Criminal Justice Question


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Criminal Justice Question
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Assignment 1:
Loden’s Wheel is considered an important tool in considering factors of diversity. Used in
diversity trainings across the nation, the wheel provides a foundation for thinking about
potential conflicts we may be blind to. There are numerous versions and adaptations of
Loden’s Wheel; the one used in this assignment is the most extensive one for analyzing the
complexity of the topic. You will be using Loden’s Wheel to identify factors in yourself
from the various levels of the wheel.
Using the provided Module Two Practice Activity Template Word Document, you will use
the factors on Loden’s Wheel to help define aspects of yourself. You will first identify
factors from the different sections of Loden’s Wheel: internal factors, external factors,
organizational factors, and era factors. You will then select the most influential factors
from each section of the wheel (a minimum of three from each section) and provide an
explanation as to why you chose those factors. How do those factors impact who you are?
How do they directly or indirectly shape your personality?
Keep the following in mind as you are identifying factors and providing rationale:
• Be sure to discern between often-confused factors, such as race and ethnicity.
• The factors may vary in level of depth and broadness. For example, experiences may
be broad, whereas age is specific.
• In the outermost circle, era is used to provide a broader view of how things shape
individuals. For instance, 9/11 or the O. J. Simpson trial may impact your locale or
a group you identify with, or they may shape your parents or community at large.
Consider war and conflict, politics, social movements, movies and albums
released, and so on.
• You do not need to describe all factors. Only include what you are comfortable
Specifically, the following rubric criteria must be addressed:
• Identify internal factors of self (a minimum of three).
• Provide rationale as to why selected internal factors are most influential on your
• Identify external factors of self (a minimum of three).
• Provide rationale as to why selected external factors are most influential on your
• Identify organizational factors of self (a minimum of three).
• Provide rationale as to why selected organizational factors are most influential on
your personality.
• Identify era factors of self (a minimum of three).
• Provide rationale as to why selected era factors are most influential on your
Assignment 2:
In this assignment, you will explain the roles of culture and bias in interpreting and
conveying information.
In Module One, you learned some common terminology used to explain different aspects
of cultural diversity and how these terms may influence decision making. You also
completed your own personal diversity assessment using Loden’s Diversity Wheel. These
activities will assist you as you begin to construct a cultural diversity education and
training for Project One.
In this activity, you will examine the history of Chinese immigration to the United States in
order to gain a better understanding of the relationship between cultural bias,
stereotyping, and communication issues among a specific group, the police, and the
criminal justice system. This will also assist you as you consider the specific factors from
Loden’s Diversity Wheel that impact criminal-justice interactions in Project Two, which
you will complete in Module Five.
First, review the History of San Francisco’s Chinatown resource, On Police Treatment,
Asian-Americans Show Ethnic, Generational Splits, and The Social History of Crime and
Punishments in America: An Encyclopedia -Chinese Americans. Then, in a slide
presentation, complete the following essential elements:
Cultural Stereotype
Slide 1
• Provide a 50- to 100-word summary of cultural stereotypes related to Chinese
Include any additional notes as speaker notes.
Decision Making
Slides 2 and 3
• Provide at least two examples of poor decision making in the criminal justice
system or its professionals that are the direct result of cultural stereotyping.
Include each example on its own slide.
Slide 4
• Provide a summary of the history of Chinese immigration to the United States.
Slide 5
• Connect this history with cultural biases and stereotypes.
Slide 6
• Identify speaking and listening communication issues that may arise due to bias or
stereotyping related to the history of Chinese immigrants to the United States.
Specifically, the following rubric criteria must be addressed:
• Identify cultural stereotypes of Chinese immigrants.
• Provide examples of poor decision making as a result of cultural stereotyping.
• Explore the connection between the history of Chinese immigration to the United
States and cultural bias and stereotypes.
• Identify communication issues that may arise due to bias or stereotyping.
What to Submit
This assignment must be completed as a presentation with a minimum of six slides. All
references should be cited in APA format. Review the Shapiro Library’s APA Style
Guide for more information on citations.

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