Branding your templates


For this assignment, you will use Canva to design a new logo for the clinic/medical centre foundin your Assigned Student Scenario. In addition to the clinic name, you will also find the address,phone number and email/web domain for your assigned scenario.Using Microsoft Word and the exemplars found within Conestoga (Clinic Template &Document Exemplars) as guides, you will create new template documents for your assignedclinic/medical centre.

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Practical Assignment #1: Branding Your Templates (5%)
TECH2000: Office Technologies & Procedures
Due: End of Week 2 @ 11:59pm
In this assignment, you will meet the following course outcomes:

Produce accurate and professional business documents using established standards and
formatting guidelines.
Create professional and visually appealing business materials using various software
applications and technologies.
For this assignment, you will use Canva to design a new logo for the clinic/medical centre found
in your Assigned Student Scenario. In addition to the clinic name, you will also find the address,
phone number and email/web domain for your assigned scenario.
Using Microsoft Word and the exemplars found within eConestoga (Clinic Template &
Document Exemplars) as guides, you will create new template documents for your assigned
clinic/medical centre.
Throughout the course, you will use your own uniquely branded templates to complete various
Part One:
Using Canva and what you have previously learned about design principles to design a new
business logo for your assigned clinic/medical centre.
Business Logo
From scratch, create a new logo for your clinic/medical centre, according to the
following guidelines:
• Use the “Create a blank Logo” option to create your clinic logo.
• You may choose to any style of logo, but the logo should match/connect to
the clinic name in some way (graphic, monogram, pictogram, etc.…)
• Your logo must be unique to you (no pre-existing templates or the same as a
• Use at least one shape, image, or graphic in your logo design.
• Use a visually appealing colour scheme.
• Give your logo an appropriate file name, including your full name.
o (e.g. CVMC logo – Jane Smith)
TECH2000: Office Technologies & Procedures
Part Two:
Using the logo created in Part One, Microsoft Word, the skills you have previously learned, and
the exemplar document templates found in eConestoga, create the following new document
templates for your new role as an Executive Assistant.
1) Business Letterhead template with envelope
From scratch, you will create a business letterhead template according to the following
• Open a blank Word document to create your letterhead (do not use a
• Ensure your letterhead includes the following features:
o Your new clinic’s business logo
o Your new clinic’s address and contact information
▪ Information not provided like general email addresses, fax
numbers, or websites can made up to match the provided
o Visually appealing colours, if used, that match your personal branding
o Ensure the font and font size are legible and can be read.
o Appropriate spacing to ensure it is a functional letterhead.
▪ Do not place your letterhead details/logo within the Header or
▪ Do not use more than 2 inches from the top of the page for
letterhead details to ensure your letterhead is functional.
• Add an envelope to your template that includes the return address of your
clinic, and the clinic logo.
• In the Footer, add your full name, student ID number, course code and
section number.
o Ensure the footer does not appear on the envelope.
• Save your letterhead to your OneDrive.
o Ensure your file name is appropriate and includes your full name.
2) Daily Work Plan template
Using the letterhead created in the previous step, you will create a daily work plan
template according to the following guidelines:
• Open your clinic letterhead template to create your daily work plan.
• Save your document to OneDrive with an appropriate file name, including your
full name.
• Daily Work Plans must include the following features:
o Priority Code legend
o Name and Date fields
o Columns for Time, Priority, Task Description, and Notes
• In the Footer, add your full name, student ID number, course code and section
TECH2000: Office Technologies & Procedures

Submit the following to the eConestoga Practical Assignment #1 submission dropbox:
1. Your new letterhead template (Word document)
▪ In the body of the letter, please include the Collaboration Link to your
Canva logo file.
• Select Share, Collaboration Link – Anyone with Link – Can View
2. Your daily work plan template (Word document)

This assignment will be graded out of 15.
Your grade will be based upon utilizing best practices and key design elements for
effective business document presentation and following the provided guidelines and
The rubric is aligned with Conestoga College’s grading policy and may be viewed in
eConestoga for detailed information.
Late Policy:
Late submissions will be subject to the following grade penalties:

For each 24-hour period after the due date, a student will lose 10% of their earned
Assignments submitted more than 72 hours (3 days) after the due date will earn a grade
of zero.
For example, a student earns 7/10 on an assignment but submitted it 43 hours late. The late
penalty is 20%. 7×20% = 1.4 and 7-1.4=5.6 so, the final grade will be 5.6/10
Academic Integrity:

This is an individual assignment.
You may not:
o Work with other students to complete this assignment.
o Directly copy/paste from the provided exemplars, the Internet, or previous
student submissions.
o Use any resources not specified in these instructions including Artificial
Intelligence applications, cheating websites, or those found in course materials
or via the Internet.
It is your responsibility to ensure that you are signing into your own Microsoft 365 and
Canva accounts to complete your work, and that you maintain security of your own
To learn more about Academic Integrity at Conestoga click on this link.
TECH2000: Office Technologies & Procedures

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