generative ai


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You are interested in creating an academic blog for a selected topic from the list of topics can
be imagined as follows but not limited to:
-Introduction to Generative AI (ie. Glossary of Gen-AI)
-Transformers Architecture
-Prompt Engineering techniques
-Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG)
-Fine Tuning Concept
-Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback
-Multimodality and AutoGen concept
-Use cases of LLM in different fields
General Rubric Details
Content Mastery (40 points)
• Comprehensiveness & Accuracy: 25 points
• Relevance & Application: 15 points
Blog Write-up Quality (30 points)
• Clarity & Organization: 10 points
• Visual Aid & Interpretation: 10 points
• Concise/use of language: 10 points
Critical Thinking (20 points)
• Originality & Application: 10 points
• Added details beyond course discussion: 10 points
Academic Integrity (10 points)
• Necessary Citations: 5 points
• Explicit acknowledgement for the use of Gen-AI: 5 points
How to do it?
You are free to choose any tool that you are comfortable with. These sources could be useful
for you,

How to write an academic blog post
The 10 Best Academic Blogs
You can also benefit from blogs listed in medium if you want, or from our Teaching
Matters blog belongs to the University of Edinburgh.
About Submission
Whatever tool you want to use, the final output must be in the format of PDF (simply speaking
word or PDF should be fine while writing, try to submit PDF file). So try to choose the most
optimal tool for designing your blog.
Generative Artificial Intelligence guidance
Some notes about the suitable use of Gen-AI while preparing your academic-blog
-All work submitted for the blog should be your own original work. It is not appropriate to
misrepresent AI generated content as your own work.
-Generally, over-reliance on AI tools simply to generate written content, software code or
analysis reduces your opportunity to practice and develop key skills (e.g. writing, critical
thinking, evaluation, analysis or coding skills). These are all important skills that are valued and
required to succeed in and beyond your time at University.
-Content generated from AI is non-recoverable – it can not be retrieved or linked to in the same
way that other digital sources can. If you use any generative AI tool (such as ChatGPT) to help
you (e.g. generate ideas or develop a plan), you should still acknowledge how you have used
the tool, even if you do not include any AI generated content in your work. You should
acknowledge the AI tool used, describe how you used it, and indicate the date you accessed it.
Example (if information about the prompt has been included within the text of your paper):
Text generated by ChatGPT, OpenAI, March 7, 2023,
Example (including information about the prompt):
ChatGPT, response to “Explain how to make pizza dough from common household
ingredients,” OpenAI, March 7, 2023,
In-Text Citation Example: (OpenAI, 2023)

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