discussion question and responses to peer discussion questions


Answer the following discussion question and use a reference.

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Review “Title IX” in the topic materials and respond in detail to the following: What is Title IX, and provide an example of how Title IX will impact you as a student online or on campus.

Your response must be 200-250 words and use a reference

Reply to the following peer discussion questions minimum of 100 words and use a reference for each response.

1. Peer discussion

The GCU doctrinal statement provided in the class resources includes a series of statements that all beging with “we believe” as this document divulges into GCU’s Christian identity and heritage. The beliefs listed in this statement do not explore the influence that they play on the academic experience for the students who attend GCU. In enforcing this statement, GCU’s academic experience would be objectively imporved due to the value the institution places upon denouncing evil and injustice wherever it exists. This implies that the generosity would extend outside of the university campus and into the local community. The mention of the love for all neighbors provides a level of security in the ethics and morals of the school.

Based on the provided reading of GCU’s doctrinal statement as well as my personal experience as a graduate from GCU’s undergraduate program, the academic experience for the students attending classes with GCU is improved. On the other hand, I would love to see an increased level of prioritization at GCU of the concept loving thy neighbor when making decisions surrounding business matters. While I experienced an academic environment that prioritized integrity and creativity during my classes as an undergraduate student, I do think that the narrow focus of graduate school may alter the experience in a positive sense. More specifically, the narrow focus can fosters a better environments for those who strongly desire growth in knowledge rather than providing generalized education to build on in the future. It is mentioned that engagement in social issues is part of GCU’s christian duty, which can be seen in the exploration of the social work program that build on the concept of loving thy neighbor.

Peer discussion 2

The Title IX is a law that applies to all of the education Amendment of 1972 – it is a legal law that prohibits -sex gender bases discrimination. The Title IX also consist of the VAWA – Violence against Women Act. Title IX is also a prohibited conduct for online students – meaning that it doesn’t require any physical contact to have the rights to this law. The online actions that can be done is stalking – sexual harassment. Title IX is a Non- Discrimination Policy. This action can be brought up to the school staff and will be addressed. the behavior is not tolerated and will not be ignored by GCU. The Title IX gave me information and the rights to not tolerate any misconduct that may seem to be of sexual Harassment or a verbal sexual assault because the policy applies to the online education as well. I don’t believe it will impact me in any way because i have never put myself in situations such as this. If it would happen i have the resource and information on how i can move with it. I also have the understanding if someone is going through this i can help them with sharing what i have learned about the Title IX policy