IT599-4: Ethical Theories and Practices: Evaluate information systems’ legal, ethical, social, and global implications



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IT599-4: Ethical Theories and Practices: Evaluate information systems’ legal, ethical, social, and global implications
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Resources and Tech Help

These links are provided for those who would like extra assistance with unit concepts or technology needs.

RACI Charts

Kantor, B. (2022, September 14). The RACI matrix: Your blueprint for project success. CIO.

Conditional Formatting in Excel

Highlight patterns and trends with conditional formatting. (n.d.). Microsoft Support.…

Embedding Excel in Word

Note: Do not link; embed.

Embed or link to a file in Word. (n.d.). Microsoft Support.…

Embedding Visio in Word

Note: Do not link; embed.

Copy a Visio drawing to Word, PowerPoint, or Excel. (n.d.). Microsoft Support.…ASSIGNMENT DETAILS

Unit 4: Continued Progress and Illustration, With Resolution of Issues

Outcomes addressed in this activity:

Unit Outcomes:

Provide proof of a technology project’s progress through updates.
Resolve legal, ethical, social, and global implications of a technology project.

Course Outcome:

IT599-4: Ethical Theories and Practices: Evaluate information systems’ legal, ethical, social, and global implications to justify decisions and optimize social outcomes.


Your project should be progressing well at this point. This unit’s assignment will document further updates and find resolution to the legal, ethical, social, and global implications you identified in Unit 3.

All students need Microsoft Word and Excel to complete this assignment and may need Visio. Those who have chosen the Project Management Track need Microsoft Project as usual.

Assignment Instructions and Requirements

First Steps

As with the previous units, you should be actively and consistently working on your project, keeping a close watch on the calendar for completion soon.

Status Updates for Week 4

As usual, retrieve the assignment template to earn points for this assignment. Note that paragraphs will be single-spaced, and a blank line should be placed between paragraphs and headings for readability; this must look like a work document and not at all like a school paper. Keep all subheadings as presented in the template.


Replace “Project Name” with a descriptive name for your project.
Replace “X” with either a real client’s name, a made-up client name, or your professor’s name.
Replace “Y” with your first and last names.
Replace “Z” with the date you completed this document.

Starting on page 2, replace “Content Here” with the following:

Scope Update
Provide one paragraph explaining the scope of your project. This might be partially copied from the Unit 3 Assignment 1, but the changes/no changes content must be new:
If there have been changes since the last unit, explain what the changes are and why they occurred.
If there are no changes since the last unit, explain why the scope has not changed.
Write 70–100 words for this section of the document.
Costs Update
If there are changes:
Option 1: Insert the same embedded Excel table you used in Unit 3 and make changes as necessary.
Option 2: Write a paragraph of 60–90 words briefly explaining the changes.
This must be different than what was presented in Week 3.
If there are no changes:
Write a paragraph of 60–90 words explaining why there are no cost changes, what costs might be unexpected later, and/or what costs might be helpful in the future if the project scope is increased or features added.
This must be different than what was presented in Week 3.
Schedule Update
Project Management Track:
First, make a copy of your Gantt file (WBS) you submitted for Unit 3.
Rename this new copy for Unit 4 (see below).
Make changes to the Unit 4 version to show completion of tasks/progress. Consider changing the color of the text or cells or applying bold to clearly identify items that have been completed.
Progress is expected and required.
In the Word template, write 60–90 words as an overview of the changes. Also, mention that full details are in the separate WBS.
IT Specialist Track:
Copy and paste your Word table schedule from your Unit 3 submission in this unit’s template.
Make changes as necessary.
Identify new project progress in the table by using the Word highlighting tool in the home ribbon, changing the font color, or using bold or italic text. Do not use Track Changes.
Progress is expected and required.
Legal, Ethical, Social, and Global Mitigations
First, copy your issues list or table from your Unit 3 Assignment 1. There must be at least four ideas (minimum of one dealing with legal and/or ethical problems and one addressing global concerns), all identified clearly as legal, ethical, social, and/or global.
If your original items are in list format:
Determine a mitigation plan for each item.
Use sub-bullets (indent to the right under each item, just like these instructions).
If your original items are in a Word table:
Add a column to insert mitigations for each item.
No minimum length is required, but ensure that your mitigation ideas are logical and expressed clearly.
Project Management Track: RACI chart
Check the Reading section for links to help in understanding RACI charts as well as conditional formatting in Excel.
In an embedded Excel table:
Include at least four major tasks
Include at least four project stakeholders
Use conditional formatting (four different colors or styles) to distinguish between R, A, C, and I. If a task/stakeholder might fit into more than one category, choose the most important one for simplicity’s sake.
Under the embedded Excel, write 30–50 words about how at least some of the identified tasks or people are affected by ethical considerations and expectations.
IT Specialist Track: Draft of marketing information for end-users
This is a draft, which means you are simply inserting the content as regular paragraphs in the template.
Content: The purpose is to explain to end-users the ethics behind your project.
In the first paragraph, briefly explain how the project will benefit the user.
In the second paragraph, present an overview of how the project fulfills ethical expectations. You may also include legal implications that support the project.
Write 100–120 words, all in paragraph form (no lists or tables).
Proof of Progress
Visio diagram from Unit 3:
Include this if (1) you decide to make changes to your diagram, OR (2) your instructor’s feedback from Unit 3 requires changes. If neither of these applies, diagramming will not be necessary to include here.
If other visual proof is available, include updated screenshots or other images to show the work is still progressing. Ensure that the images are explained.
If visual proof is not available, write 100–120 words explaining the progress you have made and what you expect to do to wrap up the project.

Optional content

Should you feel that an additional section of information would be appropriate for your project’s documentation this week, add the subheading Addendum at the end of the template and insert this information after that subheading. This would not earn points but may be helpful in keeping pertinent documentation together. It is not required to include an addendum.

Additional Parameters

This must be completed using your critical thinking and knowledge gained throughout the program instead of the direct use of source materials.
Any resources necessary for the project’s completion (such as vendors, tutorials, open-source materials, etc.) should be identified by name and full URL.
Proofread your work for grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and formality. While first-person writing is allowed and logical in parts, limit it where possible.

Directions for Submitting Your Assignment

Name your Word document with the following convention:
IT599-Update-Week4-LastName-FirstName (using your own name).
Project Management Track: Name your Project file with this convention:
IT599-WBS-Week4-LastName-FirstName (using your own name).
Make sure you read all instructions carefully and review the grading rubric before submitting to the Dropbox for Unit 4 Assignment.


You are expected to be the sole author of your work and that it is not copied from sources, as plagiarism will not be tolerated. In accordance with the University’s academic integrity policy, your assignment will be automatically submitted to Turnitin. Plagiarism of words, ideas, images, or other intellectual property violates the University honor code, and any offense may be subject to disciplinary action. For more information on University’s plagiarism policy, refer to the current University Catalog.

Review the Unit 4 Assignment rubric before beginning this activity.

The status report must be submitted in the given template to earn points for this assignment.

Unit 4 Assignment Dropbox
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Rubric Name: IT599 Unit 4 Assignment Rubric

Criteria 1 Level III Max Points

15 points

Level II Max Points

12.75 points

Level I Max Points

10.5 points

Not Present

0 points

Criterion Score

Scope and Costs Updates

● Provides a paragraph explaining project scope and new changes/no changes. Writes 70–100 words for scope.
● Updates the embedded Excel table for costs and explains new changes/no changes. Writes 60–90 words for costs.

● Provides a paragraph explaining project scope and new changes/no changes.
● Updates the embedded Excel table for costs and explains new changes/no changes.
● Writes less than the minimum length/detail for scope OR costs.

● Provides a paragraph explaining project scope but does not explain new changes/no changes.
● Updates the embedded Excel table for costs but does not explain new changes/no changes.
● Writes less than the minimum length/detail for scope AND/OR costs.

Does not meet this criteria.

Score of Scope and Costs Updates,

/ 15

Criteria 2 Level III Max Points

15 points

Level II Max Points

12.75 points

Level I Max Points

10.5 points

Not Present

0 points

Criterion Score

Schedule Update

● PM Track: Copies the Unit 3 Gantt file and makes changes to show progress. Additionally, writes 60–90 words in the Word document to provide a quick overview and to direct the reader to the Gantt file.
● Specialist Track: Copies the Unit 3 Word table schedule, makes changes to show new progress, and clearly identifies the changes through color or other means as explained in the instructions.

● PM Track: Copies the Unit 3 Gantt file. Either does not show progress in the Gantt OR does not include the quick overview in the Word document.
● Specialist Track: Copies the Unit 3 Word table schedule. Either does not show progress OR does not clearly identify changes through color or other means as explained in the instructions.

● PM Track: Copies the Unit 3 Gantt file. Either does not show progress in the Gantt AND does not include the quick overview in the Word document.
● Specialist Track: Copies the Unit 3 Word table schedule. Either does not show progress AND does not clearly identify changes through color or other means as explained in the instructions.

Does not meet this criteria.

Score of Schedule Update,

/ 15

Criteria 3 Level III Max Points

20 points

Level II Max Points

17 points

Level I Max Points

14 points

Not Present

0 points

Criterion Score

Legal, Ethical, Social, and Global Mitigations

● Includes the (minimum) four issues/problems identified in Unit 3. These must include at least one legal and/or ethical issue and one global concern, and each marked clearly as legal, ethical, social, and/or global.
● Adds sub-bullets (if in list form) or another column (if in table form) with content that clearly and sufficiently explains mitigations for every item in the issue list.

● Includes the (minimum) four issues/problems identified in Unit 3. These must include at least one legal and/or ethical issue and one global concern, but may not have marked each clearly as legal, ethical, social, and/or global.
● Adds sub-bullets (if in list form) or another column (if in table form) with content that includes mitigations for every item in the issue list but without sufficient explanation.

● Identifies less than four issues/problems regarding the project OR does not address a legal and/or ethical issue in at least one of the issues and a global concern in another OR might not have identified each issue as legal, ethical, social, and/or global.
● Adds sub-bullets (if in list form) or another column (if in table form) with content that includes mitigations for every item in the issue list but without sufficient explanation.

Does not meet this criteria.

Score of Legal, Ethical, Social, and Global Mitigations,

/ 20

Criteria 4 Level III Max Points

25 points

Level II Max Points

21.25 points

Level I Max Points

17.5 points

Not Present

0 points

Criterion Score

Responsibilities – RACI chart for PM track must be embedded Excel to earn these points

● PM Track: Develops an embedded Excel table RACI chart with at least four main tasks and four stakeholders and applies conditional formatting per the instructions. Writes a brief statement explaining ethical responsibilities directly related to the chart content.
● Specialist Track: Writes a draft for marketing information aimed at end-users about the project, covering the project and benefits to the user in one paragraph and an overview of how it is an ethical project in a second paragraph. Writes 100–120 words and presents this without lists or tables.

● PM Track: Develops an embedded Excel table RACI chart with at least four main tasks and four stakeholders. The required conditional formatting OR the brief statement explaining ethical responsibilities directly related to the chart content is missing or incomplete.
● Specialist Track: Writes a draft for marketing information aimed at end-users about the project. An overview of how it is an ethical project is included, but a quick project overview OR the benefits to the user may be missing. May have written less than the minimum length/wording but presents this in paragraph form as instructed.

● PM Track: Develops an embedded Excel table RACI chart but does not has only three stakeholders or three tasks included. The required conditional formatting AND/OR the brief statement explaining ethical responsibilities directly related to the chart content is missing or incomplete.
● Specialist Track: Writes a draft for marketing information aimed at end-users about the project. An overview of how it is an ethical project is included, but a quick project overview AND the benefits to the user may be missing. Writes less than the minimum length/wording but presents this in paragraph form as instructed.

Does not meet this criteria.

Score of Responsibilities – RACI chart for PM track must be embedded Excel to earn these points,

/ 25

Criteria 5 Level III Max Points

25 points

Level II Max Points

21.25 points

Level I Max Points

17.5 points

Not Present

0 points

Criterion Score

Additional Proof of Progress

● Includes embedded Visio if the student desires to show changes or if the instructor has required changes per the Unit 3 grading comments.
● Provides additional proof of new project progress, either (1) in screenshots or other visual proof which, is then explained in words, or (2) a narrative of 100–120 words explaining new progress made as well as what is expected to be completed to wrap up the project soon.

● Includes embedded Visio if the student desires to show changes or if the instructor has required changes per the Unit 3 grading comments.
● Provides additional proof of project progress, either (1) in screenshots or other visual proof but without sufficient explanation in words, or (2) a narrative of less than the minimum wording/length explaining progress made as well as what is expected to be completed in the next week.

● Includes embedded Visio if the student desires to show changes or if the instructor has required changes per the Unit 3 grading comments.
● Provides additional proof of project progress, either (1) in screenshots or other visual proof but without any explanation in words, or (2) a narrative of less than the minimum wording/length explaining progress made OR missing what is expected to be completed in the next week.

Does not meet this criteria.

Score of Additional Proof of Progress,

/ 25

Criteria 6 Level III Max Points

10 points

Level II Max Points

8.5 points

Level I Max Points

7 points

Not Present

0 points

Criterion Score

Writing, Formatting, and Basics

● Completes the cover page content.
● Writing has few if any errors.
● Formatting followed instructions.

● Completes the cover page content but may have missed an item.
● Writing includes some errors or informality OR formatting did not follow instructions.

● Completes the cover page content but may have missed an item.
● Writing includes errors or informality AND formatting did not follow instructions.

Score of Writing, Formatting, and Basics,

/ 10

TotalScore of IT599 Unit 4 Assignment Rubric,

/ 110
Overall Score


93.6 points minimum


77.1 points minimum


1 point minimum


0 points minimum

Rubric Name: IT599_2006D_-4


Criteria Mastery

5 points


4 points


3 points


2 points


1 point

No Progress

0 points

Criterion Score

IT599_2006D_-4: Ethical Theories and Practices: Evaluate information systems’ legal, ethical, social, and global implications to justify decisions and optimize social outcomes.

Student work indicates the ability to evaluate information systems’ legal, ethical, social, and global implications to justify decisions and optimize social outcomes, and use the knowledge gained to successfully complete the entire activity.

Student work indicates the ability to evaluate information systems’ legal, ethical, social, and global implications to justify decisions and optimize social outcomes, and use the knowledge gained to successfully complete most of the activity.

Student work indicates the ability to evaluate information systems’ legal, ethical, social, and global implications to justify decisions and optimize social outcomes, and use the knowledge gained to successfully complete more than half of the activity.

Student work indicates some ability to evaluate information systems’ legal, ethical, social, and global implications to justify decisions and optimize social outcomes, and use the knowledge gained to successfully complete some but less than half of the activity.

Student work indicates little ability to evaluate information systems’ legal, ethical, social, and global implications to justify decisions and optimize social outcomes, and use the knowledge gained to attempt the activity.

Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome.

Score of IT599_2006D_-4: Ethical Theories and Practices: Evaluate information systems’ legal, ethical, social, and global implications to justify decisions and optimize social outcomes.,

/ 5

TotalScore of IT599_2006D_-4,

/ 5
Overall Score


4.5 points minimum


3.5 points minimum


2.5 points minimum


1.5 points minimum


0.5 points minimum


0 points minimum

Associated Learning Outcomes
Assessment Method: Overall Rubric Score
Required Performance: 0: No Progress

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Unit 4 Discussion

Documentation Problems

You have been doing a lot of documentation in this course thus far. What problems could you encounter with your current project or another work project if there is insufficient written information or project documents are poorly written? Hypothetical answers are welcome.

This discussion only requires one post — your answer to the question above — posted within the Wednesday-through-Tuesday boundaries of the unit. Write at least 100 words in this post.

Additional rules:

Write your own descriptive subject line for your initial post — not your name, course or unit number, or the title shown above for this discussion. Labeling content is an important step in workplace documentation.
Write your posts entirely in your own words, without quoting or copying from sources.
Posts must demonstrate respect for others and use a professional (formal) tone.
To earn points, all of the parameters above must be met. No partial points are given.

Unformatted Attachment Preview

Project Name
Week 4 Updates
Client Name
Proposal prepared by
Contact email
Preparation date
IT599 Week 4 Updates
page 2
Scope Update
Content here
Costs Update
Content here
Schedule Update
Content here
Legal, Ethical, Social, and Global Mitigations
Content here
Content here
Proof of Progress
Content here
Project Name: Cloud-Based File Storage and
Collaboration System Implementation Plan
Week 3 Updates
Client Name: GreenLeaf Technologies
Proposal prepared by
Contact email
Preparation date
IT599 Week 3 Updates
page 2
Scope Update
The focus of our project outlined last week is still to implement a strong Cloud-Based File
Storage and Collaboration System for GreenLeaf Technologies. This initiative aims to increase
operational efficiency, protect data management, and establish a work environment that promotes
collaboration. With the project’s advancement, there have been no changes in scope due to very
good planning and looking further ahead at the initial stages. Since the requirement analysis was
detailed and stakeholder alignment met, there was a clear, achievable project scope; hence, no
changes had to be made at this implementation stage.
Costs Update
As the project has been going on, we have stuck to our initial cost estimates given in week
2, and thus, no budgetary changes. So far, our careful planning and provision of a contingency
fund have protected the project from any unforeseen costs. However, we are cautious of hidden
costs that may surface in the future, particularly on aspects such as cloud service scaling or
advanced security features, if there is a need to expand and improve project scope. As we
progress, our financial strategy will be subject to constant monitoring and reassessment regarding
project goals and preparedness for any needed revisions.
Schedule Update
Start Date
Analysis and
Define project
Team Formation
and Kickoff
User Requirements
and Gathering
System Design and
Install and
Test Database
Unit Testing
System testing
and Testing
Testing and
In Progress
Not Started
Not Started
Not Started
Not Started
Not Started
Not Started
Not Started
IT599 Week 3 Updates
page 3
n and Training
Create User
Not Started
Conduct Training
Not Started
Legal, Ethical, Social, and Global Implications

Legal Issue (Data Compliance and Privacy Laws): It is important to adhere to
international data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA). Failing to comply could lead
to legal ramifications and hefty fines for GreenLeaf Technologies.
Ethical Concern (User Data Handling): Ethical handling of sensitive user data is
paramount. Any form of mismanagement or unethical use of data could tarnish the
company’s reputation and breach the trust of stakeholders.
Social Impact (Employee Job Security): Automation and digital transformation might
lead to concerns about job security among employees. Managing this change and
ensuring transparent communication is vital to maintain morale and prevent social unrest
within the organization.
Global Challenge (Cross-border Data Transfer): Transferring data across borders
involves navigating complex legal frameworks and ensuring compliance with various
international laws, potentially hindering seamless global operations.
Dear Stakeholders,
We are happy to inform you that the development of GreenLeaf Technologies’ CloudBased File Storage and Collaboration System is underway. This project aims to improve our
efficiency, data security, and cooperation. The intention of this letter is to provide you with
information and keep you up-to-date on the progress of this project and its importance for us all.
We are progressing as we have gotten through the first two phases of System Analysis
and Planning. We will now proceed to the Infrastructure Setup, a critical point in our timeline. We
expect the project to be functional and realize its intended objectives by May 31, 2024. This
timeline incorporates all the important milestones, a factor that makes our transition process take
place quite smoothly with minimal disruptions in how we have been operating daily.
[Your Name]
[Your Position]
GreenLeaf Technologies
IT599 Week 3 Updates
page 4
Additional Proof of Progress
There is no visual evidence to present currently. However, we have made considerable
progress in the development of GreenLeaf Technologies’ Cloud-Based File Storage and
Collaboration System. System Analysis and Planning have been completed successfully,
preparing a solid ground for the subsequent phases of the project. The next week, we will move
to the Infrastructure Setup phase. This includes the comprehensive User Requirements gathering
and starting of the System Design & Architecture planning. By doing this, we guarantee that the
infrastructure meets our system requirements and offers a secure, scalable environment for our
cloud-based services. Our team is dedicated to keeping this pace, and we have well-defined goals
for every week so that progress remains consistent.

Purchase answer to see full