Research Application Module


Students should open and read the attached documents, and write their responses as requested in the attached document.

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Research Application Module
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Research Application: Identifying Concepts in Published Research
One of the learning outcomes of this course is for students to be able to identify and interpret statistical
concepts in published research in psychology so that students can take these skills with them into their
future coursework and careers.
Consistent with this learning outcome, students will read the excerpt from Bargh, Chen, and Burrows
(1996) describing Experiment 2a and 2b on pages 236-237. The excerpt is uploaded to the assignment
link and is titled “Research Application Module 1 Excerpt.”
Students will apply content from Gravetter et al. (2021) Chapter 1: Introduction to Statistics to identify
and interpret statistical concepts in the Bargh et al. (1996) research article.
Students should write a response using proper sentence form for each of the following items, typing
below each prompt, and upload this completed document to the assignment link.
1. Describe the two samples who participated in Experiments 2a and 2b. (2 points)
2. According to Gravetter et al. (2021), a variable is a “characteristic or condition that changes or
has different values for different individuals” (p. 6). Identify and explain the variable that the
researchers manipulated in Experiments 2a and 2b (i.e., the variable that the researchers
presented to the two groups of participants). (2 points)
3. Identify and explain the variable that the researchers measured in Experiments 2a and 2b (i.e.,
the outcome variable that differed between the groups). (2 points)
4. Review Gravetter et al.’s (2021) explanation of descriptive statistics on page 7. Identify and
explain the 4 descriptive statistics (i.e., averages) that Bargh et al. present in the research
excerpt. Describe what we learned by examining these statistics. (3 points)
5. Review Gravetter et al.’s (2021) explanation of the scales of measurement on pages 15-19.
Identify the scale of measurement that best describes participants’ walking speed as measured
in Bargh et al.’s (1996) research excerpt. (2 points)
6. Which of the data structures described by Gravetter et al. (2021) in Chapter 1 best fits the
research design in the Bargh et al. (1996) research excerpt? (1 point)
7. Write a brief summary of the Bargh et al. (1996) excerpt in your own words. Do not quote from
the original source, and do not take sentences from the original source and merely rearrange
words or replace words with synonyms. The summary should come from your memory of the
excerpt and should reflect your understanding of it (not the authors’ understanding of their own
work). (3 points)
Bargh, J. A., Chen, M., & Burrows, L. (1996). Automaticity of social behavior: Direct effects of trait
construct and stereotype activation on action. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 71(2), 230244.

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