Value Based Leadership


Powerpoint 8-11 slides. Questions and scenarios can be found in the attached document.

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Value Based Leadership
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Introduction: In Task 1 you were provided with a scenario in which you assumed the role of a newly
hired customer service manager. To help you grow as a leader, you completed the VIA Character
Strengths Survey to identify your strengths and opportunities for growth. In this task, you will create a
multimedia presentation in which you will share your leadership vision with your new team.
Now that you have begun your new role as the customer service manager for Corollary
Marketing Inc., it will be important for you to conduct your first team meeting. The purpose of
the meeting is to demonstrate who you are as a leader in contrast to who you were as an
individual contributor; further, you will explain your vision for the team and how the vision
incorporates the company’s values. You will create and present a multimedia presentation to
guide this meeting, unify the team, and begin to set team expectations.
Company Values:
• Excellence: In character, decision-making, and service to our clients and customers, we
strive for distinction and actions of which we can be proud. Each of the following values
contributes to this overriding charge.
• Integrity: We do the right thing, regardless of whether someone is watching. Our word is
our bond; we carry a duty of care and responsibility to act ethically.
• Humility: We conduct our work without our egos. Our actions embody respect, humility,
authenticity, and openness and invite feedback and input. We actively seek ideas and
feedback from employees and value every voice and contribution.
• Trust: We extend the belief and feeling that others can be relied upon. We strive to be
trustworthy by showing compassion and consistency and by communicating with care and
truthfulness. We are authentic and transparent.
• Growth: Our best today may not be good enough tomorrow, and we continually seek to
improve. Both personally and professionally, we aim to accelerate employee learning so
that we can become better able to meet customer and company needs.
• Respect: We believe that each person (employee, customer, vendor, etc.) has value and
rights. We act based on facts and always assume positive intent. We celebrate the
differences in people and seek to utilize each person’s unique knowledge, skills, abilities,
and perspectives.
A. Prepare a multimedia presentation (suggested length of 8–12 slides) to share your
leadership vision based on your reflection on the VIA Character Strengths Survey you
completed in Task 1 by doing the following:
(Strengths: Judgment, Prudence, Self-regulation, Honesty, and Kindness)
1. Create an introduction to your team meeting in which you share a personal, authentic
story to connect with and inspire your team.

The submission includes an introduction to the team in which the learner
shares a personal, authentic story to connect with and inspire the team.
2. Using at least one of the six company values provided in the scenario, create a valuesbased vision statement specific to your new role as the customer service manager.
• The submission includes a values-based vision statement using at least 1 of
the 6 company values provided in the scenario, and the vision statement is
specific to the learner’s new role as customer service manager.
3. Help your team understand emotional intelligence and how it will impact the team’s
effectiveness by doing the following in the next portion of your presentation:
a. Discuss the importance of self-awareness, including an example of how you and your
team will use self-awareness in your daily interactions, focusing on one of the
following elements:
• emotional awareness
• accurate self-assessment
• self-confidence
• The submission discusses the importance of self-awareness, including a
relevant example of how the learner and team will use self-awareness in their
daily interactions, focusing on one of the given elements.
b. Discuss the importance of self-management, including an example of how you and
your team will use self-management in your daily interactions, focusing on one of the
following elements:
• emotional self-control
• transparency
• adaptability
• achievement
• initiative
• optimism

The submission discusses the importance of self-management, including a
relevant example of how the learner and team will use self-management in
their daily interactions, focusing on one of the given elements.
c. Discuss the importance of social awareness, including an example of how you and
your team will use empathy in your daily interactions.

The submission accurately discusses the importance of social awareness,
including a relevant example of how the learner and team will use empathy in
their daily interactions.
i. Describe unconscious bias, including its relevance in a professional setting.
• The submission accurately describes unconscious bias and is relevant to a
professional setting.
ii. Describe two types of cognitive bias including an example for each type.
• The submission describes 2 types of cognitive bias, using specific details,
including a relevant example for each type.
iii. Describe how bias affects ethical decision-making.
• The submission accurately describes how bias affects ethical decision-making,
including specific details.
d. Summarize your approach to relationship management with your team by doing the
i. Describe how ethics affects relationship management, including an example.
• The submission describes how ethics affects relationship management. The
description is logically reasoned and includes a relevant example of how
ethics affects relationship management.
ii. Describe how relationship management creates a culture of care, including an
• The submission describes how relationship management creates a culture of
care. The description is logically reasoned and includes a relevant example of
how relationship management creates a culture of care.
e. Explain why you and your direct reports will use at least one of the four domains of
emotional intelligence to be effective as a team.

The submission logically explains why the learner and the learner’s direct reports
will use at least 1 of the 4 domains of emotional intelligence to be effective as a

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