

write a daily report of this job (crack pipeline ) using these info:Day 1: we received calls and based on the given info we assessed
the requirements and the tools needed. In the same day, we have visited the
site and gathered more information including the area being in a confined space.
Therefore, we requested an installation of scaffolding for safety purposes and
accessibility purposes.Day 2: we got access to the exact location. We started the surface cleaning and the surface preparation. Only then we realized the given information of the crack which is 6 cm in length and 1 mm width is not accurate as per the site condition. We found that the crack is 23 cm with 1 mm width. And the increase in the length of the crack could be due to various reasons like pressure or vibration. We then applied a temporary multi-layers kevlar tape along with rubber patch to create pressure and minimize the oil and gas leak. Followed by a tension belt to maintain the pressure on the combined temporary patches to give us time to go back and reassess the new information gathered from the site and factor it into our solution and re-run the calculation based on the new parameters. Day 3: we arrived to the site then we noticed the temporary patch have minimized the leak of oil dramatically. We notice there is drop in the pressure but still not low enough to have the ideal conditions to apply the solution. However, we have explained the site condition to XYZ site personal. And we came up to understanding that the solution will be applied as follow: surface cleaning and surface preparation using non-ignitable materials all over the accessible area around the tee. Then we used one fiberglass layer and multi-layers of especially designed kevlar patch to minimize the damage area and direct the leak from a crack to a pinhole using Belzona 1212 along with patches to give it enough time (24 hours) to ensure the hardening of the product and the patches. Then we applied one layer of fiberglass along with fast curing composite Belzona 1212 around the neck of 24 inch tee and connect it with the patch on the leak location just incase if the crack progress. Day 4: we arrived on the site then we inspect the repaired area from the
previous day. We noticed an increase in the pressure. We thoroughly cleaned the
area with non-ignitable material. We installed belts around the tee to help us
apply pressure on the damaged area. we prepared especially designed patch with Belzona 1212 to use it on the pinhole area then applied pressure

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