Psychology Question


Link to article: Resilience and Posttraumatic Growth: Empirical Evidence and Clinical Applications from a Christian Perspective – ProQuest Please also read attached pdf on instructions and rubric.

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COUC 506
For this Journal Article Review Assignment, you will read one of the articles from the
professional, peer-reviewed journal articles provided in the Learn section of Module 1, Week 1.
You will then write an article review based on your chosen article.
Your Journal Article Review Assignment must be approximately 4–5 double-spaced pages
(not including the title and reference pages) and must be created in a Microsoft Word document.
Use the following guidelines to create your Journal Article Review Assignment:
1. Provide a title page in current APA format. Divide your summary into sections with
the following Level One headings: Summary, Interaction, and Application (review the
current APA Manual for guidance on levels of headings if needed). An abstract is not
needed for this assignment. For more information on how the title page should look
according to Liberty University Standards, please reference this website:
2. Develop a summary of the main concepts from the article. Do not duplicate the
article’s abstract. If the article describes a research study, include brief statements about
the hypotheses, methods, results, discussion, and implications. If any test measures or
statistical methods used are given in the article, do not provide detailed descriptions of
these. Short direct quotations from the article are acceptable, but avoid long quotations in
a paper this size. This section is the foundation of your Journal Article Review
Assignment (at least a third of your paper). Make sure that you include the core points
from the article, even if it means a longer section.
3. In your own words, interact (in approximately 2 pages) with the article. Appropriate
comments for this part of the Journal Article Review Assignment should include, but
are not limited to: your initial response to the article, comments regarding the study’s
design or methodology (if any), insights you gained from reading the article, your reasons
for being interested in this particular article, any other readings that you may plan to do
based upon having read the article, and other thoughts you have that might further
enhance the discussion of your article. Your subjective comments in this section must be
clearly tied to main points from the article, not peripheral ideas. You are highly
encouraged to consider any other information from previous articles or textbooks you
may have read in previous courses, or in other places you have encountered information
relating to the themes in the article you are reviewing. For example, does the ACA Code
of Ethics have anything to say about the themes being discussed in your journal article?
Are there passages of Scripture that directly relate to the article? Are there ideas and
concepts from previous courses you have taken in your program here at Liberty or
elsewhere that relate to the article you have chosen? You are encouraged to include them,
and make sure you include proper citations and references at the end of your Journal
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COUC 506
Article Review Assignment. The best papers from this assignment will be from students
who share other ideas from at least two other academic sources (with proper citations) in
this section, along with Scriptural insight.
4. In your final section (in approximately 1 page) write how you would apply the
information you have learned from this article to a particular counseling situation. This
could be in a church or clinical session. Develop this section as if you are a clinician, or
even a pastor, and your parishioner or client has come to you with a problem—grief,
depression, substance abuse, infidelity, etc.—and is needing your help. Adequately
describe the counseling scenario, including the presenting problem. Draw out concepts
from the article and apply the concepts from this article to the scenario. Show the reader
how you are expressly drawing from the journal article in this application section; be sure
to cite correctly in current APA format.
5. Provide the proper APA formatted citations in this assignment, as well as proper
references on the last page. Make sure that all in-text citations match the references of
your final reference page.
Remember that all papers in this program follow current APA format and are written per APA
Professional (not APA student paper) standards.
Be sure to review Journal Article Review Grading Rubric before beginning this Assignment.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
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Journal Article Review Grading Rubric | CEFS506_B03_202420
24 to >21 pts
21 to >19 pts
19 to >0 pts
0 pts
The Summary not only shows
the professor that the student
understands the contents of the
article, but the student has done
an exceptionally good job in
communicating all the major
concepts of the article in a clear
way. The student demonstrates
to the professor exceptional
insight at a truly graduate level.
The Summary shows
the professor that the
student understands the
contents of the article.
The article is concisely
worded and includes all
major topics of the
article (if the article is a
research study, briefly
describes hypotheses,
methods, results,
discussion, and
implications). This
section is a minimum of
one page in length, but
often will be more.
The Summary does not
clearly show the
professor that the
student understands the
article completely,
and/or it does not cover
all major ideas of the
article. The summary is
unclear and illogical.
The flow of thought
lacks a logical
connection with the
article. The section is
less than a page of
23 to >21 pts
21 to >19 pts
19 to >0 pts
0 pts
The interaction section not only
includes a clearly stated Initial
response to the article,
comments about design/
methodology (if appropriate),
insights gained from the article,
reasons for their interest in
topic, and future research
interest based on topic, but the
student has offered exceptional
insight at a truly graduate level.
The student has done
exceptional work in relating the
ideas from this article to other
ideas from 3 or more scholarly
articles, books, ethical codes,
and/or websites. Additionally,
the student has done an
exceptional job in connecting
the journal article to scriptural
ideas with reference to specific
passages or theological
concepts. The length of this
section is at least two pages,
but it can be more if it follows
the content of the article.
Interaction section
includes a clearly stated
Initial response to the
article, comments about
design/ methodology (if
appropriate), insights
gained from the article,
reasons for their interest
in topic, and future
research interest based
on topic. It also includes
information from a
minimum of two other
academic sources
outside the article
(previous textbooks,
journal articles, ACA
ethical codes, etc.) that
relate to the article. It
also includes a
Scriptural component in
this discussion. The
length of this section is
approximately two
pages, but it can be
more if it follows the
content of the article.
The Interaction section
reflects surface analysis
of the article, and it fails
to include comments
about design/
methodology (if
appropriate), insights
gained from the article.
It includes less than two
academic sources
and/or one Scriptural
idea in this section. The
length of this section is
approximately one
page. The Interaction
section may include
primarily personal
opinion and does not
include any other
outside resources in
relating to the content of
the article. It is less
than a page in length,
and this section does
not relate to the content
and main ideas of the
previous section.
This area
is not
included in
the paper.
24 pts
23 pts
Journal Article Review Grading Rubric | CEFS506_B03_202420
23 to >20 pts
20 to >18 pts
18 to >0 pts
0 pts
In the Application section, the
student has offered exceptional
insight at a truly graduate level
in applying the concepts of this
article to a real-life scenario.
The student offers a superb
understanding of this real-life
scenario and how the ideas
from the article are incorporated
in counseling. The application is
a minimum of one page of text.
The Application is a
minimum of 1 page of
text. The student applies
the ideas of this article
to a real-life scenario
and describes how the
core ideas of this article
are implemented in the
counseling process with
this client.
The Application is less
than a page of text. The
student shares
generally about the
article but does not
describe how they will
use the ideas of this
article in a real-life
counseling scenario.
The student writes in
generalities rather than
with a specific type of
client. The counseling
scenario does not relate
to the article.
21 to >19 pts
19 to >0 pts
0 pts
The paper is exceptionally well
written at a graduate level of
writing. No grammar, spelling,
or punctuation errors are
present. Voice and person are
used correctly and consistently
(NO second person pronouns).
Writing is precise. Word choice
is excellent.
A few minor grammar,
spelling, or punctuation
errors are present.
Voice and person are
not always used
correctly (NO second
person pronouns).
Writing style is
sufficient. Word choice
is generally fine.
Several or many
grammar, spelling, or
punctuation errors are
present throughout the
paper. Voice and
person are used
inconsistently. Second
person pronouns are
used throughout the
paper (you, your,
you’re). Writing style is
understandable but
could be improved.
Word choice is
generally poor.
Professor may consider
a referral to the LU
Online Writing Center.
Structure 23 to >21 pts
23 pts
There is
23 pts
Journal Article Review Grading Rubric | CEFS506_B03_202420
Structure 7 to >4 pts
4 to >3 pts
3 to >0 pts
0 pts
Citations and format are in
current APA style. Cover page,
Citations, Running head, and
References are all correctly
formatted. Paper is
double-spaced with 1-inch
margins and written in 12-point
Times New Roman font. An
Abstract is not needed.
Citations and format are
in current APA style with
a few errors. Cover
page, Citations,
Running head, and
References are present
with a few errors. Paper
is double-spaced with
1-inch margins and
written in 12-point Times
New Roman font.
Several or many APA
formatting errors are
present, including
Cover page, Citations,
Running head, and
References. Paper is
double-spaced, but
margins or fonts are
incorrect. Numerous
citation omissions occur
throughout the paper by
not giving credit for the
ideas written by the
7 pts
The paper
is clearly
not written
in APA
at all, and
a LU
will be
made by
for the
Total Points: 100

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