Complete a detail map of Africa


Country Physiographic Description must contain a paragraph summarizing – AFRICA

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Complete a detail map of Africa
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each of the following geographic elements: climate(one paragraph), economics as pertaining to
agriculture(one paragraph), agriculture(one paragraph), biomes and ecosystems(one
paragraph)and soils(one paragraph). Finally, a detailed map of the country must be included in the
assignment along with one picture. Each paragraph must be at least eight sentences in
length. At least four weblinks must be referenced for each Country Physiographic Description.

please use any software of your choice to
create the assignment. Please use the example as the template for your assignment. It is
best to simply use the example as your template to complete these assignments by deleting
what is in the example and adding your own information.

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October 21, 2021
EXAMPLE(your name)
Country Physiographic Description
Economics of Agriculture
Indonesia is found along the southern side of the equator …
Economics of agriculture in Indonesia ….
The country agriculture consists of …
Biomes and Ecosystems
Indonesia is largely made up of…
Indonesia consists of the following soils…
Matt Blackburn
Country Physiographic Description
The Climate of the Philippines is tropical and maritime. It is characterized by relatively high temperature, high
humidity and abundant rainfall. It is similar in many respects to the climate of the countries of Central America.
Temperature, humidity, and rainfall, which are discussed hereunder, are the most important elements of the
country’s weather and climate. Based on the average of all weather stations in the Philippines, excluding Baguio,
the mean annual temperature is 26.6o C. The coolest months fall in January with a mean temperature of 25.5oC
while the warmest month occurs in May with a mean temperature of 28.3oC. Latitude is an insignificant factor in
the variation of temperature while altitude shows greater contrast in temperature. Thus, the mean annual
temperature of Baguio with an elevation of 1,500 meters is 18.3oC. This makes the temperature of Baguio
comparable with those in the temperate climate and because of this, it is known as the summer capital of the
Philippines. The difference between the mean annual temperature of the southernmost station in Zamboanga
and that of the northernmost station in Laoag is insignificant. In other words, there is essentially no difference in
the mean annual temperature of places in Luzon, Visayas or Mindanao measured at or near sea level.
Most of the Philippines’ vegetation is indigenous and
largely resembles that of Malaysia; the plants and trees of
the coastal areas, including the mangrove swamps, are
practically identical with those of similar regions
throughout the Malay Archipelago. Himalayan elements
occur in the mountains of northern Luzon, while a few
Australian types are found at various altitudes. The islands
are home to thousands of species of flowering plants and
ferns, including hundreds of species of orchids, some of
which are extremely rare. Tall, coarse grasses such as
cogon (genus Imperata) have arisen in many places where
the forests have been burned away. The Philippines are
inhabited by more than 200 species of mammals,
including water buffalo (carabao), goats, horses, hogs,
cats, dogs, monkeys, squirrels, lemurs, mice, pangolins
(scaly anteaters), chevrotains (mouse deer), mongooses,
civet cats, and red and brown deer, among others. The
tamarau (Anoa mindorensis), a species of small water
buffalo, is found only on Mindoro. Of more than 50
species of bats, many are peculiar to the Philippines.
Fossil remains show that elephants once lived on the
The alluvial plains and
terraces of Luzon and
Mindoro have dark black
cracking clays, as well as
younger soils that are
especially suitable for rice
cultivation. Much of the land
of the hilly and mountainous
regions consists of moist,
fertile soils, often with a
significant concentration of
volcanic ash, that support fruit
trees and pineapples. Oil
palms, vegetables, and other
crops are grown in the
peatlike areas, as well as in
the younger, sand-based soils
of the coastal plains, marshes,
and lake regions. The dark,
organic, mineral-rich soils of
the undulating terrain of the
Bicol Peninsula, much of the
Visayas, and the northwest tip
of Luzon are used to grow
coffee, bananas, and other
crops. Highly weathered,
often red or yellow soils are
prominent in the central and
southern Philippines and are
typically planted with cassava
(manioc) and sugarcane; these
soils also support forests for
timber harvesting. The poor,
precipitation-leached soils of
Palawan and the eastern
mountains of Luzon are
largely covered with shrubs,
bushes, and other secondary
growth that typically emerges
in areas that have been
cleared of their original forest
Consumer-oriented products were the largest
category of U.S. agricultural products exported
to the Philippines in 2021 at $1.4 billion, a 23percent increase over 2020. The Philippines
has been the top Southeast Asian destination
for U.S. consumer-oriented products since
2006. Top products in this category include
dairy products ($437 million), pork and pork
products ($204 million), and poultry meat and
products ($147 million, excluding eggs). Yearover-year growth was particularly strong for
U.S. meat and poultry products, with pork
exports growing by $90 million and poultry
exports growing by $83 million. Meat and
poultry product exports have increased
significantly in recent years to make up for
shortfalls in domestic pork production related
to African swine fever. Pork exports benefitted
from temporarily lower tariffs and larger quota
volumes, while demand increased for
substitute proteins like poultry.
The country’s main agricultural crops are rice,
corn, coconut, sugarcane, bananas, pineapple,
coffee, mangoes, tobacco, and abaca (a
banana-like plant). Secondary crops include
peanut, cassava, camote (a type of rootcrop),
garlic, onion, cabbage, eggplant, calamansi (a
variety of lemon), rubber, and cotton. The year
1998 was a bad year for agriculture because of
adverse weather conditions. Sector output
shrank by 8.3 percent, but it posted growth the
following year. Yet, hog farming and
commercial fishing posted declines in their
gross revenues in 1999. The sector is burdened
with low productivity for most of its crops.

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