Analyze game “The Wolf Among Us” using MDA Terminology


Analyze the game “The Wolf Among Us” using MDA Terminology. You’re to play or watch 2 games from YouTube. One is The Wolf Among Us, and the other is your choice, but I would prefer it to be another choice-based game. Use proper MDA terminology please.The link to the MDA paper:

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Analyze game “The Wolf Among Us” using MDA Terminology
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Game 1: The Wolf Among Us
Game Summary
Provide a brief (approx. 1-5 sentences) summary of the game you have played. The main
gameplay style and primary goal of the game should be described. Make sure you use
terminology from the MDA paper.
Gameplay Experience
Write 2 to 5 paragraphs about your personal, subjective gameplay experience during each 4560 minutes of playing the game, comparing both play sessions (NOT a play-by-play description
of what happened). Consider writing about (but not limited to) the following:
• Your emotional state while playing the game (and what led to that)
• Your thoughts on the characters in the game
• Your thoughts on the game’s story, and narrative progression. Did you like the story?
• Your thoughts on the gameplay. Was the game fun to play? Why?
• Was the game interesting to play?
• What kind of social interactions did you have with other players? With bystanders?
• Did you experience flow while playing the game? What contributed to this feeling?
Game Design Analysis
Write 2-5 paragraphs with your observations on the design of the game you have played. The
emphasis here is reflection upon the design of the game. Use your gameplay experience to
provide supporting evidence for your assertions about the design of the game. Consider
discussing one or more of the following (no need to address all of them):
• Innovative elements of the game
• What design elements make this game enjoyable or unenjoyable?
• Your thoughts on the level design in the game. Are the levels varied? How?
• What kinds of challenges does the game provide? How does the game keep these
• How does the game create conflict?
• How does the game keep the player interested?
• How does the game make use of space within the gameworld?
• What is the tone of the gameworld? How does the game create this tone?
• Does the game help foster social interaction among players? How?
• What would you change about the game? What was frustrating?
• What ideas does this game give you for your own game project?
• Does the game exhibit emergent complexity?

How did you respond to the game’s reward structure?
Your thoughts on the game’s use of cut scenes to support the narrative (for example,
how do the cutscenes support or interfere with gameplay?)
Game 2: [Self-Selected Game Title]
Game Summary
Provide a brief (approx. 1-5 sentences) summary of the game you have played. The main
gameplay style and primary goal of the game should be described. Make sure you use
terminology from the MDA paper.
Gameplay Experience
Write 2 to 5 paragraphs about your personal, subjective gameplay experience during each 4560 minutes of playing the game, comparing both play sessions (NOT a play-by-play description
of what happened). Consider writing about (but not limited to) the following:
• Your emotional state while playing the game (and what led to that)
• Your thoughts on the characters in the game
• Your thoughts on the game’s story, and narrative progression. Did you like the story?
• Your thoughts on the gameplay. Was the game fun to play? Why?
• Was the game interesting to play?
• What kind of social interactions did you have with other players? With bystanders?
• Did you experience flow while playing the game? What contributed to this feeling?
Game Design Analysis
Write 2-5 paragraphs with your observations on the design of the game you have played. The
emphasis here is reflection upon the design of the game. Use your gameplay experience to
provide supporting evidence for your assertions about the design of the game. Consider
discussing one or more of the following (no need to address all of them):
• Innovative elements of the game
• What design elements make this game enjoyable or unenjoyable?
• Your thoughts on the level design in the game. Are the levels varied? How?
• What kinds of challenges does the game provide? How does the game keep these
• How does the game create conflict?

How does the game keep the player interested?
How does the game make use of space within the gameworld?
What is the tone of the gameworld? How does the game create this tone?
Does the game help foster social interaction among players? How?
What would you change about the game? What was frustrating?
What ideas does this game give you for your own game project?
Does the game exhibit emergent complexity?
How did you respond to the game’s reward structure?
Your thoughts on the game’s use of cut scenes to support the narrative (for example,
how do the cutscenes support or interfere with gameplay?)

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