assessing for pain with every patient you see in consult


an Advanced Nurse Practitioner, you will need to be assessing for pain
with every patient you see in consult. Discuss a situation that a
patient is experiencing pain, either acute or chronic and how you will
be able to measure their pain as it relates to their age, condition and
treatment. Please include an evidence based approach for the condition,
or the pain scale used.It must be 250 words in APA style, with one reference.

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assessing for pain with every patient you see in consult
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Discussion Board Rubric
& Analysis
to Course
0-30 points
Ideas expressed lack an
understanding of the
discussion topic. Comments
are irrelevant, off-topic, and/or
confusing to follow. Viewpoint,
if given, is not supported with
evidence or examples.
**If noted to be using AI
(artificial intelligence), a
deduction of 50 Points will be
given for 1st warning, with a
100 point deduction (Zero for
discussion) will be given
thereafter as it violates
academic integrity.**
0-13 points
No connections are made to
readings or other course
materials (lectures, media,
resources, etc.), and/or if
made, are not clearly stated
and are largely personal
opinions. No reference used.
35-39 points
Ideas expressed in discussion
posts show a minimal
understanding of the discussion
topic. Comments are general in
nature and/or occasionally may
not be relevant. Rehashes or
summarizes ideas with limited
analysis, original thought,
and/or supported viewpoints.
40-44 points
Ideas expressed in discussion
posts are mostly substantive
and relevant to topic; some
original thought. Demonstrates
logical thinking, reasoning,
and/or analysis for most part.
Viewpoint is supported with
evidence and/or examples.
45-50 points
Ideas expressed in discussion
posts include original
thought, substantial depth,
and are relevant to topic.
Viewpoint shows strong
logical thinking, reasoning,
and analysis with evidence
and examples. Construction
of new meaning and insights
are evident.
14-15 points
Minimal direct connections are
made to readings and/or other
course materials (lectures,
media, resources, etc.).
Connections are largely inferred
and somewhat unclear at
times. Only 1 reference used
with no in-text citations.
16-17 points
Some direct connections are
made to readings and/or other
course materials (lectures,
media, resources, etc.) and are
clearly stated for the most part.
Only 1 Reference used with intext citations.
18-20 points
Strong, direct connections are
made to readings and/or
other course materials
(lectures, media, resources,
etc.) and are clearly stated.
2 References used, listed,
and appropriate in-text
to Learning
0-13 points
Negligible contribution to the
learning community. Rarely
engages with students and
generally ignores others’ posts
and/or has a negative effect
through misrepresenting
content in other posts,
inappropriate comments
made, and/or attempts to
dominate the discussion.
-10 points with No replies to
14-15 points
Somewhat contributes to the
learning community but the
focus is generally on own posts.
Occasionally interacts with
others’ postings but little
attempt to involve other
students in the discussion.
Short statements such as “I
agree with…”.
-5 points with only 1 reply to
peer (2 required).
16-17 points
Contributes to the learning
community. Often attempts to
direct group discussion to
present relevant viewpoints and
meaningful reflection by others.
Interacts respectfully with
18-20 points
Effectively contributes to the
learning community.
Frequently initiates dialogue
and motivates group
discussion by providing
feedback to students’
postings, asking follow-up
questions, and through
thoughtful, reflective
comments. Respectfully
encourages a variety of
viewpoints and invites
contributions from others.
0-6 points
Posts show a below
average/poor writing style that
lacks standard English, and/or is
difficult for readers to follow.
Contains frequent errors in
grammar, punctuation, usage,
and spelling. Not in APA
7 points
Posts show an average and/or
casual writing style using
standard English that is
generally clear but contains
some errors in grammar,
punctuation, usage, and
spelling. APA Format with
major errors more than 3
formatting errors.
8 points
Discussion posts show above
average writing style that is
clear using standard English
with minor errors in grammar,
punctuation, usage, and/or
spelling. APA Format with
minor errors (may include no
in-text citations, formatting
error, or non-paragraph form).
9-10 points
Discussion posts are well
written and clearly articulated
using standard English,
characterized by elements of
a strong writing style with
correct grammar,
punctuation, usage, and
spelling; APA Format with no
TOTAL POINTS (sum of 5 Criteria)
Source: Rubric by Denise Kreiger, Instructional Design/Technology Services, SC&I, Rutgers, 3/2014
Updated: G. Diaz Sept. 2023

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