History Question


Welcome to our discussion. opportunity of one of the most transformative and tumultuous periods in modern history. This module delves into the era of Imperialism and World War I, when the world witnessed dramatic shifts in political powers, social structures, and global relations. Our journey will take us through the late 19th century’s aggressive expansion of empires into the heart-wrenching battlefields of the First World War.

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We began with Imperialism, a period marked by the rapid expansion of European powers—and later the United States and Japan—across the globe. You’ll explore the motivations behind this expansion, whether for economic gain, national prestige, or a sense of cultural superiority. In our work, we examined the impact of this expansion on both the colonizers and the colonized, investigating how it reshaped economies, societies, and political structures.

Our focus shifted to the early 20th century, where the seeds of discontent sown by imperialism, burgeoning nationalism, entangling alliances, and military escalations culminated in World War I. This war, often termed the “Great War,” reshaped the map of Europe and set the stage for the modern era. We delved into the causes of the war, the experiences of soldiers and civilians, the home front, and the war’s far-reaching consequences.

Now, we will discuss these issues. Participating in discussions about imperialism and World War I is crucial in a Modern World History class for several reasons:

Understanding Contemporary Global Dynamics: The era of imperialism and World War I significantly shaped the modern world. Imperialism led to the expansion and consolidation of empires, profoundly influencing political, economic, and social structures globally. Understanding these historical developments helps students grasp the roots of current international relations, economic disparities, and cultural exchanges.
Critical Thinking and Historical Analysis: Discussing these topics develops critical thinking skills. Students learn to analyze complex historical events, understand different perspectives, and evaluate the interplay of various factors like politics, economics, and social attitudes. This analytical ability is vital not only for historical studies but also for understanding contemporary issues.
Connecting Past and Present: Discussions about imperialism and WWI allow students to draw connections between the past and present. They can explore how historical events have long-lasting impacts, shaping national boundaries, creating socio-political tensions, and influencing collective memories and identities.
Moral and Ethical Reflection: These discussions often involve moral and ethical considerations. For example, examining the impacts of imperialism on colonized societies fosters a deeper understanding of issues related to justice, human rights, and the ethical implications of power and dominance.
Empathy and Global Awareness: By studying the human experiences of those times, students develop empathy and a more profound awareness of different cultures and societies. Understanding the struggles, hopes, and aspirations of people from the past helps in nurturing a more inclusive and compassionate worldview.
Skill Development: Such discussions enhance academic skills, including research, writing, and oral communication. Students learn to articulate their thoughts clearly, back their arguments with evidence, and engage in intellectual debates, essential skills in academia and beyond.

Discussions about imperialism and World War I are not just about understanding historical events but about building a framework through which we can interpret the world today, develop critical thinking skills, and become more informed, empathetic, and engaged global citizens.

Looking forward to an enlightening and engaging journey together.

If for some reason you cannot meet our deadline, please message me through the Canvas inbox. I want you to succeed and want to help everyone complete the class.

Pick one of the following:

After reading the chapter on World War one and the info at the WWI Links to an external site.websites that include videos, pictures, and articles about WWI, answer the following questions. What factors led to the outbreak of Links to an external site.WWI? Why was it longer, more costly, and more deadly than anticipatedLinks to an external site.? What were the long-term consequences of WWILinks to an external site.? You are not required to use all of the embedded links I have provided, but they will help broaden and deepen your understanding. If you would like to include more information, you can use outside online sources that end in .edu or .org. Please remember to respond to one other person, as usual.


After reading our e-text, consider Africa and how it was divided between rival imperial powers in the 19th century. Please answer the following questions using our text and web links (as many as you need to help you develop a deep understanding) for this assignment. How did European attitudes about Africans lead to European colonization of AfricaLinks to an external site.? Give specific examples of people such as Cecil RhodesLinks to an external site.. European imperialism had several effects on Africa. Identify and analyze several of those effects. Be sure to include specific examples such as the Berlin ConferenceLinks to an external site., apartheidLinks to an external site., Belgian CongoLinks to an external site….If you would like to include more information, you can use outside online sources that end in .edu or .org. Wikipedia or AI sources are not allowed. Please remember to respond to one other person’s post.

The following optional video is a great way to learn more about the Scramble for Africa. It is an optional way to learn more.


As with Africa and India, some areas also experienced the long arm of European imperialism. After reading our e-text and using any of the embedded link material on the Opium WarsLinks to an external site.you find helpful, discuss the wars. What were they, when did they happen, and why? What were the consequences of the Opium Wars for China? If you would like to include more information, you can use outside online sources that end in .edu or .org. Wikipedia or AI sources are not allowed. Please remember to respond to another person.

The following optional video is a great learning opportunity to expand upon our book coverage. It is optional.


After reading our e-text, discuss no man’s land in WWI. Why was it called no man’s land? What technologies, inventions, and circumstances made the trenches so deadly? What ethical issues are raised by chemical warfare? What consequences did WWI have in areas of warfare, but also for the people who served in the war? If you would like to include more information, you can use outside online sources that end in .edu or .org. Wikipedia or AI sources are not allowed. Please remember to respond to another person.

Option E

After completing our readings, discuss the factors that led to WWII. Please consider issues of appeasement, the Versailles Treaty, nationalism, economics, and political ideologies. Key events and significant people are essential parts of a complete answer. If you would like to include more information, you can use outside online sources that end in .edu or .org. Wikipedia or AI sources are not allowed, please. Please remember to respond to another person.