Sociology Question


You will be required to write an essay between 4 to 5 pages (you may go over 5 pages) on a topic and prompt provided

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Pre-grading & Grading Criteria:

One of the ways we learn is to make mistakes, figure out how we can improve. The only way to get better at something is to keep learning from our mistakes, correcting them, editing them, polishing them, improving them, and keeping at it. Writing is a skill. Anyone can learn this skill. It is easier for some and harder for others. It requires doing it over and over. Professor TWL will not pre-grade. In other words, Prof. TWL will not look over your drafts. When you turn in your paper, you will earn your grade. Please look at what area needs more attention.

All writing assignments will be graded based on the following”

1) COMPOSITION (20 points): grammar, syntax, spelling, organization

2) CONTENT (20 points) : information & data

3) CREATIVITY (20 points) : originality of approach and ideas

4) CRITICAL ANALYSIS (20 points): sociological imagination

5) CITATION (20 points) : sources; references of each textbook, each film clip, online Canvas posts, class lectures/discussion, bibliography/works cited -page. Outside readings and sources are always welcome. However, students are being evaluated for how well you understand the class materials and class content. Students will be graded according to their demonstrated knowledge of the class materials and class content.

Instructions: Your essay should be between 4 to 5 pages, typed, double-spaced, times 12-font. (You may go over 5 pages). You should include both in-text citatioins and a “works cited” or “bibliography” page. The title page and “works cited” (or bibliography) page are not part of the 4 to 5 pages of content per question. Please upload one document (if possible) in doc., docx. or pdf form.


What makes sociology a science? Explain how sociological inquiry and analysis are a scientific process. What scientific traditions are sociological analysis part of?

Incorporate into your essay, the following concepts: sociological imagination, empiricism, positivism, structural functionalism, social conflict theory, symbolic interaction, epistemology, methodology, inquiry, social patterns, hypothesis, research steps, variables, idiographic and nomothetic explanations, inductive and deductive approaches, quantitative and qualitative methods, levels of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio), conceptualization, and operationalization.