Complete report


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Complete report
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The design report should represent your individual design process as accurately as possible, from beginning
to end. Show which steps you took to get to your final concept design, and present that final concept design.
Explain why it is a good design and the reasoning behind your choices. You are free to determine the lay-out
and format of your report. Pay attention to the following aspects:
• Use lots of images. An explanation of an idea or concept in images is stronger than an explanation
in words.
• Provide enough explanation without writing too much. Explain why you made the design decisions
you made.
• Use high quality images. Make neat sketches and drawings, and be sure to use high resolution
scans, not photos!

Complete the report,write it like the example report.

Unformatted Attachment Preview

Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3
Analysis: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
The Brand: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
The Target Group …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
Place of use …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
Product requirements ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9
Requirements for the brand: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
Requirements for the user and user context: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9
Existing Products ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10
Vision……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11
Idea generation …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….12
Shape ideas: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12
Technical approach: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 13
Brush-wheel Comb Idea: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14
Turning Spiral Idea:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14
Ideas using the brush-wheel comb: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 15
Brush experiment: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 16
Alternative Cleaning Systems: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 17
Air pressure Ideas: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 18
Concept generation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….19
Concept One:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 19
Concept Two: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 21
Concept Three: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 23
Comparison and decision for the final concept …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 25
Concept One: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 25
Concept Two: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 25
Concept three:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 25
Decision: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 25
Air-pressure Experiment: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 27
Form study: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 29
Material choice:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 30
The Colour: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 31
Final presentation …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………32
In the user context and place pf use: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 34
Evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………35
The Model:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..36
Reference for images: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 37
The sponge and hand brush seem to be the
currently used items for cleaning tents and cars,
when there is no electricity available. Now in the
Project Ideation I have the opportunity to think
of solutions for cleaning more effectively on a
camping site. In this report I will be analyzing the
brand and the requirements for a Camping
Sweeper – a sweeper for outdoors. I then, will go
through an ideation phase and end with three
concepts. From these three I will then chose one
to finalize.
I chose the brand Land Rover with the camping
site because I like the functional design from
Land Rover and I think it is very interesting to
design a sweeper for this kind of surrounding.
The Brand:
Since Land Rover only produces
vehicles and vehicle related products,
a carpet sweeper would open up a
whole new field. But there are some
basic design features that are typical
for Land Rover that can be summed up
as follows:

A balance between robust and
Based on functionality
Traditional (square shapes,
straight lines)
Sturdy, high quality, long
The design varies between the
different types of vehicles. When looking at the Land Rover vehicles, made for off-road use, it is possible to say that manly simple and basic shapes like
rectangles, circles and straight, parallel linens are used. With the Range Rover SUV- series that are manly made for traveling on roads, Land Rover uses more
dynamic and complex shapes almost giving the SUV a futuristic look. Especially the items made/distributed by Land Rover like the keys and tools (to which
the carpet sweeper would also be
included) differ a lot in the design
looks. Though all products,
including the vehicles, have a few
things in common: They are
robustly build (ridged, high
durability), based on functionality
(multi-functional, practical) and
Compact. These more functional
aspects are always combined with
certain stylishness.
The Design is always fitted to
the function of the
product/vehicle so that you
can easily see what the
intended use of it is by
looking at the overall design,
e.g. the “Discovery Sport”
has got a very aggressive and
“speedy” look, whilst the
“Land Rover Discovery lr4”
and especially the
“Defender” have more basic
shapes showing that they are
made for “serious” use.
Through the simple shapes
and the high quality, the
design always gives a very
clean impression even after
heavy use in the wild. This is
also why a cleaning sweeper
for Land Rover kind of makes
Defender is the epitome of toughness, of ruggedness, of strength and most
importantly of capability.
The Target Group
The target group are first of all people who go camping a lot. This can range from luxurious Home-like camping (“glamping”) e.g. with a caravan, to wild
camping in the middle of nature just with a simple tent.
The target group will be Land Rover owners, which means that they have a high interest in functionality and reliability.
The target group is made up of the older people (possibly already retired) who still go camping and the young grown-ups who can already afford a Land
Rover and of course all in between.
Place of use
The “Carpet Sweeper”
will be used in caravans,
tents and possibly also
in the car. This will
manly take place on
campsites but also in
the wild. This means
that the Sweeper will
have to deal with all
kinds of dirt like: sand,
mud, animal and
human hairs, food
crumbs and liquids.
There will be smooth,
soft and rough terrain
that the Sweeper has to
cope with.
Product requirements
Requirements for the brand:
The Sweeper should be so robust and sturdy, that it withstands the weight of heavy luggage up to 50kg. It should be a long lasting quality product meaning
it should work as long as a Land Rover lasts (a minimum of 5 years).
Requirements for the user and user context:
The Camping Sweeper has to be able to clean dry and wet dirt (e.g. sand, mud and crumbs) from smooth, rough and un-even surfaces (e.g. tent floor, car
seat, car trunk). To fulfill these requirements the collecting mechanism has to be very effective and multifunctional in terms of coping with all sorts of dirts
and surfaces.
The Sweeper should be functional and user friendly. This requires that it should be easy to hold and if possible work in both directions for more simple and
more effective use. The cleaning device has to be handy in areas with little space for moving in (e.g. a tent or car) and it should be easy to transport/store.
This means it has to be small enough to fit in the dashboard cabin of a Land Rover and also in a rucksack meaning that the sweeper should not be bigger
than 200x200x150mm. It should also have a good/safe dirt storage place and be closable to make sure no dirt can fall out of the brushes when put into the
Another important requirement for user friendliness is that the Camping Sweeper is easy to open for emptying and cleaning. Easy to open means in this case
that it should be openable with at the most two actions.
Existing Products
There are already a lot of
existing carpet sweepers
and similar products with
many different designs.
Mostly they are made for
one specific kind of dirt, like
food crumbs or hairs and
for a specific surrounding
e.g. for flat indoor floors,
carpets, clothes or outdoor
surfaces. Of course there
are also very simple
solutions for cleaning like a
sponge or a hand brush.
These together with the
two items using air
pressure, are the only
cleaning devices in the
collage without cylindrical
turning cleaning parts like
brush-wheels or sticky rolls.
I have decided that it should be a small sized Sweeper that is
usable in one hand, so that you can use it like a scrubbing brush.
Therefor it needs a more compact box-like shape rather than the
more often seen flat shapes. A long handle would only be
unpractical for using inside small spaces and it would make
transporting and storing much more difficult.
The Camping Sweeper should be more effective than the
conventional ones in picking up different kinds of dirt from all
sorts of surfaces by being more multifunctional.
Idea generation
Shape ideas:
I started with lots of sketches of different shape ideas.
Recording to the requirements mentioned in the analysis I
manly looked for designs that work without a long handle
and fit in a car or tent.
I tried to use more basic shapes and features like
chamfers, used a lot by Land Rover.
Technical approach:
At the beginning of the ideation phase I decided soon, that I have to start with thinking of the functional parts in the interior before really designing the
outer shape. I figured out, that especially with Land Rover and camping this way of approach is important since the focus manly lies on functionality. Also
the compact shape necessary for being practical while camping, gives little freedom for shaping because it totally depends on the cleaning system inside.
The following sketches will therefore be focusing on the functionality of the Sweeper:
I soon decided
that even though
gears are louder
then belts, they
still would be best
for powering the
cleaning system
because they can
transfer more
power more
These are different ideas for how to use brush-wheels.
The thought behind the foldable box is manly that it can
close when stored, but this particular design I decided
would be too bulky.
Turning Spiral Idea:
While thinking of a solution how to get the dirt of the
brushes I had the idea of a spiral-shaped circular
brush, turning around a vertical axis, so that the dirt
collects in the middle. The only way to lift this dirt
from the ground that I could think of was by using a
system creating suction (below). This turned out not
to be a promising solution though, since it would be
difficult to create suction powerful enough to lift the
dirt from an uneven ground.
Brush-wheel Comb Idea:
It is possible to just fling the dirt into a certain
direction with a fast spinning brush-wheel but a
more effective way to transfer the dirt from a
horizontally-turning brush to a collecting
compartment would be a comb that constantly takes
out the picked up dirt. (Above)
Ideas using the brush-wheel comb:
To efficiently pick up the dirt I discovered that the brush-wheel
would have to either spin very fast to fling up the crumbs etc. on to
a platform, or maybe more effectively work together with more
brush-wheels turning in the opposite direction.
Since the Camping Sweeper should cope with all sorts of dirt and
surfaces, I thought of using multiple brush-wheels with different
properties e.g. microfiber cloth surface, rubber strips and different
kinds of brush hairs.
Brush experiment:
To get the feeling for the effectiveness of something
turning I did an experiment with a microfiber cloth wheel
and a brush-wheel made of paper fixed to a drill. I tried to
move some soil onto a sheet of paper.
I came to the conclusion, that for dry dirt on smooth
surfaces the material of the brush does not play such a big
roll, but it is important that the brush wheel turns in the
opposite direction of the wheels/the Sweeper because this
makes the turning motion much more effective.
I realized that the Microfiber would not work well for mud
though, so it would have to be used in combination with
another type of cleaning system.
This was one of the kinds of
microfiber materials I found that
could be used on a turning cylinder
to pick up dust and hairs.
There are also existing products
combining different kinds of brushes.
Alternative Cleaning Systems:
I also thought about totally different mechanisms for powering and collecting. First I had the idea of storing kinetic energy in the device beforehand. In one
system I am using air-pressure that can be pumped into a tank with a hand pump before use. In the other idea I thought of using a mechanism similar to
that used to start a lawnmower except, that the energy is stored in a spring and used later.
Another way of powering the sweeper could also be through a hand-crank system like the ones used for hand-charged torches. After finding out more about
the mechanics I realized that the small movement possible with your hand requires a strong transmission ratio to have enough movement in the brushes.
This though would mean that you have no power,
hence the brush constantly getting stuck on uneven
ground. For a sweeper designed for indoor flat surfaces,
this mechanism might be a good solution.
Above is a screenshot of a YouTube video about
the mechanics of a Dynamo Hand-Crank Flashlight
Air pressure Ideas:
Using an air-pressure tank is the only really effective way to
produce an air-flow strong enough to properly clean the ground.
Here I looked for ways to use air pressure. I soon figured out, that
the tank does not have to be cylindrical like proper high-pressure
tanks since it will not be possible – and necessary – to put such a
high pressure into the tank with a bicycle pump. An air system
would be best in combination with another cleaning system
because on its own it would only be effective for certain kinds of
The left sketches are about a more complex idea that I then
eventually came up with, using a cylindrical rubber brush like the
rubber brush in the photo underneath, except with the dirt
chamber on the inside. I then combined this with air pressure and
normal brushes to help the dirt collect inside the turning cylinder.
The brush below is supposed to work for dry and wet dirt.
Concept generation
The first few sketches of each concept are from
the developing phase. The ones on each second
page are the completed concepts.
Concept One:
My first concept is based on an earlier sketch,
using multiple brush-wheels turning in opposite
directions. For this system at least two brushwheels are necessary because the effectiveness
lies in the two brushes moving the dirt inwards
(1.). Together they then lift the dirt up and
inside the sweeper, this is made possible by
setting both brush-wheels so close to each
other, that there brush-hairs overlap (1.). To
keep the dirt inside and get it of the brushes I
use the brush-wheel comb idea mentioned
before (on page 14). I figured out, that the
Sweeper would be most effective if it had a row
of four brush-wheels. The two inner ones are
smaller and manly there to reduce the gap that
stays underneath the intersection point of the
two bigger brushes (2.). This makes sure that a
bigger dirt-size range can be picked up. All
brushes are connected by spur gears, meaning
that to power them, only one axel
has to be connected to the wheels
(3.). To make the Camping
Sweeper work in both directions, I
came up with a system using a
ratchet on one wheel and a
combination of a second ratchet
acting in the opposite direction
and a set of bevel gears changing
the rotation direction of the axel
(3.). Like this only one wheel
powers the brushes and the
powering wheel changes
depending on the moving
direction. Without all of this, the
brush-wheels would turn outwards
in one of both directions. Because
this already requires a lot of
mechanical parts, I decided that
the second pair of the four wheels
should not be attached to the
system. For emptying you simply
take of the top and turn it over.
The whole sweeper is rather small:
It is ca. 200mm long, the outer
casing is ca. 100x60mm and the
inner part 90x40mm so that it can
be easily held.
Concept Two:
With this concept the main focus lies on
multi-functionality, though I tried to keep
it a bit simpler.
Like the first concept, this one is made
for using with one hand. It has got two
different kinds of brushes and when on is
touching the ground, the other is lifted
up (4.). Depending on which kind of
surface and sort of dirt you are dealing
with, you choose between either a
normal brush-wheel for most kinds of
dirt (e.g. Mud and crumbs) or a
microfiber brush-wheel for hairs and
dusty surfaces like the car seat of a Land
The outer casing has the shape of half a
cylinder, so that the inner sweeping part
can rotate around one axis for changing
the brush type. The second function of
the casing is that the inner-lying sweeper
can be fully turned outwards and then
pushed inside the other way around, so
that it can easily be packed away without
the brushes touching anything (5.). The
normal brush-wheel side also uses the
comb system mentioned before.
The mechanics are very
simple: There is one pair of
wheels that lies in the
middle of both brushes and
powers each of them
through a set of gears.
There are two gears
between each brush and
the powering axel, so that
they turn in opposite
directions (6.). If I would
have connected them
directly, the gears would
have to be as big as the
wheels, hence touching the
To empty the dirt chamber
you pull it out from the side
and for cleaning the
microfiber brush-wheel you
simply hold a normal brush
against it while turning the
The Multiple Brush-Wheel-Brush-Wheel :
Concept Three:
This concept is a further
development of the air
pressure ideas already
mentioned (on page 18).
It is basically a
combination of an air
pressure system and what I call “The Multiple
Brush-Wheel-BrushWheel” – a hollow
cylindrical brush with
rubber strips instead of
hairs. In front of each
rubber strip there is a
normal brush-wheel
turning in the opposite direction and together with the air it helps the dirt
move up into the center (7.). By combining these different systems all
types of dirt can be picked up: From dust and hairs to sand and mud. I
thought about using a spiral-like structure inside the dirt chamber to move
the dirt slowly into the middle to prevent small dirt from falling through
the brushes (8). Then I realized though, that if the brush-wheels were
powered they would prevent the dirt from falling out anyway. I also kame
up with an alternative Idea that would make it possible to collect the dirt
inside an external dirt chamber behind the brush-wheel, but still use airpressure (9). I decided though, that the first design was better since it
would also work without air-pressure and be more effective.
The Multiple Brush-Wheel-Bruch-Wheel is motorized by
one axel connected to two wheels that turn in the opposite
direction of the Brush-wheel.
The shape of the air tank is variable since it is not a high-pressure
tank. The button for releasing the air can be pressed, when extra
cleaning power is required.
How to motorise the
small brush-wheels and
the entire cylinder:
The Multiple Brush-Wheel-Bruch-Wheel
without side walls.
The Sweepers dimensions are ca.
The shape of this Camping Sweeper is
flexible since the mechanics are so
compactly build and because of the
variable shapes the pressure tank can
Comparison and decision for the final concept
Concept One:
This design works in both directions and should be effective in picking up most kinds of dirt and probably better than the current ones on the market,
especially for a camping situation. This Camping Sweeper could have difficulties with very wet and also really fine dirt.
Concept Two:
This Sweeper is nice because it has got two sides with different cleaning options that you can choose from. It is simpler than the other two in terms of
mechanics and how it cleans, but therefor it is also less effective. The brush-wheel can only be used in one direction and there is always only one brushwheel touching the surface. The closing mechanism of the casing is most effective but it also makes the whole thing rather big compared to the others.
Concept three:
This is the most complicated design because it combines so many systems. Therefore it should also be the most effective design since it can pick up all kinds
of dirt. What makes it even more special is that you can store energy in the pressure tank beforehand and use it to clean in especially difficult-to-clean
They all meet the requirements mentioned in the analysis like being compact which also makes them rather sturdy and based on (multi-)functionality.
Since the functionality is really the core of Land Rover design and the complexity of the mechanics is typical for their products, I choose the Concept Three.
It is the most effective of the three considering all circumstances and the Multiple Brush-Wheel-Bruch-Wheel gives it an innovative touch – which is also a
big part of Land Rover design.
Concept development
Soon I figured out, that to make the Multiple Brush-WheelBruch-Wheel properly work in both directions the rubber
strips of the big brush-wheel and the small internal combs
combing the small brush-wheels would have to change
side every time. This is what I came up with (see right
I also thought about how to optimize the small brushwheels. The idea is that by using rubber “hairs” instead of
the normal brush hairs, liquids and fine dirt can be lifted
even easier (left sketch).
Air-pressure Experiment:
Air-pressure is not that effective with this size of storage tank and if only pumped up with a hand pump.
This is why I did a lot of research about storing compressed air. On YouTube I found videos about how
to make a Compressed Air Can and about a guy experimenting with a Coca-Cola bottle as a tank for an
“airbrush compressor”. These gave me a small idea about how much pressure I could store in the
Sweeper but I decided to do a small experiment to get a better feeling on how much air this would be
when released and how much it would actually help with cleaning. Hereford I used an old bicycle inner
tube since I estimated it having similar volume as the tank of the sweeper would have. I pumped it up as
much as I could with a normal bicycle pump and reached a maximum pressure of ca. 5 bars. By releasing
the air through the valve and moving it along the floor I then got an estimate on how effective this
amount of air would be. I came to the conclusion that like I expected the air would not last that long if
the valve was open constantly, but it made a big difference just using the air for short times. By just
using the air accusingly the pressure
stayed for an astonishingly long time. So I
decided that the Air system would still be
quite effective when just used as an extra
boost for especially
dirty places.
Here you see a section view of the Multiple Brush-WheelBruch-Wheel and the mechanics inside the wheel (left).
The blue-colored parts are gears. To the left you see the
section view of the wheel looking from the side.
The wheels do not need a differential gear system because
the wheels are so close together and like this both wheels
power the Multiple Brush-Wheel-Bruch-Wheel and have
the same resistance when turned.
Form study:
I looked for a better shape that fitted more to the style from Land Rover. I chose to make the
Sweeper more rectangular and integrate some chamfers, often used by Land Rover (see collages).
After choosing the more rectangular shape I
made a quick model just to try out how well it
fits into the hand and how strong the edges
should be rounded off (photo above). It turned
out that the rectangular shape is also better
for having a good grip for moving the Sweeper
around then a more cylindrical shape!
Material choice:
I did a re-analysis
specifically about the
materials Land Rover
First I wanted to make
the Camping Sweeper
out of metal but then
I realized that this
would not be the ideal
material for an
outdoor product since
the metal would be
very cold on the
fingers in colder
weather. To make it
fit to the interior of
the car I thought it
would be best to
make it either from
black plastic, wood or
leather. Wood would
be difficult to
manufacture into such
thin walls and it would
not be stable enough.
I kame to the conclusion that the pressure tank has to be made from plastic considering
the weight and the shape, but the outside could be covered with a thin layer of leather.
The side walls (see sketch on page 29) should be a different material to give a contrast.
After looking at the car interiors (e.g. in the collage on page 30) I decided to make them
from polished stainless steel.
The Colour:
For the color I looked at the color-range from
Land Rover and I soon figured out that a
universal color would be best, so that it fits to
every car.
I decided that black leather would go best
together with the metal side walls and it would fit to all existing car colors.
Final presentation
The final camping sweeper concept has got a size of
100x100x200mm. It is used in one hand and works in both
directions. Almost any type of dirt can be picked up from
all kinds of surfaces and is collected inside the turning
cylinder – the “Multiple Brush-Wheel-Bruch-Wheel”.
Air valve for refilling
The internal air-pressure
tank can be used to store
energy in the sweeper
before using, to then be
released as an occasional
“cleaning boost” for
especially dirty spots.
“Cleaning Boost” button
In the user context and place pf use:
Besides the multi-functionality and
reliability of the Camping Sweeper
the simple design fits well into the
collage from the analysis:
The Model:
Reference for images:–21_1600x0w.jpg×1000.jpg

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