Module 1 Application & Analysis



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This assignment requires you to apply the concepts learned in this module in a real-world setting. Please review the below PDF file for the assignment details:

Module 1 Costs in the Value ChainLinks to an external site.


Please submit a Word file with your responses. You should use complete sentences, proper grammar, and appropriate expression of ideas for professional correspondence.

View Rubric

Application & Analysis Rubric – 65 pts / 6 questions

Application & Analysis Rubric – 65 pts / 6 questions
Criteria Ratings Pts
Question 1

9 pts


Identifies all key information; includes no incorrect information; provides extensive support

7 pts


Identifies most key information; includes some incorrect information; provides some support

4 pts


Fails to identify most key information; includes extensive incorrect information; provides limited support

0 pts


Fails to provide a response with support; response is incorrect

/ 9 pts

Question 2

9 pts


Identifies all key information; includes no incorrect information; provides extensive support

7 pts


Identifies most key information; includes some incorrect information; provides some support

4 pts


Fails to identify most key information; includes extensive incorrect information; provides limited support

0 pts


Fails to provide a response with support; response is incorrect

/ 9 pts

Question 3

9 pts


Identifies all key information; includes no incorrect information; provides extensive support

7 pts


Identifies most key information; includes some incorrect information; provides some support

4 pts


Fails to identify most key information; includes extensive incorrect information; provides limited support

0 pts


Fails to provide a response with support; response is incorrect

/ 9 pts

Question 4

9 pts


Identifies all key information; includes no incorrect information; provides extensive support

7 pts


Identifies most key information; includes some incorrect information; provides some support

4 pts


Fails to identify most key information; includes extensive incorrect information; provides limited support

0 pts


Fails to provide a response with support; response is incorrect

/ 9 pts

Question 5

9 pts


Identifies all key information; includes no incorrect information; provides extensive support

7 pts


Identifies most key information; includes some incorrect information; provides some support

4 pts


Fails to identify most key information; includes extensive incorrect information; provides limited support

0 pts


Fails to provide a response with support; response is incorrect

/ 9 pts

Question 6

9 pts


Identifies all key information; includes no incorrect information; provides extensive support

7 pts


Identifies most key information; includes some incorrect information; provides support

4 pts


Fails to identify most key information; includes extensive incorrect information; provides limited support

0 pts


Fails to provide a response with support; response is incorrect

/ 9 pts

Written Communication

11 pts


Logically and comprehensively communicated; very professional; free of grammar, punctuation and spelling errors

9 pts


Reasonably well communicated; mostly professional; limited grammar, punctuation and spelling errors

5 pts


Not well communicated; somewhat professional; frequent grammar, punctuation and spelling errors

0 pts


Poorly communicated; lacks professionalism; extensive grammar, punctuation and spelling errors

/ 11 pts

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Module 1 – Application & Analysis Assignment
Choose a company with which you are familiar that manufactures a product. In this activity, you will
be making reasonable assumptions about the activities involved in value chain for this product;
companies do not typically publish information about their value chains.
1) Describe the product that is being produced and the company that produces it.
2) Describe the six value chain activities that this product would pass through from its inception to its
ultimate delivery to the customer.
3) List at least three costs that would be incurred in each of the six business activities in the value
4) Classify each cost you identified in the value chain as being either a product cost or a period cost.
Explain your justification.
5) A cost object can be anything for which managers want to separate measurement of cost. List three
different potential cost objects other than the product itself for the company you have selected.
6) List a direct cost and an indirect cost for each of the three different cost objects in question 5.
Explain why each cost would be direct or indirect.

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