Project Management


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For: ATHE Level 6 Diploma in Management
ATHE Level 6 Extended Diploma in Management
Unit 17 Project Management Assignment
Assignment Brief
You should base your assignment on an organisation you work for , you know well personally
or can effectively research. The choice is important as achievement of LOs 1 and 2 requires
you to analyse actual business objectives, identify projects and then produce plans to
achieve these objectives.
You will need access to detailed information about your chosen organisation, including the
business objectives, together with information about the sector in which the organisation
operates. This can be web-researched by using an organisation’s annual reports, websites
and other general industry information.
Task 1
You are required to research the organisation and identify potential projects that fit with the
current business objectives and are feasible for the organisation. You should prepare a
report on potential projects. Your report must:

Analyse the objectives of the business and identify at least two potential projects that
emerge from the current objectives
Select one of the projects to take forward and justify your choice
For the selected project, your report must:

Assess the feasibility of the proposed project
Assess project methodologies, identify a suitable methodology for the chosen project
and justify your choice
Explain the structure you have devised for the management of the project and the
role and responsibilities of the project manager
Extension activity
To achieve a Merit, you must also evaluate the skills and experience needed to fulfil the role
of project manager.
To achieve a Distinction, you must also:

Analyse the contribution that the project will make in achieving the business
Evaluate a range of approaches to manage the project and ensure a positive
contribution of other team members
Unit 17 Project Management Assignment v1.0 13/03/23
Learning outcomes and assessment criteria
LO1 AC 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1D1
LO2 AC 2.1, 2M1, 2D1
Task 2
The organisation has decided to move forward with the project and requires a detailed
project plan. You should produce a project plan which includes details of how the project will
be monitored and controlled. You will also need to consider evaluation of the project.
You must:

Produce a detailed project plan with high level estimates of time, resources and costs
that meet agreed milestones
Assess the potential issues and risks associated with projects and how these can be
Design systems and measures which can be used to monitor and appraise the status
and progress of the project
Design a contingency plan to mitigate against potential delays in the project
Explain the tasks required to close a project
Analyse ways to review the success of a project
Extension activity
To achieve a Merit, you must also evaluate the benefits of project reviews.
Learning outcomes and assessment criteria
LO2 AC 2.2
LO3 AC 3.1, 3.2, 3.3
LO4 AC 4.1, 4.2, 4M1
Note: When citing sources of information that you have used, provide a reference using an
appropriate format, e.g., Harvard.
Unit 17 Project Management Assignment v1.0 13/03/23
Guidelines for assessors
The assignments submitted by learners must achieve the learning outcomes and meet the standards specified by the assessment criteria for
the unit. To achieve a merit or distinction grade, the learners must demonstrate that they have achieved all the criteria set for these grades.
Where work for the pass standard is marginal, assessors can take account of any extension work completed by the learners. The suggested
evidence listed below is how learners can demonstrate that they have met the required standards. The command verbs contained within the
AC are highlighted in bold in the suggested evidence boxes.
LOs and AC
AC 1.1, 1.2,
1.3, 1D1
LO2 AC 2.1,
2M1, 2D1
Suggested evidence
The report should be produced in an appropriate
style. The learner should give a brief description
of the business and industry sector to set the
scene for the assignment.
Suggested additional
evidence MERIT
2M1 Skills and experience
required by the project
manager should be
identified and evaluated
as to their relative
AC1.1 The learner should set out and analyse in importance in the success
detail the objectives of the chosen business.
of the project.
Potential projects should be clearly described
and be directly related to the objectives. At least
two projects should be identified and the high
level benefits and costs fully explained. There
should be a clear recommendation for one of the
projects identified with a suitable justification for
AC1.3 The learner must assess the feasibility of
the project, clearly explaining why the project is
AC1.2 A suitable methodology should be
identified for the chosen project and reference
should be made to alternative methodologies that
have been assessed.
Unit 17 Project Management Assignment v1.0 13/03/23
Suggested additional
1D1 The learner should provide
a clear analysis of how the
project will help to meet
business objectives. The
relevant objectives should be
2D1 There should be an
evaluation of a range of
approaches to project
management and to ensuring
the contribution of team
members. Examples will help
to demonstrate understanding.
AC2.1 A suitable management structure should
be devised and this should be explained along
with a full explanation of the role and
responsibilities of project manager.
AC 2.2
AC 3.1, 3.2,
AC 4.1, 4.2
AC2.2 The learner should produce a project
plan in a suitable format containing all required,
relevant project information. The plan should set
out accountabilities, responsibilities, deliverables,
allocation of resources, timelines, milestones,
financial requirements and reporting
requirements. There should be a breakdown of
the project in terms of work tasks/activities to be
AC3.1 The learner must assess and clearly
explain in detail, the issues and risks which may
occur in projects in general.
AC3.2 The systems and measures to monitor
and appraise progress with projects must be
realistic and designed to help overcome the
AC3.3 The contingency plan should be designed
to focus on the issue of delays in project
progress and completion. This plan should
identify the steps which can be taken to
overcome this issue and their implications.
AC4.1 The learner must explain the steps in
closing a project down and debriefing project
Unit 17 Project Management Assignment v1.0 13/03/23
4M1 The learner should
evaluate the benefits of
reviewing a project in
terms of closure, moving
team members on and in
relation to learning for
future projects.
team members.
AC4.2 The learner must analyse different ways
to review the success of a project such as
checking back to business objectives and
stakeholder expectations.
Unit 17 Project Management Assignment v1.0 13/03/23

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