Education & Teaching Question


Throughout this semester we have been building up our Child Development Tool Chest by learning about different approaches in working with children. We have learned about Montessori, Erikson, Gardner, Dewey, Ashton-Warner, Anti-Bias Education, Emergent Curriculum, and the Reggio Emilia Approach.

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Education & Teaching Question
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REFLECTION: In this reflection I would like your own personal teaching philosophy. Please include:

Two theorists you connect with,
Two Teaching philosophies/curriculum approaches you connect with,
How you view the role of the teacher,
Connections to NAEYC Standards,
How do you define Developmentally Appropriate Practices.

*Here Download Hereis a one-page shortened version of my own teaching philosophy that I created years ago for you to consider.

Total= 25 points

Grading Rubric No Partial Yes
Was the paper typed, double spaced, 12 font, 2 pages? 0 2 5
Was the paper turned in on time? 0 0 5
Did the author highlight different theoretical perspectives? 0 2 10
Did the author highlight how they see the role of the teacher? 0 2 5
Did the author highlight DAP and NAEYC standards? 0 8 10