English Question


This guide will assist you in organizing your thoughts and drafting an outline for your informative/explanatory article. Your annotated bibliography will also be helpful for reference during this process. I have included the annotated bibliography that you did along with the research notes for you to use. This is the final assignment from the ones you completed before.

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Step 1:

Fill in the following pieces of information and answer the relationship questions. Each of these items are required subtopics in your informative/explanatory article.

Landmark Case:
Advocate example:
Contemporary Case:

Relationship Questions:

Are the subtopics equal in importance?

Are there relationships of time between subtopics?

Are any subtopics a result of other subtopics?

Step 2:

Follow the steps for creating your outline with Roman numerals and letters to organize your topic and subtopics. As you work, add the MLA citation for sources from your annotated bibliography where they would best support your outline.

Your Outline MLA Citations for sources from your annotated bibliography to support each part of your outline.
I. Introduction of the topic
II. Informing—Describe the personal liberty and the amendment

III. Landmark case—Explain the challenge
Focus of the landmark case
Evidence of the landmark case
Result and impact of the landmark case

IV. One Contemporary case—Explain the case
Current case

V. Conclusion—Express the significance of the liberty and the amendment

After you create the outline Write a complete draft of at least 500 words. Your draft should include:

introduction with a hook (include a simile or metaphor)
body paragraph 1—history, amendment, and advocate quote
body paragraph 2—landmark court case and at least one quotation
body paragraph 3—contemporary court cases and at least one quotation
MLA in-text citations for
advocate quote
landmark court case
contemporary court cases
Highlight all transition words in yellow.
Highlight all domain-specific language in green.
Highlight any metaphors or similes in pink.

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Research Process Notes
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Research Process Notes
My topic: The 4th amendment
Multimedia Sources
Source 1: Video, http://www.annenbergclassroom.org/page/the-story-of-the-bill-of-rights, “The
Story of the Bill of Rights,” Part 5.
Two-sentence description of source: The video titled The Fourth Amendment-The Story of the
Bills of Rights is an informative video exploring the intricacies of the Fourth Amendment within
the US Constitution (Annenberg Classroom, 2018, min 0:43-1:00). It also offers clear
explanations on the legal definitions and fundamental principles of the fourth amendment.
Source 2: Video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tr_JgZDRbmQ.
Two-sentence description of source: The video titled ‘The 4th Amendment Explained’ by
Presentation Press is a comprehensive explanation and breakdown of the Fourth Amendment
together with its interpretation (Presentation Press, 2018, min 3:01-3:13). It offers a nuanced
understanding of the applications of the fourth amendment in various legal context.
Domain-Specific Vocabulary/Key Terms:
Warrant: A document that authorizes police enforcement to search for a location where a
possible crime has occurred.
Probable Cause: Reasonable circumstances in which a crime could have happened.
Unreasonable Searches: Searches that do not have proper justification or reasonable limits.
Landmark Case Article:
Source 1: https://heinonline.org/hol-cgibin/get_pdf.cgi?handle=hein.journals/wmbrts26§ion=21
Two-sentence description of source: The article’ Carpenter v. United States and the Fourth
Amendment: The Best Way Forward’ analyzes the landmark case of Carpenter V. United States
as a relevant test case of Privacy in the digital age concerning the Fourth Amendment
(Henderson, 2017, p. 495). It emphasizes Privacy in the Fourth Amendment and how essential it
is to uphold liberties against government intrusions.
Source 2: https://heinonline.org/hol-cgibin/get_pdf.cgi?handle=hein.journals/cconsp28§ion=14
Two-sentence description of source: This article titled ‘Protecting Online Privacy in the Digital
Age: Carpenter v. United States and the Fourth Amendment’s Third-Party Doctrine’ delves into
the impact of the modern tech age and its effect on the Fourth Amendment principles (Del Rosso
& Bast, 2019, p. 89). It also emphasizes the importance of Privacy rights in the digital age under
Fourth Amendment principles.
Domain-Specific Vocabulary/Key Terms:
Encryption: It is the process of protecting data from unauthorized access.
Privacy: The protection of sensitive data from online users from unauthorized resources
Algorithm Bias: The bias by algorithm causing unfair programming
Contemporary Court Cases:
Source 1: https://harvardlawreview.org/print/vol-134/kansas-v-glover/
Two-sentence description of source: This article, ‘Kansas v. Glover,’ argues that the court’s
decision on the Kansan V. Glover case needed to clarify the evidence (Hlr, 2023, par 5). It
suggests alternative approaches to the court’s decision.
Source 2: https://www.theusconstitution.org/litigation/lange-v-california/
Two-sentence description of source: This article, ‘Lange v. California,’ evaluates the case of
Lange V. California and how the police entered his garage without a warrant (Lange v.
California, 2021, par 5). The court decided that this context of pursuing a misdemeanor
warranted an unwarranted arrest.
Domain-Specific Vocabulary/Key Terms:
Warrantless Entry: This is when law enforcement enters a private residence without any
warranty document.
Exigent Circumstances: These are specific exceptions to warrant requirements allowing law
enforcement to access private residences in cases requiring immediate action.
Misdemeanor: It is a minor criminal offense.
Advocacy Articles:
Source 1: https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/trumps-fourth-amendment-claims-and-strategybehind-challenge-mar-lago-search
Two-sentence description of source: this article explains the complaint that Trump issued after
law enforcement gained access to his Florida Estate (Tokson, 2022, par 3). He aimed to obtain an
affidavit to delay investigations and protect his confidentiality.
Source 2: https://www.wyden.senate.gov/news/press-releases/wyden-paul-and-bipartisanmembers-of-congress-introduce-the-fourth-amendment-is-not-for-sale-act-#
Two-sentence description of source: This article ‘Wyden, Paul and Bipartisan Members of
Congress Introduce The Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act’ delves into The Fourth
Amendment Is Not For Sale Act to offer more data protection from unauthorized data brokers
(Wyden. senate, 2021, par 2). The bill would close crucial loopholes and restrict the data
immunity of the Attorney General.
Domain-Specific Vocabulary/Key Terms:
Surveillance: The monitoring of online activities to gather essential information.
Data Broker: An individual collecting data from individuals and selling it to other companies.
Immunity: The legal protection from liability.
Annenberg Classroom. (2018, Sep). The Fourth Amendment – The Story of the Bills of Rights.
[Video]. https://www.annenbergclassroom.org/resource/story-bill-rights/#
Del Rosso, C., & Bast, C. M. (2019). Protecting Online Privacy in the Digital Age: Carpenter v.
United States and the Fourth Amendment’s Third-Party Doctrine. Cath. UJL & Tech, 28,
89. https://heinonline.org/hol-cgibin/get_pdf.cgi?handle=hein.journals/cconsp28§ion=14
Henderson, S. E. (2017). Carpenter v. united states and the fourth amendment: The best way
forward. Wm. & Mary Bill Rts. J., 26, 495. https://heinonline.org/hol-cgibin/get_pdf.cgi?handle=hein.journals/wmbrts26§ion=21
Hlr. (2023, March 24). Kansas v. Glover. Harvard Law
Review. https://harvardlawreview.org/print/vol-134/kansas-v-glover/
Lange v. California. (2021, July 2). Constitutional Accountability
Center. https://www.theusconstitution.org/litigation/lange-v-california/
Presentation Press. (2018, Jul). The 4th Amendment Explained. [Video].

Tokson, M. (2022, Sept 7). Trump’s Fourth Amendment Claims and the Strategy Behind the
Challenge to the Mar-a-Lago Search. Lawfare.
Wyden.senate. (2021, April 21). Wyden, Paul and Bipartisan Members of Congress Introduce
The Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act. https://www.wyden.senate.gov/news/pressreleases/wyden-paul-and-bipartisan-members-of-congress-introduce-the-fourthamendment-is-not-for-sale-act-#
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Landmark Case Evaluation
Part 1:
Basic Information
Title of landmark case (including case number): Carpenter v. United States 16-402
Plaintiff: Michael Shawn Carpenter
Defendant: United States of America
Date case argued and decided: November 29, 2017
Judgment Affirmed or Reversed: June 22, 2018
Case Evaluation
In your own words, explain the issue/charges being discussed:
The primary charges in the case involved bank robberies by Carpenter that the government
confirmed from his cell-site records. Michael argued that the government violated the Fourth
Amendment by obtaining information from his data (Henderson 495). The court finally decided
that getting sensitive location data required a warrant to protect citizens’ private lives.
In your own words, describe or explain the evidence presented during the arguments:
The critical evidence utilized in this case was Carpenter’s cell-site records detailing his
movements concerning the robberies. The comparison of his cell-site movements indicates exact
Last Name 2
matches between his location and robbery timelines (Henderson 495). Some witnesses also
account for Carpenter being present near the robbery scenes when they occurred.
In your own words, summarize the conclusions of the judge/judges:
The Supreme Court concluded that the government violated Carpenter’s Privacy by revealing
extensive data regarding his location. It established that the government needed a warrant before
obtaining Carpenter’s location data (Henderson 495). Cell-site records can show an individual’s
movements over a prolonged period.
Explain the connection between the amendment and personal freedom topic for your
informative/explanatory article:
The Fourth Amendment upholds Privacy protection for citizens by ensuring freedom from
unwarranted government intrusions. It has become crucial, especially in this digital age, where
individuals can leave data that others can use to monitor their movements (The Constitution
Annotated par 1). The definition of data like cell-site records enforces warranted government
Part 2:
Annotated Bibliography
Annenberg Classroom. “The Fourth Amendment – The Story of the Bills of Rights.” Annenberg
Classroom, uploaded by Annenberg Classroom, Sept
2018, https://www.annenbergclassroom.org/resource/story-bill-rights/#. Accessed
January 10, 2024.
This video source offers an engaging perspective on the significance and development of the
Fourth Amendment. It contains historical reenactments portraying the amendment’s evolution
Last Name 3
and its meaning to Americans today (Annenberg Classroom min 0:81-1:30). The source is
valuable to my explanatory article by offering a comprehensive evaluation of the origins of the
Henderson, Stephen E. “Carpenter v. United States and the Fourth Amendment: The Best Way
Forward.” Heinonline.Org, 2017, https://heinonline.org/hol-cgibin/get_pdf.cgi?handle=hein.journals/wmbrts26§ion=21/. Accessed January 10,
This source is related to the landmark case discussing the aspect of location surveillance in the
context of the Fourth Amendment third-party doctrine. It references Carpenter’s case and how
the amendment will likely fit today’s digital age (Henderson 495). The article can provide a
contemporary perspective on the Fourth Amendment during the digital age.
The Constitution Annotated. “Fourth Amendment.” Constitution, n.d.
https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-4/. Accessed January 10, 2024.
This source contains direct texts from the Fourth Amendment outlining the protection of
individuals and the requirements in case of searches. It includes the vision of the American
Fathers in protecting citizens’ Privacy and restricting the government’s power (The Constitution
Annotated par 1). This source would serve as a foundational text for understanding the specific
intricacies of the Fourth Amendment.
Tokson, Matthew. “Trump’s Fourth Amendment Claims and the Strategy Behind the Challenge
to the Mar-a-Lago Search.” Lawfare, 7 Sept.
2022, https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/trumps-fourth-amendment-claims-andstrategy-behind-challenge-mar-lago-search. Accessed January 10, 2024.
Last Name 4
It is a source related to an advocacy case discussing former President Trump’s request to review
his seized documents on the grounds of the Fourth Amendment. It delves into his arguments
warranting the return of his papers and his right to seek an affidavit (Tokson par 3). This source
is essential in understanding Fourth Amendment claims in the context of presidential privileges.
Wydra, Elizabeth B., et al. “Lange v. California.” Constitutional Accountability Center, 2 July.
2021, https://www.theusconstitution.org/litigation/lange-v-california/. Accessed January
10, 2024.
It is a source related to the contemporary recounting of Lange’s legal case, who claimed that
officers entered his private home without a warrant. It contains a brief from the Constitutional
Accountability Center supporting Mr. Lange’s claim (Wydra et al. par 5). This source enables a
deeper understanding of home arrest principles, focusing on difficult circumstances.
Last Name 5
Works Cited
Annenberg Classroom. “The Fourth Amendment – The Story of the Bills of Rights.” Annenberg
Classroom, uploaded by Annenberg Classroom, Sept 2018,

The Story of the Bill of Rights

Henderson, Stephen E. “Carpenter v. United States and the Fourth Amendment: The Best Way
Forward.” Heinonline.Org, 2017, https://heinonline.org/hol-cgibin/get_pdf.cgi?handle=hein.journals/wmbrts26§ion=21/
The Constitution Annotated. “Fourth Amendment.”
Tokson, Matthew. “Trump’s Fourth Amendment Claims and the Strategy Behind the Challenge
to the Mar-a-Lago Search.” Lawfare, 7 Sept. 2022,
Wydra, Elizabeth B., et al. “Lange v. California.” Constitutional Accountability Center, 2 July.
2021, https://www.theusconstitution.org/litigation/lange-v-california/

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