don’t expect you to
reveal personal history or issues that you would rather keep private.
You must consider how your past informs the type of person you have become and how this will
influence your clinical work—having done that, it is acceptable to me that you choose not to
share some things.
Scoring Rubric
Points Available: 25
Focus & Purpose
Missing thesis;
confusion about or
misunderstanding of
topic; no sense of
purpose. (0 points)
Simplistic and
unfocused ideas;
limited sense of
purpose. (2.5 points)
Developed thesis;
represents sound
understanding of the
assigned topic;
focused. (5 points)
Ideas, Support &
Absence of support for
main points. (0 points)
Support is provided,
but is not specific;
support is only loosely
relevant to the main
points. (2.5 points)
Ideas sufficiently
supported; support is
sound, valid, and
logical. (5 points)
Structure &
No paragraph
structure; or single,
rambling paragraph; or
series of isolated
paragraphs. (0 points)
Organization is
Clear organizational
confusing or
structure; easily
disjointed; weak
followed; includes
paragraph structure;
includes an
transitions, and
introduction and
conclusion; structured
conclusion, but
format. (5 points)
transitions are missing
Page 2 of 3
or inappropriate. (2.5
Contains multiple and
serious errors of
sentence structure: i.e.
fragments, run-ons;
unable to write simple
sentences; frequent
errors in spelling and
capitalization; intrusive
and/or inaccurate
communication is
hindered. (0 points)
Formulaic sentence
patterns or overuse of
simple sentences;
errors in sentence
structure; contains
several punctuation,
spelling, capitalization
errors (up to 6); errors
interfere with meaning.
(2.5 points)
Effective and varied
sentences; errors (if
present) due to lack of
careful proofreading;
virtually free of
punctuation, spelling,
capitalization errors
(no more than 3);
errors do not interfere
with meaning.
(5 points)
Manuscript Format
Title page completely
deviates from APA
formatting; headings
and subheadings
completely deviate
from suggested
formatting or are
absent altogether
(0 points)
Title page
approximates APA
formatting; used
headings &
subheadings but
formatting is not
consistent (2.5 points)
Title page has proper
APA formatting; used
correct headings &
consistently (5 points)
Page 3 of 3

Module 3 Assignment: Cultural Identity Paper
Attached Files:
Cultural Identity Paper.pdf (107.899 KB)
Assignment Instructions
Construct a 5-7 page reflective paper addressing your own cultural identity. The purpose of this
assignment is to stimulate self-reflection on one’s life experiences, particularly regarding race, gender,
class, ability, and sexuality. It also seeks to prompt thought about the interrelationships among race,
gender, and class (socioeconomic background), and how this influences your clinical work. This paper
will be in two parts. The first part of the report will focus on your reflection. The second part of the
report will focus on how your worldview influences your work with clients.
Your paper should be composed in APA 7th edition format, including a title page, running header, page
numbering, and headings. The document should be in font size 12-point Times New Roman, Arial, or
Calibri and should be single-spaced. Margins should be one inch on all sides.
Part 1
Write an autobiographical account of the critical incidents in your socio-psychological development
concerning your understanding of race, gender, class, ability, and sexuality. A critical incident is an
experience or series of incidents that influenced your ideas and behaviors about a particular subject or
your entire worldview. In writing your account, provide a brief profile of your immediate family in terms
of race and socioeconomic class. Be sure to include the number and gender of your siblings, your
parents’ and grandparents’ occupations and educational backgrounds, and your family’s household
division of labor. Discuss the formative experiences that shaped your beliefs about race, gender, class,
ability, and sexuality. Describe when you first realized your race, gender, knowledge, and sexual
identities and class position. Specifically, you are asked to discuss when you first realized that you were
Black, White, Latina/o, etc.; a male or a female; queer, heterosexual, bisexual, etc.; and wealthy, middle
class, working-class, or impoverished? And, when possible, discuss the intersection of two or more of
these identities.
In writing part 1, you may want to recall:
The racial and class composition of the neighborhood in which you grew up? What was
the racial and class composition of the town or city in which you were raised?
What interracial/interethnic and cross-class experiences you have had or observed?
Discuss the most crucial of these experiences.
What messages did you receive about people of different races and classes from your
parents, teachers, authority figures, and friends?
What were you taught, or have you observed about masculinity and femininity, about
gay men and lesbian or transgender individuals during your childhood or from the
In what ways has your race, gender, class, and sexuality (and their intersection) affected
your experiences in schooling, interpersonal relationships, and career opportunities.
Part 2
Reflect on how these experiences influence your work with clients, supervisors, peers, and faculty.
In writing part 2, you may want to reflect on:
How your life experiences have shaped your personality and your interpersonal style of
relating to others (including clients, supervisors, peers, faculty).
Your positionality and possible aspects of privilege, and how this influences your clinical
What emotions are you comfortable expressing? Which emotions are difficult for you?
How are your emotional strengths and weaknesses connected to your history?
How has your history affected your choice of marriage and family therapy as a career?
How do you think your past affects your work with clients?
What types of worldviews of others might you have difficulty accepting, understanding,
or appreciating?
What motivates people to act and change? Please recognize that I don’t expect you to
reveal personal history or issues that you would rather keep private.
You must consider how your past informs the type of person you have become and how this will
influence your clinical work—having done that, it is acceptable to me that you choose not to share some
Submission Instructions
Save the file as “Yourname_Cultural Identity_Assignment”
While inside the submission area click the “Browse My Computer” button below to
upload your assignment as an attachment.
Once attached, click the “Submit” button.

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