four step method of research


Step 1: You will want to select one journal article from a peer-reviewed public health journal. This can include the American Journal of Public Health or Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. You may also try to find to find a peer-reviewed article through the GMC Library Database. Two options are the Public Health Database and the Health & Medical Collection, but many more databases exist under the Health & Wellness Subject Databases.

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four step method of research
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Step 2: You will need to identify the four-step method of research (research design, hypothesis, study population and overall goal) throughout the selected paper.

Step 3: In your essay, you will discuss the strengths and limitations of the study design, any gap in literature, and/or any evidence that the study was conducted in an ethical manner.

The essay should include an APA title page and an APA reference page. Your body of work needs to be at least 100 words in length. Note that an APA abstract page is NOT required!

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