
Separating politics from public administration has always been a topic of debate in the field. Wilson, in “A Study of Administration,” emphasized the same point and the discussion continues today. This assignment continues through this week’s readings. Consider, for example, the focus on the Department of Justice and the role of politics in the alleged events behind the Mueller investigations of alleged Russian interference with the 2016 elections. This example might be a bit high profile, but the examples are seemingly endless.

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Woodrow Wilson focused on the separation of politics and public administration. And while others have agreed with Wilson’s approach, it is difficult to truly separate the two. This assignment helps us identify the political environment’s role in things we will encounter in a professional capacity and helps us to prepare how to manage the influence of politics.


For this written assignment, you will prepare a case study investigating an example of the political environment’s influence on public administration. Describe the issue/event and discuss the role of the political environment and administrative power in the case.

Consider the following and incorporate them into your analysis:

What is the role of the political environment in your case? Has there been a particular legislative role in the matter?
How would Long, Kaufman, and Shapiro & Murphy explain the particulars of your case from their perspectives?
Can the influence of the political environment be curtailed to uphold the integrity of public administration functions?

A case study will have specific elements, in addition to an introduction to your paper and a conclusion summarizing your paper, a case study should include a section that explains the background of the case itself and a section analyzing the case and applying the readings. As you consider your “case” for this assignment, pick a topic that interests you. Your case might be a specific piece of legislation or a specific issue that has been addressed through regulatory actions. For example, if you have an interest in environmental issues, you might analyze the role of politics in EPA regulations. Your topic can be related to any public organization – federal, state, local or nonprofit. Contact your instructor for additional guidance if you have questions about selecting a topic.

Using course materials and at least two outside sources to support your position, offer suggestions for addressing this issue. Your case study should be in APA formatLinks to an external site., no less than 4-5 pages, not including your title and reference pages.