Nursing Question


The purpose of this assignment is to apply opiate prescribing guidelines in individual nursing practice. You are required to interview a pharmacist to complete Part Three of this paper. Write a 1,500-2,000-word paper that addresses the following:

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Part One

Using the “2018 Arizona Opioid Prescribing Guidelines” in the topic Resources, describe how you would incorporate the prescription guidelines into your practice when caring for patients, communities, and populations. In your description provide a patient scenario for the following:

Summary Guidelines for the treatment of acute pain versus chronic pain
Elaborated Guidelines for the treatment of acute pain and chronic pain

Part Two

Review the “How to Implement These Guidelines Into Clinical Flow” section of the “2018 Arizona Opioid Prescribing Guidelines” in the topic Resources. Describe how you would implement the guidelines into your clinical practice, and provide a patient scenario that addresses the following:

Implement these guidelines into clinical flow.
Manage an “inherited patient” on opioid therapy.
Evaluate patients for opioid disorder.
Connect patients with medication-assisted treatment.
Approach an opioid exit strategy.
Manage pain and opioids in special populations.
Connect with local and national resources.
Correct clinical misperceptions about opioids.

Part Three

Interview an outpatient pharmacist. If possible, shadow the pharmacist. Discuss the following in your interview:

What key elements must be included in a prescription for scheduled medications?
Do you treat Scheduled II in the manner as Scheduled III-V? What is the difference between Scheduled II-V drugs?
What are the main issues you see with problematic opioid prescriptions that could have been prevented by the prescriber? What issues do you find yourself calling the provider for?
What are the barriers or issues that would prevent a patient from receiving their opioid prescription?
In your opinion, how would we improve the opioid prescription process between the provider, pharmacy, and patient?
How does a pharmacist incorporate a prescription monitoring program (PMP) in their daily practice?
Describe the components of the PMP including milligram morphine equivalent (MME).

You are required to cite three to five sources related to interprofessional collaboration to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the past 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.

Prepare this paper according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

American Association of Colleges of Nursing Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education

This assignment aligns to AACN Core Competencies 6.1, 8.1

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies and professional standards:

M.S.N. MSN-Acute Care Nurse Practitioner-Adult-Gerontology; MSN-Family Nurse Practitioner; MSN-Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner

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Benchmark – Opioid Prescribing Guidelines – Rubric
Total 100 points
1. Unsatisfactory
2. Insufficient
3. Approaching
4. Acceptable
5. Target
Part One (B)
0 points
12.5 points
20 points
22.5 points
25 points
Description of the
Description of the
incorporation of prescription incorporation of prescription
guidelines into practice when guidelines into practice and a
caring for patients,
patient scenario to address
communities, and
summary and elaborated
populations, and a patient
guidelines from “2018
scenario to address summary Arizona Opioid Prescribing
and elaborated guidelines
Guidelines” is not included.
from “2018 Arizona Opioid
Prescribing Guidelines”
resource. (C8.1)
Description of the
incorporation of prescription
guidelines into practice and a
patient scenario to address
summary and elaborated
guidelines from “2018
Arizona Opioid Prescribing
Guidelines” is present but
lacks detail or one of the
guidelines is missing.
Description of the
incorporation of prescription
guidelines into practice and a
patient scenario to address
summary and elaborated
guidelines from “2018
Arizona Opioid Prescribing
Guidelines” is present.
Description of the
incorporation of prescription
guidelines into practice and a
patient scenario to address
summary and elaborated
guidelines from “2018
Arizona Opioid Prescribing
Guidelines” is detailed.
Description of the
incorporation of prescription
guidelines into practice and a
patient scenario to address
summary and elaborated
guidelines from “2018
Arizona Opioid Prescribing
Guidelines” is thorough.
Part Two
12.5 points
20 points
22.5 points
25 points
Description of patient
A patient scenario that
scenario that implements the addresses all components of
guidelines into clinical flow,
part two is not included.
the evaluation of patients for
opioid disorder, medicationassisted treatment, opioid
exit strategy, consideration
of special populations,
connection with local and
national resources, and
correction of common
misperceptions about
A patient scenario that
addresses all components of
part two is present but lacks
A patient scenario that
addresses all components of
part two is present.
A patient scenario that
addresses all components of
part two is present and
A patient scenario that
addresses all components of
part two is present and
Part Three
12.5 points
20 points
22.5 points
25 points
Incorporates discussion from Description of an interview
an interview with an
with an outpatient
outpatient pharmacist.
pharmacist that includes all
components of part three is
not included.
Description of an interview
with an outpatient
pharmacist that includes all
components of part three is
present but lacks detail.
Description of an interview
with an outpatient
pharmacist that includes all
components of part three is
Description of an interview
with an outpatient
pharmacist that includes all
components of part three is
present and detailed.
Description of an interview
with an outpatient
pharmacist that includes all
components of part three is
present and thorough.
Thesis, Position, or Purpose 0 points
2.5 points
4 points
4.5 points
5 points
Thesis, Position, or Purpose
Communicates reason for
writing and demonstrates
awareness of audience.
The thesis, position, or
purpose is not discernible.
No awareness of the
appropriate audience is
The thesis, position, or
purpose is discernable in
most aspects but is
occasionally weak or unclear.
There is limited awareness of
the appropriate audience.
The thesis, position, or
purpose is adequately
developed. An awareness of
the appropriate audience is
The thesis, position, or
purpose is clearly
communicated throughout
and clearly directed to a
specific audience.
The thesis, position, or
purpose is persuasively
developed throughout and
skillfully directed to a specific
Development, Structure,
and Conclusion
0 points
2.5 points
4 points
4.5 points
5 points
No advancement of the
thesis, position, or purpose is
evident. Connections
between paragraphs are
missing or inappropriate. No
conclusion is offered.
Limited advancement of
thesis, position, or purpose is
discernable. There are
inconsistencies in
organization or the
relationship of ideas.
Conclusion is simplistic and
not fully aligned to the
development of the purpose.
The thesis, position, or
purpose is advanced in most
aspects. Ideas clearly build
on each other. Conclusion
aligns to the development of
the purpose.
The thesis, position, or
purpose is logically advanced
throughout. The progression
of ideas is coherent and
unified. A clear and plausible
conclusion aligns to the
development of the purpose.
The thesis, position, or
purpose is coherently and
cohesively advanced
throughout. The progression
of ideas is coherent and
unified. A convincing and
unambiguous conclusion
aligns to the development of
the purpose.
0 points
2.5 points
4 points
4.5 points
5 points
Evidence Selects and
integrates evidence to
support and advance
position/purpose; considers
other perspectives.
Evidence to support the
thesis, position, or purpose is
absent. The writing relies
entirely on the perspective of
the writer.
Evidence is used but is
Relevant evidence that
insufficient or of limited
includes other perspectives
relevance. Simplistic
is used.
explanation or integration of
other perspectives is present.
Specific and appropriate
evidence is included. Other
perspectives are integrated.
Comprehensive and
compelling evidence is
included. Multiple other
perspectives are integrated
Mechanics of Writing
0 points
2.5 points
4.5 points
5 points
Mechanics of Writing
Includes spelling,
Errors in grammar or syntax
are pervasive and impede
errors Few mechanical errors are
© 2024.
Canyon University.
All Rights
mechanical errors are
are present. Language choice present. Suitable language
Development, Structure, and
Conclusion Advances
position or purpose
throughout writing;
conclusion aligns to and
evolves from development.
0 points
0 points
4 points
No mechanical errors are
present. Skilled control of
1. Unsatisfactory
2. Insufficient
3. Approaching
4. Acceptable
5. Target
0 points
2.5 points
4 points
4.5 points
5 points
Appropriate format is
attempted, but some
elements are missing.
Frequent errors in
documentation of sources
are evident.
Appropriate format and
documentation are used,
although there are some
obvious errors.
Appropriate format and
No errors in formatting or
documentation are used with documentation are present.
only minor errors.
Selectivity in the use of direct
quotations and synthesis of
sources is demonstrated.
capitalization, punctuation,
grammar, language use,
sentence structure, etc.
meaning. Incorrect language present. Inconsistencies in
choice or sentence structure language choice or sentence
errors are found throughout. structure are recurrent.
Format/Documentation Uses Appropriate format is not
appropriate style, such as
used. No documentation of
APA, MLA, etc., for college,
sources is provided.
subject, and level;
documents sources using
citations, footnotes,
references, bibliography, etc.
is generally appropriate.
Varied sentence structure is
© 2024. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
choice and sentence
structure are used.
language choice and
sentence structure are used

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