Management Question


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Assignment Brief
Submission deadline
Time: 10 am
Date: 23/01/24
Marks and feedback
20 working days after deadline:
Date: 23/02/24
Students with Learning Support Plans submission
Module code and title:
Assignment number and
Assignment type /
submission format:
Size or length of
Module learning outcomes
eing assessed in this
HR658 Organisational Change
1 – Coursework
Coursework – Essay (submission guidance and submission point in
Assessment / Marks area of My Studies)
3000 words (+/- 10%), excludes title, table of contents, references,
LO1 – Demonstrate critical awareness of the contextual issues
surrounding change in organisations
LO2 – Demonstrate a critical application of theories of change
LO3 – Demonstrate a critical understanding of potential roles in
organisational change
LO4 – Develop an awareness of potential interventions and activities in
organisational change
Assessment Task
What are you required to do in this assignment?
Details of task
You are required to choose a case study organisation that underwent or is undergoing a change
between a period of 2015 – 23/24. Using organisational change theories and models, in your essay
critically discuss how the change was facilitated and implemented in your chosen organisation. You are
required to critically discuss how organisational change could have been managed more effectively
using theories, frameworks and organisational change literature covered in the module. Your essay
should include:

An introduction to the organisation (case study) – for example background of the organisation,
relevant statistics related to company’s performance indicators etc.
Examination of the nature of change implemented by the organisation by using concepts and
associated theories/models to aid critical understanding. You can also advance your analysis by
using any published/documented accounts of how managers, staff and stakeholders and the
language/stories/narratives they used to explain origins, processes and outcomes of change.
Version 2022/23
Assignment Brief

Critical discussion of application of change management theories/concepts in the context of
your organisation.
• Recommendations for more effective change management by the organisation/change
leadership/change agents – how knowledge of the academic literature on change management
could be used to develop and sustain effective interventions.
• A minimum of ten academic references
Choosing your case study:
You are advised to select an organisation/company that has either implemented change or is currently
undergoing change. It is important that you choose an organisation that started change process in the
recent past (2015-2023/24). While choosing a case study, it is important that you have gathered
sufficient information/data about the change process, and you are able to analyse this change with the
help of different theories/models/frameworks discussed in the module.
Researching your essay:
You are expected to demonstrate wider reading around your chosen organisation, its contextual
background, and change management concepts using reputable academic
journals/articles/literature/books to compare & contrast, and critically apply different approaches,
models, and frameworks.
It would be useful to refer to company reports and other reliable sources to strengthen your analysis.
You can refer to newspaper articles and grey literature to compliment scholarly literature.
Class lectures and seminars along with module reading list will include sources which can be used to
expand your reading on change management and related topics.
Referencing Style
Harvard Referencing – see referencing guide here: BBS Referencing Handbook 2016(1).pdf
• You must include a full list of references based on peer reviewed journal articles, academic
literature, news articles and company reports
• You must reference your work correctly in the essay.
Formatting Requirements

Use Arial, minimum 11.5 point with 1.5 spacing
Include a cover page with a title that refers to the case study you have chosen
Include topic of contents with page numbers
Use headings and subheadings that fit with the format of an essay
You should use the passive voice i.e: ‘literature shows that’… ‘wider research evidences that’
(write in the 3rd person)
How does this assignment prepare you for responsible real-world practice?
Organisational change is a constant in all organisations however, Covid 19 pandemic has accelerated
the pace of change. Given that organisations continue to transform for their growth and survival, one of
the key employability attributes is to equip students with the knowledge and skills related to managing
Version 2022/23
Assignment Brief
the change process. This assignment will enable students to understand challenges faced by
contemporary organisations when confronted with the need to either introduce or adapt to a variety of
changes. With the help of a case study, you will get an opportunity to apply theories and models taught
in the module and analyse strengths as well as limitations of these frameworks.

Critical reading skills
Analysing academic literature and undertaking independent
Deciding what to include and how to use literature
Understanding links between ideas in the research and

Tackling UN sustainable development goals
Working in a diverse team
Considering wider stakeholders’ needs and impact

Using creative thinking to generate solutions
Problem solving
Spotting and analysing opportunities to innovate

Delivering presentation
Seeking and giving constructive feedback in your team
Active listening in your team

Identifying and building on strengths on team members
Ensuring effective team working from all members
Building relationships with new team members
Engaged participation in group situations

Using technology to find, interpret, evaluate, manage and share
information and data
Using digital technologies for communication and
collaboration within your team

How will your assignment be marked?
This gives you details of the elements you need to demonstrate within the assessment task and their
weighting towards the total mark.
Version 2022/23
Assignment Brief
Full marking criteria, showing details of the standards against which performance will be judged for each
grade level are available in Appendix A and in the assessment/marks area of My Studies.
You can use these to evaluate your own work and consider your grade before you submit.
The marking criteria are aligned to and informed by the University marking descriptors
For example (change this to suit your assignment – e.g. online tests will be multiple choice right/wrong)
Knowledge and Understanding of Organisational Change
Awareness of contextual issues surrounding organisational change
Quality of analysis, synthesis, application evaluation and/or critical
Recommendations for change being managed more effectively
Organisation of work, standard of presentation and referencing
Good Academic Conduct:
Please see the General Examination and Assessment Regulations (GEAR) and your course handbook for
good academic conduct guidelines and details of academic misconduct regulations including plagiarism.
Additional Comments:
All summative assessment is subject to the application of appropriate internal moderation
procedures (refer to GEAR Section J: 3.3).
Moderation is an overarching term to describe the processes that take place after initial marking to
provide an element of independent scrutiny on the judgement of the first marker and ensure the
fairness, reliability and consistency of marking against the criteria.
Internal moderation is carried out by the school and followed by external moderation by the
external examiner.
What support is available to help you with this assignment?
Formative Assessment Task and Feedback:
The formative assessment is on managing change in an organisation (case study) and will be undertaken
in independent study time. The formative assessment is based on your chosen case study, which will
help towards the summative assignment. The hand-in for the formative piece is Monday 4th December
2023. Your essays will be peer reviewed in seminar session w/b 11th December and feedback will be
provided by tutors during the seminar sessions the same week. You will also get a chance to interact
with tutors during the seminar and receive further inputs.
The formative assignment question is:
Version 2022/23
Assignment Brief
For any organisation of your choice, critically discuss the nature, need and relevance of a particular
change initiated by this organisation. (Although it is not mandatory, you are advised to choose a case
study/organisation that you plan to analyse for your summative assignment)
The wordcount is 1000 words.
Assessment Briefing and Support workshop
/ taught sessions:

w/b 2/10/23
w/b 4/12/23
w/b 11/12/23
w/b 8/01/24
w/b 15/01/24
see module roadmap for more details.
You can email your tutor to book an appointment
Individual tutorials with your module
seminar tutor in tutor’s office hours or by
Questions about the assignment brief (up to Post to discussion board or email your tutors
2 working days before hand-in):
Resources in assessment support folder in
My Studies:
Writing Advisory Service – feedback from
Writing Advisory Service (WAS) (
an experienced academic tutor on the
organisation and clarity of your ideas,
academic style and frequent language
An application for an extension to a deadline should be made by using the University proforma ARGEAR
1, Extension to deadline Form (you’ll find this in your assessment support folder).
The form must be submitted for approval to the Course Leader along with independent supporting
evidence 48 hours before the original submission deadline.
There are very strict rules about what constitutes grounds for an extension.
For full details of the extension procedure and detailed guidance, see course handbook or in Section B of
Additional considerations (formerly Mitigating Circumstances).
If due to exceptional circumstances outside your control (i.e., unforeseen and unavoidable), you are
absent from the assessment (including examination), fail to submit or undertake assessed work, fail to
submit work by the deadline, including any agreed extensions (late submission) or you feel that your
performance in all or part of an assessment is under-representative of your standard performance, you
may submit a request for additional considerations.
Where an additional considerations application is accepted, the Course Examination Board will take your
exceptional circumstances into consideration when deciding on the appropriate outcome.
Full details can be found in GEAR (Section B.5). Additional Consideration (
Version 2022/23
Assignment Brief
Appendix A:
Marking Criteria:
Marking Criteria
First class
First class
Upper second class
Lower second class
Third class
Criterion is met in full
and to an exceptional
standard. Outstanding
demonstration of
knowledge and
Criterion is met in full
and to a very high
standard. Excellent
demonstration of
knowledge and
Criterion is met in full
and to a good or very
good standard.
Good/very good
demonstration of
knowledge and
Criterion is met.
demonstration of
knowledge and
Criterion has just
been met. Weak but
demonstration of
knowledge and
Criterion not quite
met. Any strengths
are outweighed by
demonstration of
knowledge and
Criterion is met in full
and to an exceptional
standard. Outstanding
demonstration of
contextual awareness.
Criterion is met in full
and to a very high
standard. Excellent
demonstration of
Criterion is met in full
and to a good or very
good standard.
Good/very good
demonstration of
Criterion is met.
demonstration of
Criterion has just
been met. Weak but
demonstration of
Criterion not quite
met. Any strengths
are outweighed by
demonstration of
Criterion is met in full
and to an exceptional
standard. Analysis,
synthesis, application,
evaluation, critique
and/or critical
appraisal are of the
highest quality.
Criterion is met in full
and to a very high
standard. Analysis,
synthesis, application,
evaluation, critique
and/or critical
appraisal are of very
high quality.
Criterion is met in full
and to a good or very
good standard.
Analysis, synthesis,
evaluation, critique
and/or critical
appraisal are of high
Criterion is met. No
inaccuracies and/or
Analysis, synthesis,
evaluation, critique
and/or critical
appraisal are at least
Criterion has just
been met. Largely
descriptive. Analysis,
synthesis, application,
evaluation, critique
and/or critical
appraisal are evident
but limited.
Criterion not quite
met. Analysis,
synthesis, application,
evaluation, critique
and/or critical
appraisal is
Criterion is met in full
and to a good or very
good standard. The
recommendations are
of a good/very good
Criterion is met. The
recommendations are
sound/competent way
Criterion is met in full
and to a very high
standard. The
recommendations are
of very high quality.
Criterion has just
been met. The
recommendations are
basic and/or poor
Criterion not quite
met. The
recommendations are
Criterion not met. In
some cases, the
criterion may not
have been addressed
at all. Any strengths
heavily outweighed
by a range of
weaknesses. Failure
to demonstrate
adequate knowledge
and understanding.
Criterion not met. In
some cases, the
criterion may not
have been addressed
at all. Any strengths
heavily outweighed
by a range of
weaknesses. Failure
to demonstrate
adequate contextual
Criterion not met. In
some cases the
criterion may not
have been addressed
at all. Any strengths
heavily outweighed
by a range of
weaknesses. Failure
to demonstrate
adequate analysis,
synthesis, application,
evaluation, critique
and/or critical
Criterion not met. The
recommendations are
for change being
managed more
Criterion is met in full
and to an exceptional
standard. The
recommendations are
of the highest quality.
Criterion not met. In
some cases, the
criterion may not
have been addressed
at all. Any strengths
heavily outweighed
by a range of
weaknesses. Failure
to demonstrate
adequate knowledge
and understanding.
Criterion not met. In
some cases, the
criterion may not
have been addressed
at all. Any strengths
heavily outweighed
by a range of
weaknesses. Failure
to demonstrate
adequate contextual
Criterion not met. In
some cases the
criterion may not
have been addressed
at all. Any strengths
heavily outweighed
by a range of
weaknesses. Failure
to demonstrate
adequate analysis,
synthesis, application,
evaluation, critique
and/or critical
Criterion not met. The
recommendations are
Criterion is met in full
and to an exceptional
standard. Organisation
of work, presentation
Criterion is met in full
and to a very high
Organisation of work,
Criterion is met in full
and to a good or very
good standard.
Organisation of work,
Criterion is met.
Organisation of work,
presentation and
referencing are at
Criterion has just
been met. Potentially
disorganised and/or
Criterion not quite
met. Any strengths
are outweighed by
weaknesses which
Criterion not met. Any
strengths heavily
outweighed by a
range of weaknesses
Criterion not met. Any
strengths heavily
outweighed by a
range of weaknesses
Knowledge and
understanding of
Awareness of
contextual issues
Quality of analysis,
evaluation and/or
critical appraisal
Version 2022/23
Assignment Brief
Organisation of
work, standard of
presentation and
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and referencing are of
the highest quality.
presentation and
referencing are of
very high quality.
presentation and
referencing are of
high quality. Any
errors or inaccuracies
are minor.
least sound. No
poorly presented and
may relate to
organisation of work,
presentation and/or
– organisation or
work, presentation
and/or referencing
may be very poor.
– organisation or
work, presentation
and/or referencing
may be very poor.

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