Implicit Theories and Authentic Leadership Challenges


Based on the required readings, please respond to the following prompts:

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Implicit Theories and Authentic Leadership Challenges
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What are three ways in which implicit theory on gender negatively impacted people of all genders (e.g. consider the negative effects of stereotyping)?
What are two challenges that exist for sexual and/or gender minorities and authentic leadership?
What is the value of a gender-diverse leadership team and workspace in terms of behavioral outputs that you could envision?


Minimum 3 double-spaced pages, maximum 4 pages not counting title page and reference pages.
A minimum of 2 peer-reviewed articles (3 preferred) cited in-text and referenced on a reference page at the end of the paper.
APA style

Critical events at critical times? A gendered identity approach on the path to (sustainable) leadership. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.

Gender and sexual minorities’ practice and embodiment of authentic leadership: Challenges and opportunities. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 19(4), 378–392.

Rippon, G. (2020, June 11).Links to an external site.A gendered world makes a gendered brain. Ted Talks. [Video].