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Chapter 19
Note: For every art/music piece and architecture, know its style (ex. Rococo, Neoclassical,
1) Define: Enlightenment
2) Briefly describe the atmosphere of 18th-century westerners (what they resented and what
concerned them now).
3) Why were some monarchs (ex. King Frederick the Great and Empress Catherine) called
“enlightened despots” during this era?
What are some distinctions between the “poussinistes” and “rubenists”?
Define: Rococco
What is the overall impression of Rococo art?
Who painted the following?
8) Who painted the following?
9) What was Rococo Architecture concerned with?
10) Who is the architect of this church? Where is it located? The architect deliberately rejected the
soaring straight lines of Gothic architecture and the symmetrical balance of the Renaissance
style in favor of what ? (see photo description in textbook)
11) What is the title (and author) of the first application of rationalist principles to the study of
criminal punishment which led to reforms in the criminal justice systems of many European
12) Who is often identidied as the Father of Capitalism? Where was he from?
13) Define: Laissez-faire
14) What are the characteristics of the “natural” art that emerged during the late years of the 18th
century as a result of the forces of the Enlightenment and the decline of support for the
maintenance of the monarchy and nobility?
15) Who painted the Marie Antoinette and Her Children (1781)? What county was the artist from?
16) Name the painter whose style symbolized the tendency toward naturalism that characterized
late-18th-century painting.
17) Which pictorial devices did Gainsborough employ to create an air of elegance and importance in
his sitters as seen in this painting by the artist?
18) What sets William Hogarth apart from other English painters ?
19) In paintings such as The Tête à Tête from Marriage à la Mode, what did William Hogarth
frequently satirize? (see description under the painting photo in the textbook)
20) What is the name of the other principal artistic movement of the age which increased in
popularity as the appeal of the Rococo declined?
21) Define: Neo-Classicism
22) Who is the painter who best represents the official revolutionary style associated with the 18thcentury French revolution? Know he painted the The Oath of the Horatii
23) Which artist is responsible for the dissemination of the Neoclassical style in England? What is
her country of origin?
24) What are some Neo-Classical style characteristics found in The Artist in the Character of Design
Listening to the Inspiration of Poetry (1782) by Angelica Kauffman?
25) Name the principal Neo-Classical sculptors
26) Who created Pauline Bonaparte Borghese as Venus Victorious (1808)?
27) Where is Le Pantheon located? Who is the architect?
28) Define: Pediment and Portico
29) Who was principal one of the founding fathers of the United States of America , principal author
and signatory to the Declaration of Independence and Constitution, Secretary of State under
George Washington, third president of the United States—and architect.
30) Who is the architect of Monticello? Where is it located (State and Country)? What are some
traditional architectural elements?
Note: Audio examples (not videos) will be played in the exam. The titles will not appear either.
Listen to the music and learn this information.
31) Define: style galant
32) Define: Classical (music)
33) Who is the composer primarily responsible for the change from Classical to Romantic music?
34) What was the problem Eighteenth-century music composers (contrary to artists and writers)
faced when turning to Greek and Roman models? What was their solution?
35) Who were the two supreme masters of the Classical style?
36) What is the name of a new classical form consisting of 4 movements played by an orchestra?
37) Define: Sonata Form
38) What are Classical principles exemplified in the Sonata form?
39) Who was one of the first musicians to attain a high social position solely on the strength of his
40) Who is the Father of the Symphony?
41) Know this information about the composition below?
Composer: Joseph Hadyn
Genre: Symphony
Style/Era: Classical

42) Know this information about the composition below?
Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Genre: Symphony
Style/Era: Classical

43) Know this information about the composition below?
Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Genre: Opera
Style/Era: Classical

44) Define: Ensemble
45) What are the two main effects of the increased enthusiasm for Classical literature that
characterized the 18th-century English literary scene?
46) What are epistles?
47) What is the genre of Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift? What was the author’s purpose ?
48) Name the English female writer who was an advocate for women’s rights in the 18th century,
author of a ground-breaking work of literature: A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
49) Name the literary work with numerous contributors that would describe the state of
contemporary science, technology, and thought and provide a system for classifying knowledge.
50) What did Montesquieu advocate in regard to the government? What results did he hope the
distribution of power in the manner he advocated would achieve?
51) Who believed that the natural goodness of the human race had been corrupted by the growth
of civilization and that the freedom of the individual had been destroyed by the growth of
52) Name one theme that reappears in Voltaire’s writings.
53) What is the title of Voltaire’s best-known work?
54) What are some lifestyle changes witnessed, particularly in France, Britain, and Holland, due to
the growth of trade and industry?
55) The collapse of the French economy in 1788, accompanied by a devastating harvest and
consequent steep rise in food cost, marks the beginning of which revolution?
56) What is the name of the human civil rights document from the French Revolution that asserted
the universal right to “liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression”?
57) What was one of the first tasks of the newly created National Convention during the French
revolution, which marked the abolition of the French monarchy?
58) What is the name of the period of the French Revolution where the revolutionary
leaders cold-bloodedly eliminated all opponents, real or potential, and created
enormous turmoil throughout all levels of French society?
59) When was the Declaration of Independence of the American colonies adopted?
60) Who is considered the principal author of the Declaration of independence?
61) Who was the first president of the United States of America?
62) How does the Constitution of the United States further emphasizes the beliefs in equality and
63) List examples of modifications the Constitution has faced?
64) What is the Bill of Rights?

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