Discussion 2 2


Topic Considered: Navigating Change in Healthcare Environments

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Discussion 2 2
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one of the pdf attached is a article given to me to hep with topic

Acceptable Topics and Questions

This week you considered study topics deemed acceptable for your program. For this discussion, share with your peers your initial thoughts on a topic you’d like to pursue and choose one of the following for your post:

Share topics that seem to speak to the question you’re interested in answering. Are there other topics you might choose instead? How or why would you be persuaded to change your mind?
Discuss questions other researchers have raised about your topic. How do their questions compare to yours?
Discuss questions you have about the list of approved topics. How might you get your questions answered?
As we wrap up this week, share a key takeaway from your program’s list of approved topics that is immediately relevant to your own project.
Response Guidelines

As you respond to your classmates, share your ideas, experiences, and anecdotal feedback regarding their posts. How have your personal experiences resonated with their ideas? What can you add to their ideas, building upon the connections you have made to the material so far? Don’t forget, you can love or like their posts too. When writing your post:

Do not create your post as a reply to a pinned post. Instead, use Yellowdig’s Create option to create a new post.
Label your post with the hashtag for the week (#Week 2) so others can sort posts by the week’s topic.
If you wish, include links to credible professional or scholarly articles, videos, images, or other Web resources to support your post or provide examples.
You may also choose to create a slideshow or use audio or video as your discussion post.

To learn more about using Yellowdig, visit Tools and Resources. You can also explore the Yellowdig ForumsLinks to an external site. page on Campus.

If you have trouble getting connected to the Yellowdig discussion boards, contact Yellowdig Technical SupportLinks to an external site..

Student 1

I am currently a loan officer and grant writer. I work with clients to finance their property. I also help clients find money for their business. Being a financial professional is a rewarding job. My clients ask what’s the best program for me. What can I do with my credit so I can get the best rate? How can I receive money to start my business? Do I qualify for a loan or grant?

The meeting this week was helpful. I did some research and I developed a liking for Financial behavior. The topic selected was Financial management behavior.. The meeting gave me a better chance to understand what’s expected of the students for this semester. The area I liked the most was Research introduced the idea that “reducing sound financial management behaviors may also harm relationship quality. Many families are faced with financial management” (Dew,2013). An example provided by Dew, J.P. (2013), consumer debt has been linked to both marital conflict and the likelihood of divorce (Dew, 2007; 2011). Consequently, this study examined the financial strategies that households have taken to cope with the recession and whether they were associated with relationship quality for cohabiting and married couples.


Dew, J. P., & Xiao, J. J. (2013). Financial declines, financial behaviors, and relationship satisfaction during the recession. Journal of Financial Therapy, 4(1), 1–20.

Student 2

After reviewing the Capella Acceptable Topics and Designs document, I found two topics that align perfectly with my program of study and my research interests. I am in the PhD-Business Management program with a focus on Strategy and Innovation. My specific interest lies in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how the technology will impact the decision-making process business strategists undergo when planning for their organizations or firms.

According to Kaggwa et al. (2024), AI presents itself as a revolutionary tool for transforming business strategies through its integration into decision-making processes. The authors examined specific challenges and benefits AI presents in business. From their review, they discovered that AI is more than a technological innovation; it is a vital strategic element that profoundly transforms business decision-making. AI’s incorporation into business strategies shows great promise in boosting business efficiency and encouraging sustainable practices. Their research concluded that AI is a pivotal element in the ongoing evolution of business, opening new avenues for innovation and effectiveness.

Although Kaggwa et al. presents a promising picture of AI’s impact on business strategy formulation, one of the concerns (among a few) with AI assistance in business leadership decision-making is appropriate reliance on AI. For example, Chen, Liao, Vaughan, & Bansal (2023) explored the impact of human intuition on reliance on AI predictions with explanations. They found that a key element influencing the reliance on AI support is the manner in which decision-makers balance their own instincts—judgments shaped by previous knowledge, experiences, or pattern recognition—with the insights offered by the AI.

Schemmer et al. (2023) also examined the importance of human learning for effective collaboration with AI in decision-making tasks. The authors noted that the full potential of human-AI collaboration is realized when the unique strengths of both humans and AI are combined, leading to a collective performance that surpasses what either could achieve independently. This concept, known as complementary team performance (CTP), hinges on humans making judicious decisions about when to heed AI advice. Earlier studies have also emphasized the importance of understanding the workings of AI to evaluate its suggestions effectively; recent findings suggest that simply having a mental model of the AI is not sufficient for ensuring appropriate reliance on it.

AI systems are becoming vital tools in aiding human decision-making. Ensuring that users follow AI advice appropriately is crucial. However, current research indicates that users often underutilize or over-depend on AI, resulting in less-than-optimal outcomes. My research goal at this point is to conduct a study that focuses on the impact of providing system accuracy information in a particular strategy prediction scenario, contrasting situations where certain information is absent vs. where it is explicitly stated. I would like to examine how well users comprehend system accuracy and its effect on their reliance on AI, using numeracy assessments and unique analogies in a between-subjects experiment.


Chen, V., Liao, Q.V., Vaughan, J.W., & Bansal, G. (2023). Understanding the Role of Human Intuition on Reliance in Human-AI Decision-Making with Explanations. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 7, 1 – 32.

Kaggwa, S., Eleogu, T.F., Okonkwo, F., Farayola, O.A., Uwaoma, P.U., & Akinoso, A. (2024). AI in Decision Making: Transforming Business Strategies. International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation.

Schemmer, M., Bartos, A., Spitzer, P., Hemmer, P., Kuhl, N., Liebschner, J., & Satzger, G. (2023). Towards Effective Human-AI Decision-Making: The Role of Human Learning in Appropriate Reliance on AI Advice. ArXiv, abs/2310.02108.

student 3

The initial topic I considered for my dissertation/program is “Investigating the Potential of Multimodal Technologies to Address Large-Scale Social Challenges.”

A few other related topics I also explored include (but are not limited to) the below, each placing some emphasis on multimodal technologies in relation to a broader social (business) good.

“The Role of Multimodal Technologies in Future Applications”
“How multimodal technologies can be leveraged for social good”

If changing topics were required, a few elements that I would be open to exploring would be broadening the technology vertical from multimodal technologies to emerging technologies and narrowing social good to a subset of humanitarian impacts such as education. After reviewing this week’s learnings, one takeaway that stood out was the emphasis that mixed methods are not allowed. I came into this class having been advised that mixed method approaches may be approved by the SoBTH Program Director and Research Director if a comprehensive plan is submitted for approval / cleared. I initially wanted to conduct a mixed-method approach, so this learning has given me some reason to pause/reassess that initial plan.

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Home – TEMPLATE_BMGT-V8925_220400
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Doctoral Project Development – Topic

Review Policies and Expectations

Getting to the Question

This week you will formulate a question for your doctoral project.
 Discussion: Choose one of three options to discuss topic ideas, resources,
and questions for your project. Overall participation is worth 10% of grade.
Identifying Acceptable Topics

This week you will study acceptable topics for your program.
 Discussion: Choose among four options to discuss acceptable topics and
questions. Overall participation is worth 10% of grade.
Finding Acceptable Methods

This week you will dig deeper into your question and revisit acceptable
methods for your program.
 Assignment: Choose a potential acceptable topic and method to study in
the library and summarize articles in a brief paper. 15% of grade. View
Scoring Guide.
 Discussion: Choose one of four options to discuss acceptable methods
that align with your project. Overall participation is worth 10% of grade.
Building Library Skills

This week you will explore Capella library resources to find supporting literature
for your project.
 Discussion: Choose among three options to discuss library searches and
resources. Overall participation is worth 10% of grade.
Learning the Role of Theory

This week you will study resources to support your understanding of the role of
theory in your doctoral project.
 Assignment: Continue investigating your potential topic and summarize
the theory used in those studies. 15% of grade. View Scoring Guide.
 Discussion: Choose among four options to discuss theory and topic
alignment for your project. Overall participation is worth 10% of grade.
Conducting a Literature Review

This week you will study how to conduct an effective literature review and
create an action plan to help you begin that work.
 Discussion: Choose among three options to discuss conducting effective
literature reviews. Overall participation is worth 10% of grade.
Examining Ethical Challenges

This week you will review resources on planning for ethical challenges and
refining your topic to determine its feasibility.
 Discussion: Choose among three options to discuss planning for ethical
challenges. Overall participation is worth 10% of grade.
The Relationship of Theory and Method

This week you will examine resources on quantitative, qualitative, and mixed
methods studies, considering how theory might align with your topic and a
potential method for exploring it.
 Assignment: Search for additional articles on your potential topic while
focusing on the method you might use to address your topic and questions.
15% of grade. View Scoring Guide.
 Discussion: Choose one of four options to discuss theory and methods for
your project. Overall participation is worth 10% of grade.
Identifying Study Outcomes

This week you will prepare a brief presentation about your project for your
peers and incorporate feedback into your final course assignment.
 Assignment: Confirm your participation in the required synchronous
meetings held in Weeks 2, 5, 8, and 9. 10% of grade. View Scoring Guide.
 Discussion: Choose among three options to discuss anticipated outcomes
for your project. Overall participation is worth 10% of grade.
Presenting a Project Topic

This week you will condense what you’ve explored and learned in this course
into a concept paper that forms the foundation for your doctoral project plan.
 Assignment: Write a concept paper that pulls together the development
of your topic, problem, supporting evidence, and a preliminary project
framework. 30% of grade. View Scoring Guide.
 Discussion: Choose among four options to discuss the course content,
your doctoral journey, and your topic and question development. Overall
participation is worth 10% of grade.
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Course Overview – TEMPLATE_BMGT-V8925_220400
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complete. To access the detailed log, click
Course Overview
In this 10-week virtual residency, you develop and evaluate proposed topic areas
and theories for your doctoral project, analyzing the literature on possible
topics to assess relevance to the discipline and potential methods to use in the
doctoral project. You will gain an understanding of the writing and criticalthinking skills needed to complete your final project. Further development of
the doctoral project is determined through your final assessment.
As you deepen your understanding and add detail to your project, you should expect that you
will make several revisions of your project beyond this course, as it will be viewed through
multiple lenses including those of instructors, peers, the existing literature, and other sources.
You should seek opportunities to improve and refine your work after this course. Doctoral
project planning is an iterative process, with each revision often inspiring further revisions until
all elements are aligned. These iterations are a necessary and customary part of the doctoral
To successfully complete this course, you must complete all assignments and demonstrate all
course competencies at the level of Proficient or above for master’s- and doctoral-level
Synchronous Meetings
This course requires participation in synchronous meetings. Please visit the Using Zoom page
on Campus for more information.
Course Grading
Participation Discussions
Participation activities will account for 10% of your final grade.
Graded Activities
Week 3: Reviewing Acceptable Topics & Methods – 15% of final grade.
Week 5: Identifying a Theory – 15% of final grade.
Week 8: Exploring Topic and Theory Methodologies – 20% of final grade.
Week 9: Synchronous Meeting Participation – 10% of final grade.
Week 10: Signature Assignment: Identifying a Gap – 30% of final grade.
Final Course Grade
A = 90-100%
B = 80-89%
C = 70-79%
F = 69% and below
Course Competencies
To successfully complete this course, you will be expected to:
1. Develop a scholar-practitioner identity within the discipline.
2. Apply critical thinking to scholarly activities within a respective discipline.
3. Apply an understanding of the importance and value of scholarly discourse in writing and
interactions with others.
4. Integrate credible scholarly literature to support ideas and concepts with evidence into the
selection of a topic appropriate for a degree program.
5. Analyze the existing literature to identify knowledge gaps in the literature and in practice.
6. Analyze scientific method and research approaches to support the selection of a
researchable topic area.
7. Analyze methodologies to answer research questions in the literature.
8. Integrate ethics and academic integrity into the development of a researchable topic.
9. Write in accordance with the academic and professional requirements of the discipline
during the research process ensuring appropriate structure, grammar, usage, and style.
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Tools and Resources – TEMPLATE_BMGT-V8925_220400
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Tools and Resources
The online tools used in coursework may be new to you, and can vary across
courses at Capella. The resources below are tailored for the technology and
activities used in this course, and can help you get up to speed.
Audio and Video in this Course

Discussions in this Course: Yellowdig

Doctoral Publication Guidelines

Online ePortfolio: OneDrive


Web Conferencing

Writing Feedback Tool

3/1/22, 11:56 AM
Week 1 – TEMPLATE_BMGT-V8925_220400
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Week 1
Getting to the Question
Your Project Journey Begins With a Question
All doctoral projects begin with a question: one that is new and emerges out
of other studies or practice, or one that has not been answered by previous
investigations. What interests you? What is something you’d like to know
more about? This will be a starting point for discussions and the
development of your project.
This week you will get started on your doctoral project by formulating a good question. To
help you get started, think about an area of practice or other courses you’ve taken.
 Set-Up Yellowdig: Set up your Yellowdig account by accessing the “Set-up
Yellowdig account” button in Week 1.
 What You Need To Know: Study resources aimed at getting to the question.
 Discussion: Choose among four options to discuss topic ideas and questions
for your project.
 Prepare: Familiarize yourself with the Yellowdig discussion tool.
 Set-Up Yellowdig
This courses uses Yellowdig for all discussion assignments. Before posting, you must visit this
link at least once to ensure your Yellowdig discussion activity syncs with the course’s
gradebook. All learners, regardless of previous experience with Yellowdig, must complete this
step to automatically receive a discussion grade.
 Discussion Overview
Share what you want to learn from your doctoral project; discuss how to turn common
questions about your work into a topic; or share similar topic challenges and resources.
 What You Need to Know
Getting to the Question
Read Convert Your Topic Into a Research Question to understand how searchable topics
can start with short, broad topics or a narrower question.
Read How to Craft a Guiding Question for Your Doctoral Project [PDF] to learn the process
of writing successful guiding questions and applying this process to your own topic.
Visit the Capella University Library to consult your discipline’s library guides for suggestions
on arriving at a question.
 Prepare: Introducing Yellowdig
Introducing Yellowdig
This course uses a tool called Yellowdig to facilitate course discussions. Yellowdig provides an
interface that resembles social media platforms and makes it easy to participate in discussions.
A Yellowdig account has been automatically created for you. The first time you access a
Yellowdig discussion, you will be asked to acknowledge and confirm your account. Note: You
will have the best experience using Yellowdig with the Google Chrome browser.
To learn more about using Yellowdig, visit Tools and Resources. You can also explore the
Yellowdig Forums page on Campus.
If you have trouble getting connected to the Yellowdig discussion boards, contact Yellowdig
Technical Support.
Grading in Yellowdig
Yellowdig uses a unique discussion points grading system. In this course, points will be given
as follows:
Initial post of 50 or more words: 30 points.
Comment (response) of 30 or more words on another learner’s post: 30 points.
Additional points may be awarded by your instructor in the form of accolades (badges).
You can earn a maximum of 120 points each week. Once you reach that maximum, you can
still continue your conversations on Yellowdig, but you’ll stop earning points for the week.
Your final discussion participation grade will be based on the total number of points you have
earned throughout the course. If you earn the maximum of 1,000 points possible for the
course, your final discussion participation grade will be 100%.
Checking Your Progress
To help you stay on track, Yellowdig calculates how many points you should try to earn each
week to ensure you finish the course with a top grade. You can find this information by
clicking on the points dashboard area of Yellowdig (on the left-hand menu within the tool).
Your participation grade in your courseroom My Grades area will be updated by Yellowdig
throughout the day. Each week it will account for the points you could accumulate that week
as well as the points you already have, so don’t be surprised if your grade changes. You’ll get
used to the pattern in a few weeks.
Instead, focus on the points displayed in Yellowdig. If you’re hitting your maximum points each
week, you’re good. In fact, you are more than good! Aim for at least 100 points each week to
stay on track.
Using Yellowdig
Yellowdig is designed to take a less formal approach to discussing course content. Think of it
as a playground for ideas. We still expect you to use APA style for citations and references.
However, we want you to focus on writing short, succinct posts about the course content
rather than lengthy essays.
Try to start a conversation on the new topics you learn each week. Also, share additional
resources with one another to help everyone better understand and explore new ideas.
This is an environment designed to give you flexibility and control. Take advantage of that to
learn in the manner best suited to you.
Yellowdig Features
You can like or love each other’s posts.
You can use hashtags.
You can filter what you see (icon on the top of the screen).
You can use the sort function (icon on the top of the screen) to control the order of the
Weekly points (on the left) will tell you how many points you’ve earned that week.
Aim for at least 100 points each week to stay on track.
You can embed outside resources like videos, pictures, and links.
You can create polls or videos from within your post while you are writing it.
 Write Your Discussion Post
This course uses a tool called Yellowdig to facilitate our course discussions.
Yellowdig features include:
3/1/22, 11:56 AM
Week 1 – TEMPLATE_BMGT-V8925_220400
Modern and intuitive collaborative interface
The ability to respond and participate in discussions via email
Better integration of media
Unique discussion points rating system
Your Yellowdig account will be automatically created. However, first time you visit Yellowdig
you will be asked to acknowledge and confirm your account.
For more on how this course uses Yellowdig, visit the Tools and Resources page in this
course, available in the left menu.
Detailed information and how-to documents about Yellowdig are available at the Yellowdig
page on Campus.
 Write Your Discussion Post
Topic Ideas and Questions
This week’s material focused on formulating a good question for your topic. For this
discussion, choose one of the following for your post:
Post a link to an article you read or share something from your profession, job, or other
source of inspiration that generated the idea for your project. What do you want to learn
from your doctoral project and why?
Discuss the most common questions you hear in your work. How might you turn one of
these questions into a topic for your project?
What topic challenges are you facing or which resources were most helpful to you in
thinking about a question? How did those resources help you?
Response Guidelines
As you respond to your classmates, share your ideas, experiences, and anecdotal feedback
regarding their posts. How have your personal experiences resonated with their ideas? What
can you add to their ideas, building upon the connections you have made to the material so
far? Don’t forget, you can love or like their posts too. When writing your post:
Do not create your post as a reply to a pinned post. Instead, use Yellowdig’s Create option
to create a new post.
Label your post with the hashtag for the week (#Week 1) so others can sort posts by the
week’s topic.
If you wish, include links to credible professional or scholarly articles, videos, images, or
other Web resources to support your post or provide examples.
You may also choose to create a slideshow or use audio or video as your discussion post.
To learn more about using Yellowdig, visit Tools and Resources. You can also explore the
Yellowdig Forums page on Campus.
If you have trouble getting connected to the Yellowdig discussion boards, contact Yellowdig
Technical Support.
3/1/22, 11:57 AM
Week 2 – TEMPLATE_BMGT-V8925_220400
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Week 2
Identifying Acceptable Topics
Studying a Grain of Sand Is Much More Feasible Than Studying the
Entire Beach
What topic does your question or curiosity point to? Begin by thinking
broadly, with a general topic, and then narrow to a more specific topic that
you can explore in greater depth. In other words, start with a section of
beach and narrow down to that grain of sand. This will help you create a study
that you will be able carry out.
This week you will study acceptable topics and methods for your program and share your
initial thoughts on a topic you’d like to pursue for your doctoral project.
 Set-Up Yellowdig: Set up your Yellowdig account by accessing the “Set-up
Yellowdig account” button in Week 1.
 What You Need To Know: Study resources on topic selection.
 Discussion: Choose among four options to discuss acceptable topics and
questions this week.
 Prepare: Read the Acceptable Topics and Methods document for your
discipline to prepare for this week’s synchronous meeting and next week’s
 Prepare: Prepare: Participate in a synchronous small-group meeting.
 Set-Up Yellowdig.
This courses uses Yellowdig for all discussion assignments. If you have not already, you must
visit the “Set-Up Yellowdig Account” link in Week 1 at least once to ensure your
Yellowdig discussion activity syncs with the course’s gradebook. All learners, regardless of
previous experience with Yellowdig, must complete this step to automatically receive a
discussion grade. Once you access through the Set-Up link, grade sync will establish within 24
 Discussion Overview
Share topics that address the question you’re interested in answering; compare your questions
to those raised by other researchers; discuss questions you have about the list of approved
topics for your program; or share a key takeaway from this week that is relevant to your
 What You Need to Know
Topic Selection
For more information on program and specialization alignment, avoiding significant
participation risks, and addressing feasibility, view the Topic Selection page on Campus.
View the Virtual Residency Campus page to read the Acceptable Topics and Methods
document for your program.
To prepare for this week’s synchronous group session, be sure you have familiarized
yourself with the acceptable topics for your program.
 Write Your Discussion Post
Acceptable Topics and Questions
This week you considered study topics deemed acceptable for your program. For this
discussion, share with your peers your initial thoughts on a topic you’d like to pursue and
choose one of the following for your post:
Share topics that seem to speak to the question you’re interested in answering. Are there
other topics you might choose instead? How or why would you be persuaded to change
your mind?
Discuss questions other researchers have raised about your topic. How do their questions
compare to yours?
Discuss questions you have about the list of approved topics. How might you get your
questions answered?
As we wrap up this week, share a key takeaway from your program’s list of approved
topics that is immediately relevant to your own project.
Response Guidelines
As you respond to your classmates, share your ideas, experiences, and anecdotal feedback
regarding their posts. How have your personal experiences resonated with their ideas? What
can you add to their ideas, building upon the connections you have made to the material so
far? Don’t forget, you can love or like their posts too. When writing your post:
Do not create your post as a reply to a pinned post. Instead, use Yellowdig’s Create option
to create a new post.
Label your post with the hashtag for the week (#Week 2) so others can sort posts by the
week’s topic.
If you wish, include links to credible professional or scholarly articles, videos, images, or
other Web resources to support your post or provide examples.
You may also choose to create a slideshow or use audio or video as your discussion post.
To learn more about using Yellowdig, visit Tools and Resources. You can also explore the
Yellowdig Forums page on Campus.
If you have trouble getting connected to the Yellowdig discussion boards, contact Yellowdig
Technical Support.
 Prepare: This Week’s Synchronous Meeting and Week 3
In preparation for this week’s synchronous small-group meeting with your peers and the Week
3 assignment, complete the following:
Read the Virtual Session Information for Learners [DOCX] so you are familiar with how
synchronous meetings, one-on-one, and small groups, will work in this course.
Review the Acceptable Topics document for your discipline and program on the Virtual
Residency Campus page.
Visit the Capella University Library and review the library guides for your discipline.
Refer to Academic Writer as needed.
 Synchronous Small-Group Meeting: Getting to the Question
Synchronous Meetings
After reviewing the Acceptable Topics and Methods document on the Virtual Residency
Campus page this week, discuss with your peers your preliminary thoughts on a topic you’d
like to pursue for your doctoral project.
Please refer to the Using Zoom Campus page as needed.
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Week 3 – TEMPLATE_BMGT-V8925_220400
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Week 3
Finding Acceptable Methods
First, Find the Question
A general guideline in conducting the work of a doctoral project is that the
question should drive the method and not the other way around. Some make
the mistake of falling in love with a particular method and trying to force the
question and topic to fit it. Others may decide that they only want to do
quantitative work because it’s “easier” than qualitative. Such approaches
generally result in poor alignment and problems down the line. Remember: a
good question will tell you which method should be used to explore it.
This week you will dig deeper into your question and revisit acceptable methods for your
 What You Need To Know: Study research methods.
 Assignment: You will select a potential acceptable topic and method to find
articles to summarize in a brief paper.
 Discussion: Choose among four options discussing acceptable methods that
align with your project.
 Discussion Overview
Identify which method you think aligns with your work; discuss alternative methods for your
topic; share your questions about the list of approved methods for your program, or share a
key takeaway for approved methods that is immediately relevant to your project.
 Assignment Overview
Select a potential acceptable topic and method to study and summarize the articles in a brief
 What You Need to Know
Acceptable Topics and Methods
Use the Virtual Residency Campus page to access the Acceptable Topics and Methods
document for your program.
Familiarize yourself with the acceptable methods for your program.
Research Methods
Sage Research Methods offers resources to answer your research methods questions.
 Write Your Discussion Post
Acceptable Methods
This week you dug deeper into your question and revisited acceptable methods for your
program. For this discussion, choose one of the following for your post:
Considering the Acceptable Topics and Methods document for your program, share which
method you think aligns with your work and explain why.
Discuss which methods you see others using to explore this topic. How might these
alternative methods fit your work?
Discuss questions you have about the list of approved methods. How might you get your
questions answered?
As we wrap up this week, share the key takeaway from your program’s list of approved
methods that is immediately relevant to your own project.
Response Guidelines
As you respond to your classmates, share your ideas, experiences, and anecdotal feedback
regarding their posts. How have your personal experiences resonated with their ideas? What
can you add to their ideas, building upon the connections you have made to the material so
far? Don’t forget, you can love or like their posts too. When writing your post:
Do not create your post as a reply to a pinned post. Instead, use Yellowdig’s Create option
to create a new post.
Label your post with the hashtag for the week (#Week 3) so others can sort posts by the
week’s topic.
If you wish, include links to credible professional or scholarly articles, videos, images, or
other Web resources to support your post or provide examples.
You may also choose to create a slideshow or use audio or video as your discussion post.
For help using Yellowdig, visit Yellowdig Technical Support or the Yellowdig Forums Campus
support page.
 Assignment Instructions
The final assignment for this course is to develop a concept paper, identifying your topic and
the problem your topic addresses, providing supportive evidence through the literature, and
presenting a framework through which you will study the topic. You will create this final paper
by combining each of the previous course assignments into a single MS Word document. In
other words, the paper will be completed in phases and you will be guided in using the library
in order to complete it. By the time you reach the final assignment for the course, you will
have read, summarized, and analyzed 35–45 references to adequately cover the richness of
your topic and begun on your development as a scholar-practitioner. This process will begin
with this assignment.
Identifying a dissertation or doctoral project topic may sound like a simple task but many
doctoral learners spend most of their time in their dissertation or doctoral project process
trying to identify an appropriate topic. In addition to topic identification, you need the
knowledge and skill set to:
Complete your dissertation or doctoral project.
To support you in this task, your program has developed a document, Acceptable Topics and
Methods, that aligns with the literature and the scholarly work generally conducted in your
discipline. The Capella University Library also contains a wealth of information that can guide
you to your topic.
From the Virtual Residency Campus page, use the Acceptable Topics and Methods document
for your program as well as the Capella library guide for your discipline to identify a potential
acceptable topic and choose five articles to summarize in a short paper in which you address
the following:
Discuss the application of each article to the potential topic.
In your summary, discuss why and how you feel the articles addresses your topic. What
conclusions can you draw from the articles?
Discuss how each article reflects acceptable methods for the discipline.
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Week 3 – TEMPLATE_BMGT-V8925_220400
In your summary, discuss why and how you feel the articles address the methodological
approach. What suggestions for future study were offered?
Explain how the methods used supported the outcomes of the study.
As a scholar-practitioner, apply conventions of voice, academic tone, and discipline-specific
Additional Requirements
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the
overall message.
Length: 3–5 double-spaced pages.
Resources: Five scholarly references including seminal works on the topic. Use primary
sources. Include in Reference section at the end of the assignment.
APA guidelines: When appropriate, use APA-formatted headings. Resources and citations
are formatted according to current APA style and format. Refer to Academic Writer as
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 points.
Read the assignment scoring guide to ensure that you meet all criteria.
To support you in proofreading your assignments and before submitting your work through
SafeAssign, be sure to you use the free Grammarly tool to help detect plagiarism, correct
errors with grammar, usage, and writing mechanics.
To further strengthen your writing, use the SafeAssign results to revise your work prior to
submission for a course grade.
Portfolio Prompt: Consider adding this assignment to your personal ePortfolio. This
assignment demonstrates your ability to study topics for your project. You will want to
organize your course assignments to easily support future work on your dissertation or
doctoral project and to showcase your knowledge with employers after graduation. For more
information on ePortfolio, visit the Campus ePortfolio page.
Your work will be evaluated using this
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the
following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:
Competency 1: Develop a scholar-practitioner identity within the discipline.
Apply conventions of voice, academic tone, and discipline-specific language.
Competency 2: Apply critical thinking to scholarly activities within a respective discipline.
Explain how the methods used supported the outcomes of the study.
Competency 4: Integrate credible scholarly literature to support ideas and concepts with
evidence into the selection of a topic appropriate for a degree program.
Discuss the application of each article to the potential topic.
Competency 6: Analyze scientific method and research approaches to support the selection
of a researchable topic area.
Discuss how each article reflects acceptable methods for the discipline.
Competency 9: Write in accordance with the academic and professional requirements of
the discipline during the research process ensuring appropriate structure, grammar, usage,
and style.
Convey purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence in
grammatically sound sentences.
Apply APA style and formatting to scholarly writing.
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Week 4 – TEMPLATE_BMGT-V8925_220400
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Week 4
Building Library Skills
Literature Reviews Are Your First Step
It is not the beauty of a building you should look at; it’s the construction of the foundation
that will stand the test of time.
–David Allan Coe, American musician
The next step in building your project is to construct a solid foundation by
looking at the literature on your topic. What have others said about your
topic or interests? What have they recommended that others pursue as next
steps? Spending time in the library looking at the literature and studies
around your topic can help you address these questions and move you one
step closer to building your own project.
This week you will explore what the Capella library has to offer. Watch one of the library
webinars to help you find the literature you need for your project.
 What You Need To Know: Study resources for building your library skills.
 Discussion: Choose among three options to discuss library searches and
 Discussion Overview
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