Week 2 assnigment


1st assignment- Using the Excel workbook below and pages 24-30 of your textbook, analyze the menu sales data from the Excel Workbook (Tab: Sales Mix Analysis) to determine the menu “Dogs” and “Puzzles”: Attach your completed Excel workbook to this discussion assignment. WEEK 2 Discussion Menu Sales Mix Student Sheet.xlsx Identifying the dogs and the puzzles, explaining why you have labeled those menu items either as dogs or puzzles. Then create menu items to replace those being removed or suggest price changes if you believe the price impacts their menu sales mix results. Including a rationale for why you believe these menu changes or price changes will result in an improved menu sales mix. please use the file below Puzzle : A puzzle is an item with a low MM percentage and a high CM Dog: This is an item with a low MM percentage and a low CM 2nd Assignment can you put into a excel document and label this 2nd assignment. Choose a target demographic and event type. Using the information provided create a menu and Banquet Event Order (B.E.O) that includes all the details on page 262 of the sample B.E.O. Format of the B.E.O should include fictitious food & beverage company details and pricing. You should conduct basic research prior to starting this assignment using industry-existing event companies/hotels for menu and menu pricing guidance.Demographics: Various segments of the US and Income LevelsMenu’s: Cocktail party, buffet, sit down dinner, etc.Variables: Special Dietary Concerns For assignment 1 only please use file to complete the assignment.

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