Introduction speech



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Introduction speech
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Your advocacy speech should include the following:



Introduction +


Introduce yourself to the audience, including your name, the course that this speech is for, and the assignment.

Find a way to hook your readers-ask a question, share an example, or include a quote (with attribution). Make sure your hook is directly relevant to your advocacy topic.

Advocacy Topic


Describe the issue/cause/problem for which you are advocating. Remember: your audience may not be familiar with your topic, so provide enough context that they can follow along with you, without issue.

Advocacy Narrative

Describe how and why this advocacy is important to YOU and to your audience. Some questions to consider: Why does advocating for this cause/issue/problem/ matter to you? What information is important to share with the audience, regarding this topic, and your participation in it? What happens if no one advocates for this cause/issue/problem? Why should others be interested in this topic and your advocacy?


Create a closing that helps remind readers of the most important points shared during this speech. Do not directly repeat your opening-find a way to engage readers one last time, sharing the same information, but in a new and compelling way.


Submit a written copy of your speech (single or double-spaced) with the URL showcasing your presentation of this speech.
On your written speech submission, include a heading with your name, date, title assignment, and name of course followed by the URL to your recorded speech.
There is no visual aid required, but you are welcome to use one if you want. For example, you may want to showcase a picture of yourself that relates to your advocacy. If you choose to include a visual aid, remember: the visual should be supplemental-not the main focus of the presentation.
Maintain appropriate eye-contact throughout the presentation of your speech. Be sure to be mindful of the following: articulation, pacing, and enunciation.
Your recorded speech should be free from distracting glitches and technical issues making it hard to review.


Your recorded speech should be 3-4 minutes long. It should address all of the elements included above.
If your speech is under 3 minutes, or over 4 minutes, it will be returned to you ungraded. In this case, you will be asked to recreate and refilm the assignment, after you ensure it meets all expectations outlined in the prompt and rubric.
Essential Elements Checklist: My Advocacy Speech• A written copy of the speech is submitted with the URL to the presented speech.口Includes an effective introduction with a hook.Includes an “advocacy topic description.”Includes an “advocacy narrative” section.口Includes an effective and compelling conclusion.Adheres to all submission, length, and formatting requirements.The recorded speech is clear of issues and/or technical glitches.The purpose of the recorded speech is clear and well-established.