Early childhood



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Early childhood
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In Ready or Not: Early Care and Education’s Leadership Choices 12 Years Later, Goffin and Washington (2019) suggested that one thing that is holding our field back is our dependence on public policy to “lead the way.”

They state, “ECE’s capacity development and confidence regarding the field’s ability to effect deep system changes…is restrained by heavy reliance on disjointed state and federal policies. Public policies are promoted as “saviors”, especially for resolving sector-specific problems, serving as substitutes for the adaptive and systems work necessary for realizing the field’s collective purpose (p. 48).”

Initial Post

In your initial post, address the following based on your thoughts from the above information:

What are your thoughts on relying on public policy “leading the way?”
What are some strategies you might implement in your own practices based on this statement?
What are the adaptive and systems work needed from your perspective?
Reply Post

In your reply post, write a reflection on at least two other students’ initial posts. Select posts that address topic areas you did not discuss in your initial post. Address the following:

Provide evidence for your peers’ work. Select at least one piece of evidence to supportive their point of view and one piece of evidence oppose their point of view.
The evidence could be in the form of a journal and/or news article, research study, video, or credible website. Be sure to include the link to your evidence.