International Business Ethics A3: Proposal (Kimoooo 15/01/2024)


The a-s-s-e-s-s-m-e-n-t willbe 2500 words long. Please see the questions shown in the screenshot. I will send you all the info after being hired, eg PPTs, student access etc. Please send a draft in 12hrs -1 day time, day 2, and day 3 as well. + Will need to draft some questions to ask the teacher and revise base on feedback (Send bk ard in 1 day max)

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International Business Ethics A3: Proposal (Kimoooo 15/01/2024)
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IBUS2000 Interna�onal Business Ethics
A3 Proposal 30%
Students are required to select a recent news topic (occurring a�er January 2022) related to
interna�onal business that involves one or more ethical challenges. As a consultant, your task is to
prepare a proposal for the company and address the following points:
1. Summarize the interna�onal business news event, iden�fy, and describe the ethical
challenge(s), and discuss the mo�va�ons that may have led to these ethical challenges.
2. Select a relevant framework to evaluate the ac�ons. Briefly explain why the framework is
chosen and evaluate whether the ac�ons are ethical or unethical within the selected
3. Provide a set of recommenda�ons for improved business prac�ces and explain how these
recommenda�ons adhere to higher ethical standards.
The recommended structure for your proposal is as follows:

Execu�ve Summary
Main Body (use subheadings to organise your points)
Reference List
Table of contents are not required. The proposal should not exceed 2500 words in length using Times
New Roman, 12-point font, 1.5 line spacing, 2cm margin at the top, botom and both sides. The
execu�ve summary and reference list are not part of the prescribed word limit. Proper referencing is
essen�al. You must use Chicago 17th B Referencing style and assignments unsa�sfactorily referenced
will not be marked and the students no�fied for further inves�ga�on by the Student Disciplinary Panel.
The use of Wikipedia and AI tools (e.g., Chat GPT) is not allowed. All assignments are to comply with
Cur�n’s referencing guidelines. The university has implemented a policy and guidelines for dealing with
student plagiarism. Once inves�gated, penal�es imposed upon students found to have plagiarised
range from a nil grade for the piece of assessment to expulsion from the University. The penalty
imposed will depend upon the level of plagiarism found.
Students are advised to choose a news item from a reputable source, as in the following examples:

The Australian
The Economist
The Financial Times
The Australian Financial Review
Bloomberg News
Business Insider
The Wall Street Journal
Online Submission: Submission MUST BE submited through Turni�n on Blackboard.

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