
CEPH DrPH Foundational Competency #19:

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Deliver educational experiences that promote learning in academic settings.
CEPH DrPH Foundational Competency #20:
Use best practice modalities in pedagogical practices.

Now that you have completed and submitted preliminary work on your draft DrPH Prospectus Form, you will have the opportunity to present those ideas. Presenting your ideas so far on your proposed doctoral study will provide an opportunity to explain your study to others in a collegial environment, gaining valuable feedback on your proposed study that you can use when you get to the Capstone Phase.

In this Assignment, you will use Kaltura to create a presentation recording focused on several components from your draft DrPH Prospectus Form. Specifically, you will deliver educational experiences that promote learning in academic settings. You will use best practice modalities in pedagogical practices that were discussed previously.

Recording with Kaltura: Be sure your screen and camera functions are on to record. Kaltura allows you to toggle between the picture and the screen. You will also need to ensure that your presentation recording has a clear and accurate transcript.

To prepare:

Review the module Learning Resources.
Review the documents within the Kaltura Media Uploader page on the course navigation menu.
Review the Walden CRQ/Writing Center resources, specifically the PowerPoint templates for guidance on presentation. Download and use the Walden APA Presentation Template.
In addition to receiving Instructor feedback, you will receive peer-feedback on your video presentation during the Discussion following submission of this Assignment. Review the Discussion Template now including the Peer Feedback Rubric to consider the criteria on which your presentation will be judged.

The Assignment

Prepare an 8—12-minutes presentation that includes the following:

Introduce yourself.
Provide three learning objectives that will be addressed in the presentation.
Provide a brief background of the larger public health issue that you will be addressing (up to 2 minutes).
Provide a brief summary of the supporting literature you have reviewed around your specific topic (up to 3 minutes).
Use at least 2 peer-reviewed journal articles.
Provide the problem (social problem, research problem, gap) from the DrPH Prospectus Form (up to 1 minute).
Briefly discuss how the supporting literature guided your problem.
State your proposed research questions (up to 3 minutes).
Explain how the supporting literature and problem guided your research questions.
Mention your key variables from the supporting literature.
Explain the significance of your doctoral study in terms of how it might influence social change (up to 1 minute).

Your presentation should:

Show that you can deliver educational experiences that promote learning in academic settings.
Show that you can use best practice modalities in pedagogical practices.

The Prospectus Form I sent to you below is the common from my Professor:

This draft is being used to help assign your committee. Over the past several terms, you have worked on drafting, revising, and refining the elements of your Prospectus Form. You have scoured the research and iterated upon your research questions, hypotheses, and supporting information. While the instructors during the previous courses and seminars offered valuable feedback and advice, the chair and committee member will offer more input and feedback to help you finalize the prospectus for the Program Director’s review and approval of your doctoral study. This is a process; rewrites and revisions are part of the prospectus development and an even bigger part of the proposal and final doctoral study process. Remember, everything up to this point has been preparing you for this final academic exercise (the doctoral study).

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DrPH Prospectus Form
Students | Complete your doctoral prospectus within this form. Write your responses in the white spaces using a scholarly tone and include in-text
citations and APA reference entries, where appropriate. You can click on underlined terms and headings for descriptions, resource links, and
examples located in the Appendix. For additional prospectus information and resources, refer to the Doctoral Research Coach. Complete the
Research Design Alignment Table within this form using the information from earlier sections and self-assess your research design alignment.
Submit this completed form into MyDR for formal evaluation and feedback when your committee chair indicates that you are ready to do so.
Student’s Name | WEN CHIEH CHIA
Student ID | A01165559
Program and Specialization* | DR. PUBLIC HEALTH
Submission Date | Click arrow to select a date.
*Remember that your study focus must be within the realm of your program and specialization area.
Evaluators Only | Complete this section and provide feedback on responses and rubric scores in the form where noted.
Committee Chairperson Name: Click or tap here to enter text.
Second Committee Member Name: Click or tap here to enter text.
PhD Program Director or Designee: Click or tap here to enter text.
Overall Assessment: Choose score.
Overall Assessment: Choose score.
Overall Assessment: Choose score.
Rubric Standard | Complete > Does the prospectus contain all the required elements? Refer to the annotated outline to see the required parts of the
Doctoral study Prospectus document.
Note. Please complete following the directions provided, using the stem sentences, and referring to the examples in the appendix.
Provide a concise (aim for 15 words or fewer) working title for this study. Include the main topic, variables/concepts under investigation, and the relationship
between them. A title should be fully explanatory when standing alone and include the most critical key words.
Environmental Risk Factors Associated with Respiratory Diseases in Socioeconomic Disadvantaged and Advantaged Children
Supporting Literature
The first step in developing your prospectus is to search the literature related to the general area you want to investigate (see social problem below). In your
review of recent, empirical literature, what keywords did you search and in what databases?
The keywords and databases searched included respiratory illnesses, air pollution, toxic compounds in air, socioeconomic factors contributing to
air pollution-based diseases, harmful effects of air pollution, asthma, COPD, viral respiratory infections. Databases searched: Google Scholar,
Walden University Library, ProQuest
Provide at least 10 brief summaries of recent, scholarly (peer-reviewed) articles that support/justify a current and relevant problem in your discipline or
professional field. Source(s) supporting your framework (see Framework below) should be included. Include the complete, APA reference entry, followed by
(a) an in-text citation; (b) what was studied; (c) what was found; and (d) why this research is important in relation to your study. This evidence provides the
justification for your research problem.
1. Brumberg, H. L., Karr, C. J., Bole, A., Ahdoot, S., Balk, S. J., Bernstein, A. S., … & Trasande, L. (2021). Ambient air pollution: health hazards
to children. Pediatrics, 147(6). DOI: 10.1542/peds.2021-051484
Brumberg et al. (2021) examined air pollution sources like agricultural production, forest, fires, vehicular traffic and coal-fired power
plants, including their potential to cause respiratory illnesses among infants and children. The research finds that air pollution exacerbates
respiratory diseases causing reduced lung function and high incidences of asthma. This study is significant for the research since it outlines
essential information that can help in determining the relationship between air pollution and respiratory illnesses among children.
2. Chatkin, J., Correa, L., & Santos, U. (2021). External environmental pollution as a risk factor for asthma. Clinical reviews in allergy &
immunology, 1-18. DOI: 10.1007/s12016-020-08830-5
Chatkin et al. (2021) researched the risk factors of asthma. The study discovered that pollutant agents like particulate matter and gaseous
components has a considerable implication on asthma incidences among children. children in economically disadvantaged neighborhoods are most
likely to develop asthma from environmental pollution. This scholarly article is crucial for the research as it demonstrates the relationship between
respiratory illness and environmental pollution, specifically on individuals in economically disadvantaged areas.
3. Domingo, J. L., & Rovira, J. (2020). Effects of air pollutants on the transmission and severity of respiratory viral infections. Environmental
research, 187, 109650. DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2020.109650
Domingo & Rovira (2020) probed the impact of air pollutants on respiratory viral infections. The study indicated that pollutant agents like
particulate matter, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) improve transmission of viruses causing respiratory
infections in children as well as adults. Evidence from this article is essential for the research since it indicates the association between air
pollutants and respiratory viral infections.
4. Dominski, F. H., Branco, J. H. L., Buonanno, G., Stabile, L., da Silva, M. G., & Andrade, A. (2021). Effects of air pollution on health: A
mapping review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Environmental research, 201, 111487. DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.111487
Dominski et al. (2021) analyze the trends in air pollution and negative consequences it causes on human health. The study reveals that
nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter are the primary components that promote respiratory illnesses. This journal is vital for the research since it
highlights a close relationship between air pollution and adverse respiratory health outcomes.
5. Hendryx, M., Luo, J., Chojenta, C., & Byles, J. E. (2019). Air pollution exposures from multiple point sources and risk of incident chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma. Environmental Research, 179, 108783. DOI:10.1016/j.envres.2019.108783
Hendryx et al. (2019) researched the risk of acquiring chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma from air pollutants. The
study showed that exposures to air pollutants has increased asthma and COPD prevalence among children. This article is crucial for the research
since it indicates the prevalence of specific respiratory illnesses due to exposures to environmental pollutants.
6. Kim, D., Chen, Z., Zhou, L. F., & Huang, S. X. (2018). Air pollutants and early origins of respiratory diseases. Chronic diseases and
translational medicine, 4(2), 75–94.
Kim et al. (2018) studies the origins of respiratory diseases from air pollutants. The study found that particulate forms and chemical
contaminants like nitrogen dioxide increases the risk of laryngo-tracheo-bronchitis, which can eventually lead to influenza viral infections and
death among children below 5 years. This study is important for the research since it examines the pathology of respiratory illnesses and outlines
its relationship to air pollutants.
7. Kumar, R. (2020). Air pollution and respiratory health. Health, 3, 032–037. DOI:10.29328/journal.japch.1001015
Kumar (2020) investigates outdoor and indoor air pollution and examines their effects on children’s respiratory health. This article
discovers that mineral and chemical compositions of air pollution increase respiratory morbidity among children, raising the risk of acquiring
rhinitis, upper respiratory ailments, and asthma. This study is vital for the research as it outlines the rate of respiratory infects from air pollution
among children in economically advantaged and disadvantaged neighborhoods.
8. Nho, R. (2020). Pathological effects of nano-sized particles on the respiratory system. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and
Medicine, 29, 102242.
Nho (2020) researched the nano-particles in air pollutants that worsen respiratory health using concepts of pathology. The study finds that
nano-particles affect and disrupt normal functioning of vital respiratory organs, contributing to asthma and pulmonary diseases. The significance of
this study to the research is based on how it indicates the association between air pollutant nano-sized particles and adverse respiratory outcomes.
9. Rahman, M. M., McConnell, R., Schlaerth, H., Ko, J., Silva, S., Lurmann, F. W., … & Garcia, E. (2022). The effects of coexposure to extremes
of heat and particulate air pollution on mortality in California: implications for climate change. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care
Medicine, 206(9), 1117-1127.
Rahman et al. (2022) probes the effect of particulate air pollution and respiratory health outcomes in California’s children population. The
study indicates that air pollutions increase the risk of respiratory illnesses in children, thus, promoting high mortality rates. The importance of this
study to the research is based on the statistical data in offers to show a strong relationship between air pollution and respiratory mortality among
10. Ryter, S. W., Ma, K. C., & Choi, A. M. (2018). Carbon monoxide in lung cell physiology and disease. American Journal of Physiology-Cell
Physiology, 314(2), C211-C227. DOI: 10.1152/ajpcell.00022.2017
Ryter et al. (2018) investigates the pathophysiology of carbon monoxide on respiratory illnesses. The study shows that gaseous carbon
monoxide causes bleomycin-induced lung injury and pulmonary hypertension, increasing the risk of respiratory illnesses and sepsis, leading to
death among children. this study is important to the research since it highlights the relationship between air pollutants and respiratory illnesses
from a biological standpoint.
Rubric Standard | Justified > Is evidence presented that this problem is significant to the discipline and/or professional field? The prospectus should
provide relevant statistics and evidence, documentable discrepancies, and other scholarly facts that point to the significance and urgency of the problem.
What was the social problem that prompted you to search the literature to find out more? Write in complete sentences using a scholarly tone.
The situation or issue that prompted me to search the literature is Millions of people globally suffer from various respiratory illnesses due to
industrial air pollution (Kim et al., 2018). Industries produce toxic compounds that contaminate air quality, causing respiratory infections like
bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and lung cancer (Hendryx et al., 2019). Industrial exhausts causing
air pollution include carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxide (SO2), volatile organic compounds, Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), and heavy metals such as
lead and mercury (Kumar, 2020). According to Kim et al. (2018), countries with high pollution-related respiratory illnesses include India and
Pakistan due to many industries that release toxic fumes into the air. In addition, enterprises tend to pollute the air due to fossil fuels like petrol and
hydrocarbon gas (Nho, 2020). These fossil fuels undergo intense combustion 3 producing harmful gases like carbon monoxide, causing respiratory
illnesses when people breathe in the air (Ryter et al., 2018). In the United States, places recording high air pollution include California, Arizona,
the District of Colombia, Utah, and Illinois (Kumar, 2020). These regions have a vast population and significant industries that contribute to air
pollution, thus, high respiratory illnesses (Rahman et al., 2022). However, it is challenging to know whether the respiratory illnesses are due to
industrial air pollution or lifestyle behaviors like smoking. Nevertheless, the dependent variable will be the incidences of respiratory illnesses and
the independent variables will be age, geographic location, and socioeconomic factors.
Now that you have read and summarized some of the recent literature to understand your problem, and given what other researchers are exploring, what
meaningful gap have you identified that your study will address? (What have others not yet explored about this problem that you will contribute with your
Although researchers have investigated this issue, the topic has not been explored in this way: Research on respiratory health among children from
socioeconomically advantaged and disadvantaged neighborhoods has been insufficient. Even with immense data on respiratory illnesses caused by
air pollution, the study will examine socioeconomic factors related to respiratory illness stemming from air pollution. The research will explore
families’ experiences living in urban and rural areas to determine the extent of respiratory diseases between those locations. In addition, the
research will unravel possible health disparities in places like California that need to be solved to improve health access and minimize respiratory
diseases among children.
Based on all of the above information (social problem, literature review, gap), in one sentence, what is your research problem?
In one sentence, the specific research problem is to identify, address, and minimize negative respiratory health outcomes stemming from air
pollutants in urban and rural areas of California, health disparities, and explore potential gaps that need to be sealed to improve respiratory health,
especially among children from all socioeconomic backgrounds.
Rubric Standard | Meaningful > Has a meaningful problem and gap in the research literature been identified? In other words, is addressing this problem
the logical next step, given the previous exploratory and confirmatory research (or lack thereof) on this topic? It is not acceptable to simply replicate previous
research for a doctoral degree.
Rubric Standard | Original > Does this project have potential to make an original contribution? The problem must be an authentic “puzzle” that needs
solving, not merely a topic that the researcher finds interesting. Addressing the problem should result in an original contribution to the field or discipline.
To address your stated research problem, what is the purpose of your study? Will you describe, compare, explore, examine, etc.? Complete the purpose
sentence below and be sure to clarify your variables/concepts of interest.
The purpose of this Quantitative study is to examine the need for addressing health disparities and regulating air pollution to bolster positive
respiratory health outcomes, thus suppressing illnesses like COPD and asthma among children.
Framework (Conceptual or Theoretical)
What theory(ies) and/or concept(s) support (frame) your study and who are the original authors? Provide an in-text citation with your response, and the
complete APA reference.
The theories and/or concepts that ground this study include the web of causation theory is a theoretical framework for this assessment. This theory
indicates that diseases are attributed to multiple factors that interact directly or indirectly. Therefore, the web of causation theory is essential in
examining environmental risk factors that cause respiratory diseases among children. Brian MacMahon, Thomas Pugh, and Johannes Ipsen are the
original writers of the web of causation theory. In addition, the social determinant of health (SDOH) model is critical for this investigation as it
highlights the differences in people’s backgrounds that contribute immensely to their health status. Michael Marmont and Richard Wilkinson are
the original developers of the SDOH model.
How do these theories and/or concepts relate to your research problem, purpose, and the nature of your study?
The logical connections between the framework presented and the nature of my study include the web of causation theory and the social
determinant of health (SDOH) model are essential for this study since they provide in-depth and comprehensive information that can help
investigate the environmental risk factors of respiratory diseases among children. The web of causation theory helps comprehend how several risk
factors interact directly or indirectly to cause particular diseases. However, the SDOH model is vital in understanding factors that limit people from
accessing health services to minimize disease prevalence. Ultimately, these theories convey evidence-based knowledge essential to understanding
people’s backgrounds and the problems affecting them, thus creating a unique lens for researchers to examine critical variables on the issue.
Rubric Standard | Grounded > Is the problem framed to enable the researcher to either build upon or counter the previously published findings on the
topic? For most fields, grounding involves articulating the problem within the context of a theoretical base or conceptual framework. Although many
approaches can ground a study in the scientific literature, the essential requirement is that the problem is framed such that the new findings will have
implications for the previous findings.
Research Question(s) and Hypotheses (if applicable)
List the question(s) that you plan to use to address the research problem. Your question(s) must align with your study purpose and include the variables
and/or concepts and how they will be examined.
1. What correlation exists between a degree of particulate matter, including other contaminants and the level of respiratory health among children
from socioeconomically advantaged areas compared those in economically disadvantaged regions?
2. What is the association between poor air quality and the prevalence of respiratory illnesses among children?
3. Determine the relationship between the impact of air pollution levels in economically advantaged regions like California and impoverished areas
and identify differences by exploring how they influence respiratory illness in children of different age brackets.
Nature of the Study
What systematic approach/method and research design do you plan to use to address your research question(s)?
To address the research questions in this Quantitative study, the specific research design will include Quasi-experimental research design. The
quasi-experimental research design will assist me in examining respiratory illnesses attributed to air pollution among socioeconomically
advantaged and disadvantaged children. Leavy (2020) opines that a quasi-experimental research design entails data collection from several
individuals simultaneously to understand the cause-effect relationship of a problem. Major variables will be analyzed, and statistics will be
determined to answer the research questions.
Reference entry for the work on which this research design is based:
Leavy, P. (2022). Research design: Quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, arts-based, and community-based participatory research
approaches. Guilford Publications.
For your planned research design, what type of data will you need and what data collection tools and sources will provide it?
For my planned research design, I will need quantitative data. Quantitative info will include numerical data comprising discrete values outlining
issues affecting the target group. I will utilize electronic devices like iPads and computers to collect and analyze data. Data collection tools and
sources will include surveys and questionnaires, social media analytics, structured interviews, and standardized assessments.
What data points from these sources do you plan to use to answer your research question(s)?
1. Statistical assessments of particulate matter in the air.
2. Number of reported cases of respiratory illnesses.
3. Air quality values.
4. Participant experiences with respiratory illnesses.
5. Gaps in respiratory health among children.
6. Existing literature.
What limitations, challenges, and/or barriers might you need to address while conducting this study (e.g., requirements for storing data, separation of roles
or other ethical considerations, instrumentation fees, etc.)?
The limitations, challenges, and barriers that need to be addressed during the study include:
1. Ethical considerations. The study will need to adhere to ethical guidelines like confidentiality and anonymity and informed consent.
2. Data access. Obtain data from participants at times challenging due to confidentiality concerns and lack of proper awareness.
3. Participant recruitment. Finding participants for the study can be difficult, particularly for the quantitative component. Inherent biases in
participant selection, such as voluntary participation or non-response bias, may have an impact on the study’s conclusions.
4. Data storage. Data should be stored securely to ensure confidentiality.
5. Instrumentation fees. The study can incur huge expenses on instruments and tools used to gather data.
Rubric Standard | Feasible > Can a systematic method of inquiry be used to address the problem; and does the approach have the potential to address
the problem while considering potential risks and burdens placed on research participants? The tentative methodology demonstrates that the researcher
has considered the options for inquiry and has selected an approach that has potential to address the problem.
How will your study address the meaningful, discipline-specific issue that you identified and therefore contribute to your field, discipline, professional
practice, etc. contributing to positive social change?
This study is significant in that It will foster positive social change by ensuring the public practices personal care through air conditioning and
mask-wearing to minimize respiratory infections from air pollutants like dust and toxic fumes. The findings of this study will foster developments
in new policies to curb air pollution that causes adverse respiratory health effects. This study is also significant in informing policymakers in
California concerning air pollution-based respiratory illnesses. By addressing gaps, social workers will collaborate with policymakers to educate
the community and implement strategies to minimize the risk of respiratory illnesses from poor air quality.
Rubric Standard | Impact > Does this project have potential to affect positive social change? As described in the Significance section, the anticipated
findings have potential to support the mission of Walden University to promote positive social change.
Rubric Standard | Objective > Is the topic approached in an objective manner? The framing of the problem should not reveal bias or present a foregone
conclusion. Even if the researcher has a strong opinion on the expected findings, the researcher must maximize scholarly objectivity by framing the problem in
the context of a systematic inquiry that permits multiple possible conclusions.
Partner Site Masking Self-Check
Walden capstones typically mask the identity of the partner organization. The methodological and ethical reasons for this practice as well as criteria for
exceptions are outlined here (link to posted guidance).
☐ Check here to confirm that you will mask the identity of the organization in the final capstone that you publish in ProQuest.
☐ If you perceive that your partner organization’s identity would be impossible to mask or if there is a strong rationale for naming the organization in your
capstone, please check this box so that your Program Director can review your request for an exception. If granted, that exception must be confirmed by the
IRB during the ethics review process. The IRB will also ensure that your consent form(s) and/or site agreement(s) permit naming the organization.
☐ Not Applicable
Research Design Alignment Table | Using an alignment table can assist with ensuring the alignment of your research design.
Research Design Alignment Table Video Tutorial (YouTube) | Doctoral Research Design Alignment Appointments or Office Hours
Note. At the prospectus stage, not all items in the table below can be identified (e.g., data points, data analysis). Please complete the items that you have
identified in this form. During proposal development, you will revisit this plan to adjust, as needed, and finalize your research design.
Hover over bold font for Instructions and click links for resources.
Research Problem,
Purpose, and Framework
Research Question(s), Method,
& Design
Problem: the specific research
problem is that environmental
risks like air pollution cause
respiratory illnesses like asthma
and COPD on children.
Purpose: the purpose of this
quantitative study is to analyze
environmental risks that
increase the prevalence of
respiratory illness among
children and how these
problems can be mitigated.
Framework: the theoretical
framework for this study
includes exposure-response
model and vulnerability and
susceptibility model.
RQ1: What correlation exists
between a degree of particulate
matter, including other contaminants
and the level of respiratory health
among children from
socioeconomically advantaged areas
compared those in economically
disadvantaged regions? Ho1: there is
no correlation between the degree of
particulate matter and respiratory
illnesses among children.
HA1: there is a high correlation
between the degree of particulate
matter and respiratory illnesses
among children.
Method: Quantitative
Design: quasi-experimental
RQ2: What is the association
between poor air quality and the
prevalence of respiratory illnesses
among children.
Ho1: there is no association between
poor air quality and respiratory
illnesses among children.
HA1: there is an association between
poor air quality and respiratory
illnesses among children.
Method: Quantitative
Design: quasi-experimental
Types of Data to be Collected
and Data Collection
Data Sources
Data Analysis
Air quality values. Statistics of
affected individuals, and respiratory
diseases. Overall, they offer values on
air quality of specific areas making it
easy to examine economically
disadvantaged and advantaged areas.
I will utilize surveys to examine
households affected with respiratory
Systematic literature review.
The data sources will be
the World Health
Organization, participant
surveys, the Environmental
Protection Agency, and the
Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention.
Variables: Age, income,
geographic location,
housing, and access to
clinical services.
Scales of measurement:
interval/ratio, nominal.
Analysis: analysis of
variance (ANOVA). SPSS for
data analysis.
The type of data to be collected
include the population of affected
individuals, air quality values, and
respiratory illnesses.
I will gather data using surveys and
systematic literature review.
The data sources will be
the World Health
Organization, participant
surveys, the Environmental
Protection Agency, and the
Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention.
Variables: Age, income,
geographic location,
housing, and access to
clinical services.
Scales of measurement:
interval/ratio, nominal.
Analysis: analysis of
variance (ANOVA). SPSS for
data analysis.
RQ3: Determine the relationship
between the impact of air pollution
levels in economically advantaged
regions like California and
impoverished areas and identify
differences by exploring how they
influence respiratory illness in
children of different age brackets.
Ho1: there is no relationship between
the impact of air pollution levels and
respiratory illness among children.
HA1: there is a relationship between
the impact of air pollution levels and
respiratory illness among children.
Method: Quantitative
Design: quasi-experimental
Air quality values, particulate
matter percentages, population of
affected individuals, and respiratory
Surveys and systematic literature
The data sources will be
the World Health
Organization, participant
surveys, the Environmental
Protection Agency, and the
Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention.
Variables: Age, income,
geographic location,
housing, and access to
clinical services.
Scales of measurement:
interval/ratio, nominal.
Analysis: analysis of
variance (ANOVA). SPSS for
data analysis.
Note. The information in the first column must align with all rows, and each individual RQ row must show alignment across the columns for that row.
Once your Research Design Alignment Table is completed, reflect on your design alignment. Ask yourself:
Is there a logical progression from the research problem to the purpose of the study?
Does the identified framework ground the investigation into the stated problem?
Do the problem, purpose, and framework in the left-hand column align with the RQ(s) (all rows)?
Does each RQ address the problem and align with the purpose of the study?
Does the information across each individual row match/align with the RQ listed for that row?
• By row, will the variables listed address the RQ?
• By row, will the analysis address the RQ?
• By row, can the analysis be completed with the data points that will be collected?
Rubric Standard | Aligned > Do the various aspects of the prospectus align overall? The nature of the study should align with the problem,
research questions, and tentative approaches to inquiry.
The Doctoral Prospectus
The Doctoral Prospectus is a brief document that provides preliminary information about your doctoral study research and is used in two ways:

It serves as the tentative plan for developing the proposal and is evaluated to ensure doctoral-level work (e.g., feasibility, alignment, etc.).
It provides information used to assign the committee University Research Reviewer.
Prospectus milestone approval from the committee chair, second committee member, and a program-level designee is required for you to move forward and
work on your proposal. The plan is subject to change, and parts of your research design may need to be adjusted after you complete your exhaustive review of
the literature during proposal development. The following sections includes sample prospectus form responses for both a quantitative and a qualitative study.
Green underlined text are the examples. The form text should be black, single spaced, and not underlined.
Titles should be concise (aim for 15 words or fewer), be a statement, not a question, and no colons please. The title should indicate the main topic and the
variables/concepts under study and the relationship between them. A title should be fully explanatory when standing alone and include the most critical key
words (a searchable statement of what the manuscript contains). Avoid words that serve no purpose (such as methods, results, a study of…, or investigation
of…), use full terms (avoid abbreviations), and capitalize any word of four or more letters, and all parts of a verb. For more information, see the F&S Checklist.
Quantitative (QN) Example
Perspectives of Self-management Practices of Adult Diabetics in Grenada During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Qualitative (QL) Example
How Adults Diagnosed with Diabetes in Grenada Self-Managed their Disease During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Supporting Literature
Probably the most important step in the research process is searching recent, peer-reviewed literature and reading articles related to the general area you want
to investigate. The area is based on an identified social problem. As you read and learn, you will narrow your focus. This is how you will identify a disciplinespecific research problem.
[Note: Scholarly, empirical articles and how to find them.]
First, you’ll need to determine your search terms or keywords and the databases you should search. As you conduct your search of the literature, stay organized
by keeping a search log.
Search Log Example
Search Terms
online doctoral program completion; limited to peer reviewed, 2016-present
Search too broad; Narrow by using multiple terms
online doctoral program completion AND ABD; limited to peer reviewed, 2016present
Much better; Several relevant articles found
Education Source Etc.
Example for this Form
The keywords and databases searched included diabetes self-management, chronic disease management during disasters, and diabetes management during
disasters, dietary behaviors and COVID-19, physical activity and COVID-19, and COVID-19 and diabetes, COVID-19 and Grenada in the PubMed database as well