Sociology research design question


This is a research design that explain how and why a particular programme of research will be carried out. The research topics is “How do changes in gender role and norms influence marriage dynamics across different generations” This project will consider this question through an analysis of secondary data

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Sociology research design question
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Please answer the following two questions in 1000 words

1. A more detailed elaboration of the research questions to be addressed.

Specify in more detail what it is that the research project will have found out by the end. Breaking down the overall research problem into a short list (3-6) of more specific questions that may be answered.

2. A description of how the proposed research would be carried out that explains and justifies any sampling, data collection and data analysis techniques, anticipates potential problems in carrying out the research and considers any ethical or political concerns.

This section will usually be the longest and may be subdivided again (e.g. by stages of research). The key aim is to explain what you will do and why it is realistic to expect that doing so will in fact answer the questions you have set. The match between the questions you ask and the kinds of answers that your research is capable of providing is central to making your Research Design convincing.

Projects that involve secondary data will necessarily have had some of those decisions taken by others in the past, and important ones may need to be noted here. Some reflection on the pros and cons of using pre-existing data may be necessary here as well as a specification of which dataset(s) will help you answer your questions and what you will have to do with the data to find your answers. (Note: for projects based on secondary data simply producing descriptive statistics is unlikely to by sufficient: so, what statistical tests will you carry out? On which variables?).

The research designs will additionally need to address the following:

– Are there ethical or political concerns that must be addressed to ensure professional and morally acceptable conduct? Are there issues of personal safety to address in carrying out your research?

-What (other) problems might you anticipate in carrying out your research? These might be practical in nature or relate, for instance, to a need to adjust later stages of research in response to findings from earlier stages. You should show that you are reflecting critically on your own research design in order to ensure that potential problems do not have disastrous consequences.