Writing Assignment: Submit by Saturday 11:59 p.m.
Submit your draft of Topic I for feedback. Pay careful attention to the required components of each Topic. You must use the suggested outline provided in the resources. (80 points)
NOTE: Candidates desiring to resubmit a revised paper MUST email their professor via Canvas or Belhaven email portals (NOT by leaving a comment in the comment box) requesting that their original submission be deleted from Turnitin.
For Topic I, all papers are eligible for revision and resubmission.
NOTE: Candidates who do not attend to professor feedback in their revisions or in other parts of the final project could receive a grade of 0 for the corresponding rubric row.
(Taken from CCP Outline)
TOPIC I: Learner Development, Learning Differences
Introduction to Topic (with thesis statement)
Professional Knowledge Base (with CWV integration) – Key Ideas
(Learner Development) The teacher analyzes research on how children learn and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences. (InTASC 1, CAEP R1.1 Learner and Learning)
(Learning Differences) The teacher analyzes relevant research on individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that allow each learner to reach his/her full potential.. (InTASC 2, R1.1 Learner and Learning)
Application to Practice (with CWV integration)
(Learner Development) The teacher provides examples of instructional strategies that promote developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences.. (InTASC 1; CAEP R1.1 Learner and Learning)
(Learning Differences) The teacher accesses student’s thinking and experiences as a basis for instructional activities (InTASC 2; R1.1 Learner and Learning)
What do the above-mentioned components look like in the classroom?