Research & Summaries Question


Hello, I need help completing and finalizing my research paper. You started it already last year. I would like to make a change to the research questions and add 1-2 more questions. I have attached the guidelines/rules for the paper, an example template, and an example of a completed literature review. The example literature review speaks about emotional intelligence as well, so it would be awesome if you could check out some of the references that person used to add more supporting evidence. I have also attached the initial literature review that you completed last year. The paper will be checked thoroughly for use of Chat GPT, AI, plagiarism, etc so please be mindful of that. The marks I got off last time were due to a lack of supporting evidence and minimal use of in-text quotes/citations so please add as many as possible. Please use peer-reviewed references from within the last 5-7 years.The research questions that I would like to be addressed in this paper are: 1) How does emotional intelligence development impact healthcare professionals’ job satisfaction and perceived stress levels?2) What is the relationship between emotional intelligence development and perceived levels of stress among healthcare professionals?

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A Paper-in-Lieu of Thesis
Submitted to the Graduate School of
In partial fulfillment of requirements for the
Master of Science in Radiologic Sciences
March 2023
Table of Contents
CHAPTER ONE…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….4
Research Questions……………………………………………………………………………………………..6
Theoretical framework…………………………………………………………………………………………7
CHAPTER TWO………………………………………………………………………………. 11
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria……………………………………………………………………………12
CHAPTER THREE………………………………………………………………………………………………………..13
Literature Review………………………………………………………………………………………………..13
Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Stress Management and Job Satisfaction………13
Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance……………………15
The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Fostering Trust and Collaboration…………….16
The Need for Emotional Intelligence Training in Healthcare Settings……………….18
The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Creating a Positive Work Environment…19
The Connection Between Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Commitment……21
The importance of emotional intelligence (EI) in today’s world cannot be understated. In
particular, it is essential for healthcare professionals’ effective functioning and ability to make
rational and effective decisions. Therefore, understanding the impact of EI development on job
satisfaction and perceived stress levels in this sector is an important area of research (Sattar,
2010). This research will review the literature on EI development and its influence on job
satisfaction and perceived stress levels among healthcare professionals. Additionally, this thesis
will explore how different motivational techniques may be used to enhance the development of
EI in healthcare personnel, improve job satisfaction, and reduce stress levels.
The Background section will discuss the relevance of EI to the healthcare sector and
provide an overview of the research conducted on the subject. It will examine the importance of
EI for healthcare professionals and how it can be developed. The purpose of this thesis is to
review the existing literature on the topic of EI development and its ability to impact job
satisfaction and perceived stress levels among healthcare professionals (Landry, 2019). The
Research Questions section will set out the specific objectives and elaborate on the research
questions. Subsequently, the Definitions section will explain the definitions of key terms related
to EI development. The Theoretical Framework section will present the theoretical framework
used to address the research questions. Finally, the Summary section will outline the critical
points addressed within this paper.
The application of emotional intelligence (EI) has become increasingly important in
many aspects of modern life, including healthcare. EI is the ability to recognize, interpret and
manage emotions in oneself and others (Escalante, 2020). Healthcare professionals must possess
a strong knowledge and understanding of medical principles and demonstrate high levels of EI to
assess and manage patients’ physical and mental health effects. Thus, understanding the impact
of EI development on job satisfaction and perceived stress levels among healthcare professionals
is an important area of research.
The current literature on EI development in the healthcare sector has identified many
potential benefits, including improved decision-making, greater empathy toward patients, better
communication skills, and increased job satisfaction (Sattar, 2010). However, there needs to be
more research conducted on the impact of EI development on perceived stress levels and overall
job satisfaction among healthcare professionals. Therefore, the thesis will review the existing
literature on EI development and its influence on job satisfaction and perceived levels of stress
among healthcare professionals (Tagoe & Quarshie, 2016). Additionally, this discussion will
explore how different motivational techniques may be used to enhance the development of EI in
healthcare personnel, reduce stress, and improve job satisfaction.
The purpose of the proposed research aims to examine the impact of emotional
intelligence (EI) development on job satisfaction and perceived stress levels among healthcare
professionals. The study also seeks to identify how EI development can improve job satisfaction
and reduce stress levels in the healthcare sector (Ruiz Fernández et al., 2021). It will also explore
the various motivational techniques that can be used to enhance the effectiveness of EI
development in healthcare personnel.
This study is essential due to the changing nature of healthcare and the need for
healthcare professionals to possess both a strong knowledge and understanding of medical
principles, as well as high levels of EI, in order to effectively assess and manage patients’
physical and mental health (Awoke et al., 2021). Furthermore, EI has been linked to increased
job satisfaction and decreased stress levels in many sectors; therefore, it is essential to
understand how EI development can benefit healthcare professionals.
In order to achieve its objectives, this research will review existing literature on the
subject of EI development and its influence on job satisfaction and perceived levels of stress
among healthcare professionals (Tagoe & Quarshie, 2016). Additionally, the thesis will explore
how different motivation techniques can be used to facilitate the successful development of EI in
healthcare personnel, improve job satisfaction, and reduce stress levels (Landry, 2019). Finally,
the findings will be discussed, and the implications for future research and practical applications
in the healthcare sector will be outlined.
Research Questions
To understand the impact of emotional intelligence (EI) development on job satisfaction
and perceived stress levels among healthcare professionals, this study will investigate the
following research questions:
1. How does emotional intelligence development impact healthcare professionals’ job
satisfaction and perceived stress levels?
2. What techniques and strategies can healthcare professionals use to enhance their
emotional intelligence development?
Emotional Intelligence (EI): The ability to recognize, interpret and manage emotions,
both in oneself and in others (Landry, 2019).
Job Satisfaction: The level of satisfaction an individual has with their job, which is
typically measured based on feelings about their work environment, salary, benefits, job security,
and opportunities for advancement (Escalante, 2020).
Perceived Stress: The subjective evaluation of the intensity and frequency of stress as
perceived by an individual (Awoke et al., 2021).
Motivation stimulates an individual to act by providing clarity on desired goals and
objectives (Ann Holland, 2021).
Theoretical Framework
In order to understand the impact of emotional intelligence (EI) development on job
satisfaction and perceived stress levels among healthcare professionals, this discission will draw
upon several relevant theories. These theories include Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence
in Leadership, Frederick Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory, Locke’s Value Theory, Adam’s Equity
Theory, and Herzberg’s Motivation Theory.
Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Theory posits that EI is essential
for effective leadership. According to Goleman, EI involves perceiving, understanding,
managing, and expressing one’s emotions accurately. Furthermore, he states that individuals who
demonstrate high EI can form strong relationships with their coworkers and are more successful
in motivating and inspiring those around them (Goleman, 2011). Thus, the development of EI
has the potential to improve job satisfaction, as it can lead to better communication, increased
collaboration, and improved team morale.
Frederick Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory examines the factors influencing job
satisfaction and motivation. This theory postulates that two distinct categories of factors
influence job satisfaction: intrinsic and extrinsic (Nickerson, 2021). Intrinsic factors relate to the
nature of the job, while extrinsic factors involve one’s environment and relationships with
coworkers (Gordon, 2022). Moreover, Herzberg identified “motivators,” such as recognition,
achievement, and challenge, as the main drivers of job satisfaction. Therefore, EI development
can increase job satisfaction by enhancing one’s ability to recognize and respond to intrinsic and
extrinsic motivational factors.
Locke’s Value Theory suggests that relations between employees and employers are
based upon the exchange of values. This means that employees must feel their employer values
their work to be satisfied. Accordingly, EI development can help healthcare professionals better
understand the values held by their employers and how to effectively communicate those values
(Srivastava et al., 2021). Additionally, EI development can provide healthcare professionals with
a better understanding of their employer’s expectations, thus increasing job satisfaction.
Adam’s Equity Theory emphasizes the importance of perceived fairness in the
workplace. According to this theory, individuals compare their outcomes with those of their
peers, and if they perceive a difference in outcomes, they become dissatisfied. Thus, the
development of EI can help healthcare professionals better understand their coworkers’ views
and feelings and assess potential differences in outcomes more accurately (Green, 2022). This
can improve job satisfaction, as healthcare professionals will be able to appreciate and
acknowledge the contributions made by their colleagues, regardless of differences in outcomes.
Finally, Herzberg’s Motivation Theory identifies motivators that can influence individual
behavior and enhance job satisfaction. According to this theory, certain factors, including
recognition, personal growth, and responsibility, can motivate employees and increase their job
satisfaction (Ann Holland, 2021). The development of EI can enable healthcare professionals to
identify better and understand these factors and use them to their advantage to increase job
Therefore, the theories discussed collectively suggest that EI development can enhance
job satisfaction among healthcare professionals in several ways (Srivastava et al., 2021). One is
by providing them with the skills necessary to recognize and appreciate the intrinsic and extrinsic
factors influencing job satisfaction. Emotional intelligence will also help workers to understand
the values held by their employers and the feelings of their coworkers (Tagoe & Quarshie, 2016).
Finally, the employees will understand the motivators that can be used to drive their behavior.
In conclusion, the literature reviewed suggests that EI development significantly
influences job satisfaction and perceived stress levels among healthcare professionals.
Specifically, EI development can help healthcare personnel to recognize better and appreciate the
intrinsic and extrinsic factors that influence job satisfaction, the values held by their employers,
the feelings of their coworkers, and the motivators that can be used to drive their behavior.
Additionally, different motivational techniques can be used to enhance the development of EI in
healthcare personnel, improve job satisfaction, and reduce stress levels.
Continued research is critical for understanding how EI development can be used to
benefit healthcare professionals. Future research should focus on developing effective strategies
for implementing EI development initiatives in the healthcare sector and investigating how these
initiatives can improve job satisfaction and reduce stress levels among healthcare professionals.
The methods used to search for the literature included in this review began by creating a
comprehensive list of keywords to use for the search process. Keywords included: “emotional
intelligence,” “job satisfaction,” “perceived levels of stress,” and “healthcare professionals.”
These keywords were then combined with Boolean operators to narrow down the scope of the
search and ensure the most relevant articles were retrieved. For example, the keyword
“emotional intelligence” was combined with the operator “AND” and the keyword “job
satisfaction” to retrieve results that address both topics.
The Academic Search Complete, CINAHL, PubMed, and MEDLINE databases use
keywords related to the research question and apply Boolean operators for more accurate results.
Once the search was conducted, the results were screened to identify which articles met the
established selection criteria. Articles that included healthcare professionals as the primary
population of the study while exploring emotional intelligence development, job satisfaction,
and/or perceived levels of stress were included. Additionally, only articles written in English
were considered. As a result of this screening process, eleven articles were identified and
included in the literature review.
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
The inclusion criteria for this literature review included studies related to emotional
intelligence development, job satisfaction, and the consideration of healthcare professionals as
the main population of interest. Sources had to be written in English and published between
January 2016 and February 2023. Furthermore, all articles had to be peer-reviewed within these
parameters in order to be accepted into the literature review. The exclusion criteria included
articles that did not meet the inclusion criteria and those that were not written in English. Thus,
any articles that did not fall under this timeframe did not concern the research topic or had not
gone through a peer-reviewing process were not included in the review.
In addition, particular attention was given to the methodology employed in each article in
order to guarantee that the highest-quality sources were used. All included articles had to comply
with the three criteria mentioned above and feature acceptable results that were based on robust
research designs. Any articles with data collection methods deemed inappropriate or insufficient
were excluded, as well as those that failed to provide useful information regarding the primary
topic of emotional intelligence development and its effects on job satisfaction and perceived
levels of stress among healthcare professionals.
This literature review implemented the methods of searching library and journal
databases using relevant keywords and boolean operators. A total of 11 sources were included
that met the inclusion criteria, consisting of studies related to emotional intelligence
development, job satisfaction, and consideration of healthcare professionals as the main
population of interest.
Literature Review
This research explores the question: How do emotional intelligence development impact
job satisfaction and perceived levels of stress (or any other variable) among healthcare
professionals? To better understand this research question, this literature review synthesizes the
findings from eleven studies: Awoke et al. (2021), Escalante (2020), Kanellakis et al. (2018),
Karimi et al. (2021), Sharma & Saxena (2022), Shams Ghahfarokhi et al. (2022), Sharfras Navas
& Vijayakumar (2018), Stamouli & Gerbeth (2021), Ruiz Fernández el al. (2021), Srivastava et
al. (2021), and Tagoe & Quarshie (2016). The impact of emotional intelligence on stress
management and job satisfaction is discussed, as is the relationship between emotional
intelligence and job performance, the role of emotional intelligence in promoting Trust and
collaboration in the workplace, the importance of emotional intelligence in creating a positive
work environment, the need for emotional intelligence training in healthcare settings, and the
connections between these topics.
Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Stress Management and Job Satisfaction
In healthcare, emotional intelligence has been examined extensively for its potential to
improve both stress management and job happiness. Undergraduate students in the field of health
sciences were studied by Awoke et al. (2021), who looked into the connection between stress
and coping mechanisms. Students in this sector may benefit from learning about emotionalfocused coping mechanisms, as they found that increased emotional intelligence was linked to
lower stress. Kanellakis et al. (2018) also explored the role of emotional intelligence in
occupational stress. In their study, they surveyed healthcare professionals and identified
emotional intelligence as a predictor of stress levels. They concluded that increasing emotional
intelligence competencies could help reduce job-related stress among healthcare professionals.
A study was done by Karimi et al. (2021) to see how emotional intelligence affected
worker satisfaction, patient care, and the ability to take charge of one’s own emotions. Emotional
intelligence was found to have beneficial effects on one’s happiness at work, quality of care
provided to patients, and one’s sense of personal agency. Work-life balance among Indian nurses
was also studied by Sharma and Saxena (2022). Their research discovered that happier workers
and a healthier work-life balance were associated with higher levels of emotional intelligence. In
a similar vein, Shams Ghahfarokhi et al. (2022) investigated the connection between healthcare
workers’ job happiness and their ability to meet their social requirements at work. They
discovered that the connection between emotional intelligence and job fulfillment was mediated
by the fulfillment of social needs.
The influence of EQ on happiness at work was analyzed by Sharfras Navas and
Vijayakumar (2018). As a result of their research, they came to the conclusion that high levels of
emotional competence are related favorably to job satisfaction, while low levels of emotional
intelligence are linked to lower levels of job satisfaction. Furthermore, Stamouli and Gerbeth
(2021) investigated the moderating role of emotional intelligence on healthcare workers’ levels of
job satisfaction and organizational dedication. Emotional intelligence was found to significantly
moderate the connection between job happiness and loyalty to the company. Last but not least,
Ruiz Fernández et al. (2021) investigated the connection between healthcare workers’ emotional
intelligence, self-reported health, and compassion fatigue. The researchers discovered that high
emotional IQ helps people avoid compassion fatigue and boosts their sense of well-being.
Overall, the literature suggests that emotional intelligence helps to reduce job stress and
increases job satisfaction among healthcare professionals. This is likely due to the ability of
individuals with high emotional intelligence to better understand and regulate their emotions,
allowing them to better manage stress in the workplace. Additionally, emotional intelligence
enables healthcare professionals to nurture positive relationships with colleagues and patients,
leading to increased job satisfaction. Further research is needed to investigate the role of
emotional intelligence in improving patient outcomes and overall healthcare quality.
Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance
Extensive research has shown a correlation between EQ and professional success. Having
a high level of emotional intelligence has been linked to several benefits in the workplace.
Studies conducted by Awoke et al. (2021) and Shams Ghahfarokhi et al. (2022) revealed that
emotionally intelligent healthcare professionals are more likely to be self-motivated and take
accountability for their actions, which can result in improved job performance. In addition,
Sharma & Saxena (2022) discovered that emotional intelligence influences how well healthcare
professionals handle work-related stress, which can prevent burnout and lead to increased
productivity at work.
Research presented by Kanellakis et al. (2018) and Tagoe & Quarshie (2016) also
showed that those with higher emotional intelligence have the ability to form effective working
relationships. This can help foster Trust and collaboration among healthcare colleagues, thereby
facilitating better job performance. Similarly, Karimi et al. (2021) and Ruiz Fernández et al.
(2021) found that emotional intelligence enables employees to create a pleasant and supportive
work environment. This, in turn, can motivate healthcare professionals to work harder and
increase their job performance.
In addition, Sharfras Navas & Vijayakumar (2018) reported that those with higher
emotional intelligence are better able to manage their emotions and build strong bonds with their
colleagues. This helps to create an organizational culture that emphasizes empathy, respect, and
cooperation, all of which are beneficial for improving job performance. Finally, Stamouli &
Gerbeth (2021) concluded that emotional intelligence plays an important role in building
organizational commitment among healthcare professionals. Employees who are emotionally
invested in their organization are more likely to perform better on the job.
Emotional intelligence appears to have a beneficial effect on professional functioning
among healthcare workers, according to the available evidence. Higher EQ individuals are more
inclined to be self-driven and accountable for their own choices. Trust and collaboration in the
workplace can flourish when employees are able to control their feelings and communicate
effectively with coworkers. Furthermore, healthcare professionals that are emotionally intelligent
are better equipped to foster a positive work atmosphere, which in turn can inspire their
employees to work harder and provide greater results. Finally, higher levels of emotional
intelligence are associated with more organizational loyalty, which is good for productivity on
the job.
The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Fostering Trust and Collaboration
Emotional intelligence (EI) is a critical competency for fostering Trust and collaboration
in healthcare organizations. Trust and collaboration are essential for promoting job satisfaction
and reducing stress among healthcare professionals. The following literature review examines
the role of EI in developing Trust and collaboration among healthcare professionals by exploring
how EI contributes to job performance, creates a positive work environment, and promotes
organizational commitment.
The healthcare industry has been the focus of numerous studies examining the correlation
between EI and professional success. Researchers Shams Ghahfarokhi, et al., 2022, discovered
that EI helped workers do better at their jobs. They concluded that more EI was associated with
greater work satisfaction, which in turn improved efficiency on the job. Moreover, Sharma and
Saxena (2022) looked into how workplace stress and EI affected work-life balance and
discovered that EI played a significant role in reducing stress at work and fostering greater
contentment in one’s position. Employees whose EI is higher report lower stress levels and
higher productivity on the workplace.
The role of EI in fostering a good workplace has also been highlighted by studies. When
the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Awoke et al. (2021) studied the stress levels and coping
mechanisms of undergraduate health science majors at Jimma University. They concluded that
happier workers and fewer stressful situations resulted from increased EI. Karimi et al. (2021)
looked at how EI affected the happiness, quality of care provided to patients, and the confidence
of staff members. They came to the conclusion that better EI led to happier workers, better health
for patients, and more personal agency.
Moreover, EI is also important for fostering organizational commitment. In a study by
Kanellakis et al. (2018), the researchers concluded that EI could be used as a tool to manage
occupational stress and increase job satisfaction. Similarly, Stamouli and Gerbeth (2021) found
that EI had a moderating effect on job satisfaction and organizational commitment. They
concluded that higher levels of EI correlated with greater job satisfaction and organizational
commitment. Moreover, Ruiz Fernández et al. (2021) suggested that EI could be used to reduce
expressed compassion fatigue, which could, in turn, lead to greater job satisfaction and higher
levels of organizational commitment.
Overall, EI seems to have a significant role in fostering Trust and collaboration among
healthcare professionals. Specifically, higher EI is linked to more positive work environments,
higher levels of job satisfaction and organizational commitment, and improved performance on
the job. As a result, healthcare institutions should provide EI training to their personnel so that
they can foster productive interactions amongst coworkers and foster an atmosphere of
The Need for Emotional Intelligence Training in Healthcare Settings
Training in emotional intelligence can provide healthcare professionals with the skills
needed to be successful at their jobs, which include stress management, job satisfaction, and
performance. This is supported by several of the sources in this review. Awoke et al. (2021)
explored the role of coping strategies on the perceived stress levels of undergraduate health
science students during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study concluded that emotional wellbeing interventions, such as training in emotional intelligence, can help reduce stress levels.
Sharma and Saxena (2022) found that emotional intelligence was a significant predictor of worklife balance among nurses in India. The authors suggested that emotional intelligence training
can help nurses develop skills needed to manage stress better and improve work-life balance.
Karimi et al. (2021) also explored the role of emotional intelligence on employee wellbeing, quality of patient care, and psychological empowerment in healthcare settings. The
authors argued that those who are emotionally intelligent are more likely to be empathetic toward
patients, possess problem-solving abilities, and demonstrate effective communication skills. The
authors recommended introducing emotional intelligence training programs to healthcare
organizations to help promote high-quality care. As an example, Stamouli and Gerbeth (2021)
looked at how emotionally competent workers were more likely to be satisfied with their jobs
and their organizations. The authors found that training in emotional intelligence could help
healthcare personnel become more self-aware and empathetic, which in turn would boost
employee morale and productivity.
The impact of emotional intelligence on healthcare workers’ contentment with and stress
about their jobs were the focus of a 2018 study by Sharfras Navas and Vijayakumar. The study’s
authors found that providing healthcare professionals with emotional intelligence training could
improve their ability to deal with stress, build a culture of trust and collaboration, and strengthen
relationships with coworkers. The authors of this study, Ruiz Fernández et al. (2021), looked into
how emotional quotient relates to reported compassion fatigue in healthcare workers. There was
less evidence of compassion fatigue among those with higher emotional intelligence.
Researchers came to the conclusion that boosting healthcare workers’ emotional intelligence
through training will help them better cope with stressful situations.
In culmination, this literature review has demonstrated the need for emotional
intelligence training in healthcare settings. Training in emotional intelligence can help healthcare
professionals develop skills to effectively manage stress, foster job satisfaction and performance,
create a trusting and collaborative environment, and ultimately improve the quality of care.
Therefore, it is recommended that healthcare organizations provide such training opportunities
for their employees to help them succeed in their roles.
The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Creating a Positive Work Environment
Emotional intelligence (EI), defined as the ability to recognize, understand, and manage
emotions, is an important factor in developing effective working relationships between
colleagues, managers, and patients. Studies have shown that EI contributes to increased Trust
and respect, more efficient problem-solving, improved communication, and better conflict
resolution in healthcare settings (Karimi et al., 2021). Furthermore, EI can help healthcare
workers assess and respond to their own emotions and the emotions of their fellow professionals
in a meaningful, respectful way (Kanellakis et al., 2018).
The benefits of EI extend beyond individual relationships, as it is also important for
creating a positive work environment overall. For instance, Tagoe and Quarshie (2016) found a
“positive correlation between emotional intelligence and nurses’ job satisfaction,” leading to a
better work environment. A study by Shams Ghahfarokhi et al. (2022) also revealed that when
employees’ social needs are satisfied, their job satisfaction increases, which helps to create a
positive work setting. Srivastava et al. (2021) observed that emotional intelligence can lead to
“better teamwork and collaboration,” while Sharfras Navas and Vijayakumar (2018) argued that
it is essential for promoting “high team spirit among coworkers.” According to Awoke et al.
(2021), high levels of EI can lower stress and anxiety levels in healthcare professionals,
contributing to improved mental health and a more positive workplace.
Furthermore, EI can increase the effectiveness of employee feedback mechanisms and
contribute to higher job performance (Ruiz Fernández et al., 2021). In addition, Escalante (2020)
notes that this type of intelligence “can lead to a concentration of effort and attention on tasks,
meaning you’re completing jobs more efficiently.” It can also have a positive effect on
organizational commitment, as indicated by Stamouli and Gerbeth (2021). In conclusion,
emotional intelligence can play a significant role in creating a healthy, productive, and positive
work environment in healthcare settings. It can facilitate effective communication, help mediate
disagreements, and reduce stress, leading to increased job satisfaction and improved
organizational commitment.
The Connection Between Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Commitment
In order to encourage employees to remain dedicated to their healthcare organizations,
emotional intelligence (EI) is crucial. Understanding and controlling one’s own emotions, as well
as those of others, is a crucial part