Questions & Answers


Prepare answers based on questions in the attached document.Required textbook (for references)Blanchard, Benjamin (2004).Logistics Engineering and Management (sixth edition)Publisher—some printings may show Prentice Hall, Inc; but other printings may show Pearson.ISBN-10: 0-13-142915-9ISBN-13: 978-0-13-142915-4

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The general scenario is that you are working for the company (Light-Up-My-Light, Inc).
And need to do certain analytic or managerial work. Light up My Light is a smaller size light
fixture manufacturing company. Obviously, the major topics addressed will be the course topics,
and more specifically usually the material from the current chapters!
Light Up My Light, Inc.
During the last weekly meeting the subject of “logistics” came up. And with it “logistics
management”. In essence, logistics is currently a popular term. But what does it mean? How
might it apply to LUML?
The CEO said that she would send a few questions for written answers. And then at a
later meeting the staff could discuss the topic.
As the meeting was getting ready to end, Tom Dollar the Comptroller asked you to give
him a call to discuss how to proceed.
During the call Tom says that you are to prepare the response. Send a copy to the CEO
and to him. As the resident “logistician” you are the logical one. He will forward whatever he
receives from the CEO.
The next day you get the following.
To: {your name}
From: Tom Dollar, Comptroller
Date: {date}
Subject: FWD: Logistics and management
Here are the questions from the CEO. Please prepare responses to the questions.
As new material for CEO, backup and clear but concise explanation on WHATwe-are-doing and WHY-we-are-doing it.
Please handle ASAP
Thanks, Tom
To: Tom Dollar, Comptroller
From: Elise Ennis, CEO
Date: {date}
Subject: logistics and management
Ref logistics.
Can we get someone to answer the following questions?
Some of these seem to be ripe for an accompanying figure, diagram, whatever?
But I also need an explanation of the figure, how it ties into the answer, etc.
Thank you.
#1. (100 pts including 10 for references) What is logistics? By the end, I need a
definition that LUML can use. I suspect that a creditable source will be
#2. (100 pts including 10 for references) What then is logistics management?
Ditto on use at LUML and source.
#3. (100 pts including 10 for references) What functional things are done in
logistics? Briefly explain.
#4. (100 pts including 10 for references) What is this thing called a “life cycle”
that can be used at LUML? It seems like it should be time-phased? Briefly
describe the typical phases.
#5. (100 points pts including 10 for references) How does logistics tie into the
system life cycle? Explain.
#6. (100 pts including 10 for references) Of course we want to be successful.
Are there any points that might be especially relevant in accomplishing our
various objectives? Briefly explain.
#7. (25 if answered with other than none; 0 if none). Any other thoughts or
information on this subject that you think that I should know at this point in
time? “None” if that is your answer.
Each answer needs to have the answer plus supporting rationale. That does not mean that
each answer needs to be pages long! The answer itself and a well-constructed rationale are often
only a couple of sentences.
Figures are BEST placed in the document and are more useful near where they are used
in the narrative. In my experience, we do not provide executives with a “hey, if you want to see
the figure then go look it up yourself”.

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