SOCW-6002 Changing lives


Review the resources under the Academic Skills Resources heading in the Learning Resources.
Complete the three Academic Integrity Student Tutorials found under the Academic Skills Resources heading in the Learning Resources.
You are required to upload the certificate of completion from Academic Integrity Student Tutorial Part 3 for this Assignment.
You are also required to make specific reference to the other Academic Skills Resources. Which of those resources relate to where you think you need to improve your academic skills? Focus on those resources.
Review the Learning Resources that relate to SMART Goals.
Consider which skills you would like to develop.
Identify 3 goals to develop your graduate level skills. Describe how you will meet each goal.
Tip: Make goals Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely. Identify specific academic skill support resources at Walden University to plan to use in your skill development.
Create 3 goals to develop your graduate level academic skills and describe how you will meet these goals.
Be sure to identify specific academic skill support resources at Walden University you plan to use in your skill development.
Be sure to make goals Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely. Identify specific academic skill support resources at Walden University to plan to use in your skill development.
50 to >44.95 ptsExcellentCertificate submitted 44.95 to >39.95 ptsGoodCertificate submitted 39.95 to >34.95 ptsFairCertificate submitted 34.95 to >0 ptsPoorCertificate not submitted
50 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWays to meet goals
20 to >17.98 ptsExcellentStudent describes more than 3 different and unique ways to work on the goal of developing graduate level skills. Ways identified are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely. 17.98 to >15.98 ptsGoodStudent describes 3 different and unique ways to work on the goal of developing graduate level skills. Ways identified have at least 2 of the following elements: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely. 15.98 to >13.98 ptsFairStudent presents 2–3 ways but describes 2 different and unique ways to work on the goal of developing graduate level skills. 13.98 to >0 ptsPoorStudent describes 1 way to work on the goal of developing graduate level skills.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWalden resource
20 to >17.98 ptsExcellentStudent identifies more than 3 separate and unique Walden resources, aligning each resource with a way to reach goal. 17.98 to >15.98 ptsGoodStudent identifies 3 separate and unique Walden resources, aligning each resource with a way to reach goal. 15.98 to >13.98 ptsFairStudent identifies 2–3 Walden resources, but does not align each resource with a way to reach goal. 13.98 to >0 ptsPoorStudent either does not identify specific Walden resources and/or only identifies 1 that may or may not be aligned to a goal.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting
10 to >8.99 ptsExcellentMeets expectations, is generally error free (2 or fewer), and further exceeds by showcasing an exemplary scholarly voice to develop the message or communicate ideas. … Tone and presentation of ideas are free from bias and objective, unless otherwise directed in the prompt. 8.99 to >7.99 ptsGoodThe assignment is clear and coherent. Errors in grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation are minor, minimal (3–5), and do not interfere with the scholarly message. The assignment displays effective organization and focus to communicate ideas. … Tone and presentation of ideas are free from bias and objective, unless otherwise directed in the prompt. 7.99 to >6.99 ptsFairThe assignment is somewhat clear and coherent. Errors in grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation are minor but frequent (5–10) and occasionally interfere with the message. The assignment lacks clear organization or occasionally strays from the focus. … Tone and presentation of ideas are free from bias and objective, unless otherwise directed in the prompt. 6.99 to >0 ptsPoorThe assignment lacks clarity and coherence. Errors in grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation are major, pervasive (11+), and interfere with the message. The assignment is not organized or lacks focus. … Tone and presentation of ideas reveal bias and subjectivity.
10 pts
Total Points: 100

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