Nursing Question


I need help with this assessment. It is a video/audio assessment. I will create the video or audio; but need a script to go by if you can help provide me with that

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Informatics and Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicators Scoring Guide
Describe the
team’s role in
collecting and
reporting quality
indicator data to
enhance patient
safety, patient care
outcomes, and
Does not describe
the interdisciplinary
team’s role in
collecting and
reporting quality
indicator data to
enhance patient
safety, patient care
outcomes, and
Begins to identify but
does not describe
the interdisciplinary
team’s role in
collecting and
reporting quality
indicator data.
Describes the
interdisciplinary team’s
role in collecting and
reporting quality
indicator data to
enhance patient
safety, patient care
outcomes, and
performance reports.
Describes in a
professional manner the
interdisciplinary team’s
role in collecting and
reporting quality
indicator data to
enhance patient safety,
patient care outcomes,
and organizational
performance reports.
Offers valuable insight
into the impact of the
interdisciplinary team on
data collection.
Explain how a health
care organization
uses nursingsensitive quality
indicators to
enhance patient
safety, patient care
outcomes, and
Does not explain
how a health care
organization uses
quality indicators to
enhance patient
safety, patient care
outcomes, and
Attempts to explain
how a health care
organization uses
quality indicators to
enhance patient
safety, patient care
outcomes, and
performance reports.
Explains how a health
care organization uses
quality indicators to
enhance patient
safety, patient care
outcomes, and
performance reports.
Provides a
professional, and
academic explanation
for how a health care
organization uses
nursing-sensitive quality
indicators to enhance
patient safety, patient
care outcomes, and
performance reports.
Justify how a
quality indicator
practice guidelines
for nurses to follow
when using patient
care technologies to
enhance patient
safety, satisfaction,
and outcomes.
Does not justify how
a nursing-sensitive
quality indicator
practice guidelines
for nurses to follow
when using patient
care technologies to
enhance patient
safety, satisfaction,
and outcomes.
Describes but does
not justify how a
quality indicator
practice guidelines
for nurses to follow
when using patient
care technologies to
enhance patient
safety, satisfaction,
and outcomes.
Justifies how a
quality indicator
establishes evidencebased practice
guidelines for nurses
to follow when using
patient care
technologies to
enhance patient
safety, satisfaction,
and outcomes.
Provides a
comprehensive and
scholarly justification for
how a nursing-sensitive
quality indicator
establishes evidencebased practice
guidelines for nurses to
follow when using
patient care
technologies to enhance
patient safety,
satisfaction, and
Deliver a
effective audio
tutorial on a
selected quality
indicator that
engages new nurses
and motivates them
to accurately report
quality data in a
timely fashion.
Does not deliver an
audio or a video
tutorial with a script
or speaker’s notes
on a selected quality
indicator that
engages new nurses
and motivates them
to accurately report
quality data in a
timely fashion.
Provides a script or
speaker’s notes of a
tutorial without audio
or video on a
selected quality
indicator, or the
tutorial lacks
purpose, coherence,
or focus or has
technical issues that
distract from the
Delivers a
professional and
effective audio or
video tutorial along
with speaker notes on
a selected quality
indicator that engages
new nurses and
motivates them to
accurately report
quality data in a timely
fashion. Submission
includes a reference
list with at least three
scholarly references.
Delivers a polished,
professional, and
effective audio or video
tutorial along with
speaker notes on a
selected quality indicator
that engages new
nurses and motivates
them to accurately report
quality data in a timely
fashion. Audio or video
presentation is
appropriate for the
audience. Submission
includes a reference list
with at least three
scholarly references.
Follow APA style
and formatting
guidelines for
citations and
Does not follow APA
style and formatting
guidelines for
citations and
Partially follows APA
style and formatting
guidelines for
citations and
Follows APA style and
formatting guidelines
for citations and
references. Academic
citations and
references are largely
Follows APA style and
formatting guidelines for
citations and references
with flawless precision
and accuracy.
Assessment 04 –
Informatics and Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicators
For this assessment, you will prepare an 8–10 minute audio training tutorial (video is optional)
for new nurses on the importance of nursing-sensitive quality indicators.
Before you complete the detailed instructions in the courseroom, first review the NursingSensitive Quality Indicators below and select the one you’re most interested in. NursingSensitive Quality Indicators reflect the structure, process, and patient outcomes of nursing care.
Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicators are developed by identifying potential indicators that reflect
nursing care and are not represented by current indicators, performing a literature review, and
determining the validity of the potential indicator in nursing practice.
After you select one of the Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicators below, return to the courseroom
to review the detailed instructions and complete your assessment.

Patient Satisfaction With Nursing Care – Outcome.
Nurse Turnover – Structure.
Nursing Care Hours Per Patient Day by RNs – Structure.
Nursing Care Hours Per Patient Day by Licensed Nurses – Structure.
Nursing Care Hours Per Patient Day by Unlicensed Assistive Personnel –
The focus of Assessment 4 is on how informatics support monitoring of nursing-sensitive quality
indicator data. You will develop an 8–10 minute audio (or video) training module to orient new nurses in
a workplace to a single nursing-sensitive quality indicator critical to the organization. Your recording will
address how data are collected and disseminated across the organization along with the nurses’ role in
supporting accurate reporting and high quality results.
This assessment requires you to prepare an 8–10 minute audio training tutorial (with optional video) for
new nurses on the importance of nursing-sensitive quality indicators. To successfully prepare for your
assessment, you will need to complete the following preparatory activities:
Review the nursing-sensitive quality indicators presented in the Assessment 04 Supplement: Informatics
and Nursing Sensitive quality Indicators [PDF] Download Assessment 04 Supplement: Informatics and
Nursing Sensitive quality Indicators [PDF]resource and select one nursing-sensitive quality indicator to
use as the focus for this assessment.
Conduct independent research on the most current information about the selected nursing-sensitive
quality indicator.
Interview a professional colleague or contact who is familiar with quality monitoring and how technology
can help to collect and report quality indicator data. You do not need to submit the transcript of your
conversation, but do integrate what you learned from the interview into the audio tutorial. Consider
these questions for your interview:
What is your experience with collecting data and entering it into a database?
What challenges have you experienced?
How does your organization share with the nursing staff and other members of the health care system
the quality improvement monitoring results?
What role do bedside nurses and other frontline staff have in entering the data? For example, do staff
members enter the information into an electronic medical record for extraction? Or do they enter it into
another system? How effective is this process?
For this assessment, first review the nursing-sensitive quality indicators presented in
the Assessment 04 Supplement: Informatics and Nursing Sensitive quality Indicators
[PDF] Download Assessment 04 Supplement: Informatics and Nursing Sensitive quality
Indicators [PDF]resource and select one nursing-sensitive quality indicator to use as the
focus for this assessment.
Next, imagine you are a member of a Quality Improvement Council at any type of health
care system, whether acute, ambulatory, home health, managed care, et cetera. Your
Council has identified that newly hired nurses would benefit from comprehensive training
on the importance of nursing-sensitive quality indicators. The Council would like the
training to address how this information is collected and disseminated across the
organization. It would also like the training to describe the role nurses have in accurate
reporting and high-quality results.
The Council indicates a recording is preferable to a written fact sheet due to the
popularity of audio blogs. In this way, new hires can listen to the tutorial on their own time
using their phone or other device.
As a result of this need, you offer to create an audio tutorial orienting new hires to these
topics. You know that you will need a script to guide your audio recording. You also plan to
incorporate into your script the insights you learned from conducting an interview with an
authority on quality monitoring and the use of technology to collect and report quality
indicator data.
You determine that you will cover the following topics in your audio tutorial script:
Introduction: Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicator

What is the National Database of Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicators?
What are nursing-sensitive quality indicators?
Which particular quality indicator did you select to address in your tutorial?
Why is this quality indicator important to monitor?
o Be sure to address the impact of this indicator on the quality of care
and patient safety.
Why do new nurses need to be familiar with this particular quality indicator
when providing patient care?
Collection and Distribution of Quality Indicator Data

According to your interview and other resources, how does your organization
collect data on this quality indicator?
How does the organization disseminate aggregate data?
What role do nurses play in supporting accurate reporting and high-quality
o As an example, consider the importance of accurately entering data
regarding nursing interventions.
After completing your script, practice delivering your tutorial several times before
recording it.
Additional requirements

Audio communication: Deliver a professional, effective audio tutorial on a
selected quality indicator that engages new nurses and motivates them to
accurately report quality data in a timely fashion.

Length: 8–10 minute audio recording. Use Kaltura to upload your recording to
the courseroom, or provide a working link your instructor can access.
Script: A separate document with the script or speaker’s notes is
required. Important: Submissions that do not include the script or speaker’s
notes will be returned as a non-performance.
References: Cite a minimum of three scholarly and/or authoritative sources.
APA: Submit, along with the recording, a separate reference page that follows
APA style and formatting guidelines. For an APA refresher, consult
the Evidence and APA page on Campus.

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