Case study discussion


For this discussion, please read the Case Study 1 in Finkelman (2023) Chapter 1 Professional Nursing: History and Development of the Nursing Profession, p. 36.

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All groups will answer Case Questions 1, 2, and 3 of the case study. When you respond to two peers, make sure to compare your response with those of your other classmates. Make sure to review the Grading Rubric for the requirements on which you will be graded.

Case study:

You and your friends in the nursing program are having lunch after a class that covered content found in this chapter. One of your friends says, “I was bored when we got to all that information on professionalism and nursing organizations. What a waste of time. I just want to be a nurse.” All of you are struggling to figure out what you have gotten yourselves into. You turn to your friends and suggest it might be helpful to have an open discussion on the comment just made. So over lunch, you all talk about the comment. It was clear that the students who had read the chapter were better able to discuss the issue, but everyone had an opinion.

Case Questions

1. What is the purpose of nursing organizations?

2. What role should professional organizations assume to increase nursing status in the healthcare system?

3. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of joining a professional organization?