What brought you into the field of Education?


Write a two page response to the following questions:

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What brought you into the field of Education?
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* What brought you into the field of education?

* How will the AIC Dispositions and Dispositions from Chapter One support your professional practice?

* How will the MA Professional Standards for Teachers guide your preparation and practice?

* What challenges do you anticipate based on the changes in schools, students and instruction? How will your own teaching practice be changed?

(APA format with regards to any references–site the MA DESE website for the professional standards document and the Foundations textbook for the AIC Dispositions handout)

I started it but could not finish it due to work full time and barely any time. Attached is what I wrote so far.

Reflective Practitioner Writing Rubric

Reflective Practitioner Writing Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts

Context and Purpose

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2 pts


Demonstrates a thorough understanding of context, audience, and purpose that is responsive to the assigned task(s) and focuses all elements of the work.

1.8 pts


Demonstrates adequate consideration of context, audience, and purpose and a clear focus on the assigned task(s) (e.g., the task aligns with audience, purpose, and context).

1.6 pts


Demonstrates awareness of context, audience, purpose, and to the assigned tasks(s) (e.g., begins to show awareness of audience’s perceptions and assumptions).

1.4 pts


Demonstrates minimal attention to context, audience, purpose, and to the assigned tasks(s) (e.g., expectation of instructor or self as audience).

/ 2 pts

Content Development

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2 pts


Uses appropriate, relevant, and compelling content to illustrate mastery of the subject, conveying the writer’s understanding, and shaping the whole work.

1.8 pts


Uses appropriate, relevant, and compelling content to explore ideas within the context of the discipline and shape the whole work.

1.6 pts


Uses appropriate and relevant content to develop and explore ideas through most of the work.

1.4 pts


Uses appropriate and relevant content to develop simple ideas in some parts of the work.

/ 2 pts

Genre and Disciplinary Conventions

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2 pts


Demonstrates detailed attention to and successful execution of a wide range of conventions particular to a specific discipline and/or writing task (s) including organization, content, presentation, formatting, and stylistic choices

1.8 pts


Demonstrates consistent use of important conventions particular to a specific discipline and/or writing task(s), including organization, content, presentation, and stylistic choices

1.6 pts


Follows expectations appropriate to a specific discipline and/or writing task(s) for basic organization, content, and presentation

1.4 pts


Attempts to use a consistent system for basic organization and presentation.

/ 2 pts

Sources and Evidence

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2 pts


Demonstrates skillful use of high- quality, credible, relevant sources to develop ideas that are appropriate for the discipline and genre of the writing

1.8 pts


Demonstrates consistent use of credible, relevant sources to support ideas that are situated within the discipline and genre of the writing.

1.6 pts


Demonstrates an attempt to use credible and/or relevant sources to support ideas that are appropriate for the discipline and genre of the writing.

1.4 pts


Demonstrates an attempt to use sources to support ideas in the writing.

/ 2 pts

Control of Syntax and Mechanics

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2 pts


Uses graceful language that skillfully communicates meaning to readers with clarity and fluency, and is virtually error- free.

1.8 pts


Uses straightforward language that generally conveys meaning to readers. The language in the portfolio has few errors.

1.6 pts


Uses language that generally conveys meaning to readers with clarity, although writing may include some errors.

1.4 pts


Uses language that sometimes impedes meaning because of errors in usage.

/ 2 pts

Unformatted Attachment Preview

American International College is committed to the following dispositions; we seek to model
them and to prepare teachers and administrators who exhibit them.
 Belief that all children can learn and achieve at their highest possible level
 Respect for all students, families, colleagues, and community recognizing the
value inherent in diversity
 Commitment to high expectations of one’s own professional practice by engaging in lifelong learning and application to practice
 Commitment to exercising the flexibility, mutual respect, reflectivity and willingness
to innovate for effective collaboration with all stakeholders
 Commitment to ethical values including integrity, confidentiality and equity
Successful teachers exhibit dispositions (beliefs, attitudes, and values) that facilitate their work
with students and parents. Teachers’ values, commitments, and professional ethics influence
interactions with students, families, colleagues, and communities. They affect students learning,
motivation, and development. They influence a teacher’s own professional growth as well.
Dispositions held by teachers who are able to help all students learn include the following:
1. Enthusiasm for the discipline(s) she or he teaches and the ability to see its connections to
everyday life
2. A commitment to continuous learning and engagement in professional discourse about
subject matter knowledge and children’s learning of the disciplines
3. The belief that all children can learn at high levels
4. Valuing the many ways in which people communicate and encouraging many modes of
communication in the classroom
5. Development of respectful and productive relationships with parents and guardians from
diverse home and community situations, seeking to develop cooperative partnerships in
support of student learning and well-being (p. 12)
Johnson, A., Musial, D., Hall, G. & Gollnick, D. M., (2014), Foundations of American
Education Becoming Effective Teachers in Challenging Times (16th ed); Boston: Pearson
Appendix A
Professional Standards for Teachers: Standards & Indicators
The Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) passed Professional Standards for Teachers (PSTs) in January 2014. These standards
align expectations for preparation candidates with those for in-service teachers as outlined in Massachusetts’ Educator Evaluation Framework.
As stated in the regulations, ESE is required to develop indicators in Guidelines. Indicators help define the foundational skills on which teaching
practice continues to improve with years of experience.
(1) Curriculum, Planning, and Assessment standard: Promotes the learning and growth of all students by providing high quality and coherent
instruction, designing and administering authentic and meaningful student assessments, analyzing student performance and growth data, using
this data to improve instruction, providing students with constructive feedback on an on-going basis, and continuously refining learning
Introduction Practice Demonstrate
(a) Curriculum and Planning indicator: Knows the subject matter well, has a good grasp of child
development and how students learn, and designs effective and rigorous standards-based units of
instruction consisting of well-structured lessons with measurable outcomes.
(b) Assessment indicator: Uses a variety of informal and formal methods of assessment to measure
student learning, growth, and understanding, develop differentiated and enhanced learning
experiences, and improve future instruction.
(c) Analysis indicator: Analyzes data from assessments, draws conclusions, and shares them
SEI Indicator (a) Uses instructional planning, materials, and student engagement approaches that
support students of diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds, strengths, and challenges.
SEI Indicator (c) Demonstrates knowledge of the difference between social and academic language and
the importance of this difference in planning, differentiating and delivering effective instruction for
English language learners at various levels of English language proficiency and literacy.
(2) Teaching All Students standard: Promotes the learning and growth of all students through instructional practices that establish high
expectations, create a safe and effective classroom environment, and demonstrate cultural proficiency.
Introduction Practice Demonstrate
(a) Instruction indicator: Uses instructional practices that reflect high expectations regarding content
and quality of effort and work, engage all students, and are personalized to accommodate diverse
learning styles, needs, interests, and levels of readiness.
(b) Learning Environment indicator: Creates and maintains a safe and collaborative learning
environment that values diversity and motivates students to take academic risks, challenge themselves,
and claim ownership of their learning.
(c) Cultural Proficiency indicator: Actively creates and maintains an environment in which students’
diverse backgrounds, identities, strengths, and challenges are respected.
(d) Expectations indicator: Plans and implements lessons that set clear and high expectations and make
knowledge accessible for all students.
(e) Social and Emotional Learning Indicator: Employs a variety of strategies to assist students to develop
social emotional-competencies: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills,
and responsible decision-making.
(f) Classroom Management Indicator: Employs a variety of classroom management strategies, and
establishes and maintains effective routines and procedures that promote positive student behavior.
SEI Indicator (b) Uses effective strategies and techniques for making content accessible to English
language learners.
SEI Indicator (d) Creates and maintains a safe and collaborative learning environment that values
diversity and motivates students to meet high standards of conduct, effort and performance.
(3) Family and Community Engagement standard: Promotes the learning and growth of all students through effective partnerships with
families, caregivers, community members, and organizations.
Introduction Practice Demonstrate
(a) Engagement indicator: Welcomes and encourages every family to become active participants in the
classroom and school community.
(b) Collaboration indicator: Collaborates with families and communities to create and implement
strategies for supporting student learning and development both at home and at school.
(c) Communication indicator: Engages in regular, two-way, and culturally proficient communication with
families about student learning and performance.
SEI Indicator (e) Collaborates with families, recognizing the significance of native language and culture to
create and implement strategies for supporting student learning and development both at home and at
(4) Professional Culture standard: Promotes the learning and growth of all students through ethical, culturally proficient, skilled, and
collaborative practice.
Introduction Practice Demonstrate
(a) Reflection indicator: Demonstrates the capacity to reflect on and improve the educator’s own
practice, using informal means as well as meetings with teams and work groups to gather information,
analyze data, examine issues, set meaningful goals, and develop new approaches in order to improve
teaching and learning.
(b) Professional Growth indicator: Actively pursues professional development and learning opportunities
to improve quality of practice or build the expertise and experience to assume different instructional and X
leadership roles.
(c) Collaboration indicator: Collaborates effectively with colleagues on a wide range of tasks.
(d) Decision-making indicator: Becomes involved in school-wide decision-making, and takes an active
role in school improvement planning.
(e) Shared Responsibility indicator: Shares responsibility for the performance of all students within the
(f) Professional Responsibilities indicator: Is ethical and reliable, and meets routine responsibilities
What brought you into the field of Education?
American International College
EDU 5400 The Reflective Practitioner
January 10, 2024
When I was a teenager, I always wanted to be able to help others. When it was time for me to
graduate high school, I was unsure of what I wanted to do until one of my friends signed up for the
Social Work program in the school around that time. I started the program thinking that is what I
wanted to do.
As I moved to a new place, I was I had to learn a new culture and a new language I started to
rethink what I really wanted to do.
Years passed and I had children of my own. When my daughter was 4 years old, I volunteered in my
daughters’ schools as a teacher’s helper. She was in the Head start program. I started to like being
around other children. I enjoyed being around children and their families. That is when I thought that I
could be helping other children and families. My daughter’s teacher helped me get an interview as a
substitute teacher and a couple of weeks after I received the call that I had the job. Ever since then I
knew that I wanted to be a teacher. My daughter is 17 now. I have been a teacher for the past 13 years
and I can say now that I love what I do.
The AIC (American International College) Disposition will support me commit to have respect to
children and families and people I work with no matter their stories or their background. We all come
from different places and diverse cultures. It is incredibly important to understand that we all grew up in
a different environment and that is okay because we can learn new things from each other. It also
guides me to have professionalism, values and commitment. Having commitment and professionalism
can help and motivate students and people around you to learn and be motivated. As a teacher we
have many eyes on us and its very important to have discipline and patience when teaching and when
talking with families. There are many ways of communication, and it is important to understand and
encourage all ways of communication in the classroom to build trust and respect and improve your
relationship with others. We often communicate with parents and it’s very important to have a
respectful relationship with them in that way we can work together to support the student behavior
skills and support values.

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