Secret Key Encryption


So far in this course, you’ve seen many cryptosystems, learned how they work, and how they may be broken. We discussed symmetric and asymmetric cryptography and how the keys are generated and used to encrypt and decrypt messages. For this course’s project, we’ll take a closer look at Secret-Key Encryption. This project will help you gain You’ll gain first-hand experience on encryption algorithms, encryption modes, paddings, and initial vector (IV). Moreover, students will be able to use tools and write programs to encrypt/decrypt messages. This lab was created by Seed Labs, which is a project led by Professor Wenliang Du, with many of his students working on these labs and environments.

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Secret Key Encryption
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This lab covers the following topics:

• Secret-key encryption

• Substitution cipher and frequency analysis

Encryption modes, IV, and paddings

Common mistakes in using encryption
Programming using the crypto library


In this lab you’ll be performing the following 3 Tasks:

Task 2: Encryption using Different Ciphers and Modes
Task 3: Encryption Mode – ECB vs. CBC
Task 7: Programming using the Crypto Library (JAVA ONLY, and it has to be run on the VM)

You’ll find the full lab details and detailed steps on how to execute the tasks above, on the lab’s

webpage… . You will also find a

link to an Ubuntu VM which has all the tools you’ll need pre-installed, such as openssl and its libraries.



As mentioned in the lab description. You need to submit a detailed lab report to describe what you

have done, show screenshots for major steps, and discuss what you have observed; you also need to

provide explanation to the observations that are interesting or surprising. In your report, you need to

answer all the questions listed in this lab.

Finally, you will need to submit 3 files:

o Docx file of your report.

o Pdf file of your report.

o .java file of the code you wrote.