Technology Solutions


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Technology Solution
Before you begin this assignment, be sure you have read the Case Study (Case study is used here as a
reference. It is really for our use the recorded notes of interviews with your client). You also should
have engaged and completed at least the first three Sections of the Business Case with your group.
This is an individual assignment.
Purpose of this Exercise
This activity allows you to demonstrate your own understanding of the components of a technology
solution and demonstrate your grasp of the concepts covered in the IFSM information technology
(IT) curriculum (hardware, software, data, networks, enterprise architecture as applied across the
entire spectrum of a business enterprise). This assignment specifically addresses the following course
outcomes to enable you to:

Evaluate, select, and apply appropriate analytical and measurement methods and tools according
to the system development life cycle (SDLC), with methodologies to meet organizational needs.

Research, assess, address and recommend, and implement an IT solution that aligns with the
business need and meets business objectives.

Effectively communicate with stakeholders orally, visually, and formally in writing to determine
stakeholders’ business requirements, explain how their requirements will be met, and provide
ongoing audience-appropriate information.

Responsibly protect organizations’ critical information and assets by integrating cybersecurity
best practices and risk management throughout global enterprises, while addressing entity
positions without providing personal identifiable information (PII).
Individual Deliverable Instructions
Using the client’s Request for Proposal (Building a Business Case Proposal) and the technology
solution (system) identified by your group in Section III. of their Business Case Proposal, you should
independently develop the detailed technical description of the system your group is proposing and
supporting, along with how it will be meeting the business need across the new enterprise. You are to
describe the technical components of your proposed solution, describe in detail how the system will
work functionally, provide a graphical representation of your enterprise architecture with supporting
narrative, and address cost estimates and return on investment in narrative with supporting cost
documentation. The five parts of this deliverable are more fully described below. Use the same
numbering scheme and outline provided as you develop your paper. You must correctly cite and
reference any resources you use in APA format. All formatting is described in the Instructions to
Offerors. Some students have found it helpful to copy the formatting as presented below as a
template, and fill in their required information. This is allowable and recommended. Remember the
requirement to include a Title Page and Table of Contents that is automatically generated by the
Technology Solution-April 2023
desktop publishing version of Microsoft Word (It is important that you do not use the lighter mobile
or transferable versions of Word or other software, which will not retain the needed formatting).
Business Need and Proposed Solution
Begin your paper with an opening thought that addresses the contents of this section. Then
lay-in your subsections as below, and develop “A.,” providing a brief description of the
business need identified by your Group (Section II of the Business Case Proposal. This should
address the entire enterprise). Then, in “B.,” 1. Describe the overall functionality of the
system your group selected (see Group Section III), including how it relates to the points of
your business need, which includes the new enterprise. Do not copy Section III of your
Group Business Case Proposal, but describe the system in your own words. Make these
thoughts tell a story in a logical, sequential, and completely compliant way that fulfills your
client’s requirements. Use their words: that’s what they are looking for. 2. Make sure here
and throughout you are addressing the enterprise, to include each employee. Use indented
bullets for each description, if your narrative is more than a single response.
A. Business Need
B. Proposed Solution
1. Describe the Overall System Functionality

2. Describe the System Benefits for the Enterprise and the People

Solution Resources and Operational Components
Begin with an opening statement that addresses the path below, then name and explain the
subsections and their parts as presented below.
A. Required Resources
1. Hardware

2. Software

3. Network and Communications

4. How These Integrate to Provide the Solution

B. How the Components Will Work
1. People

Use bullets to address the people by position (no PII) who will use the system,
how they will use it, and for what they will use it.
Technology Solution-April 2023

Include how the complete system benefits each member of the enterprise, not just
“headquarters” or logistics.
2. Data

Develop a discussion of the data needed for the system, where it will come from
and how will it get into the system, how it will be used, and how it will, at a high
level, flow through the system.

Make sure you follow the logical flow from start to finish of the business

Use a separate bullet for each thought. Same thought for the remainder of subsections.
3. Input

Discuss system inputs.

When the system is operational, what data will be input to be processed and/or

Again, as with all sections, follow the logical order.
4. Processing

Address what processing will be done by the system, and what the system is
required to do with the data in order to create the output.
5. Output

Address and discuss what the output the system is required to produce
6. Storage

Discuss where the data will be stored and how, using separating bullets for each

If you develop a single continuing thought, then no bullet is required.
7. Security

List (using separate bullets) and explain the necessary security devices, software,
and policies that will be required. Alternatively, you may catalogue this
information in a table, providing navigational direction to understanding your
table. All tables must be labeled at the bottom of the table, with Table number.
Table Title, and a brief explanation of the table’s benefit or major sections.
III. How the System Will Converge
Following your opening thought describing this section, your paper should address the issues
below, using the given A., B., C. format below:
A. How Components Work Together to Support Business Need
Technology Solution-April 2023
(Explain how these components work together to support the business need identified.)
B. How Solution is Appropriate for the Business
1. Describe How the System is Appropriate Across the Enterprise
(Explain how the solution as a whole is appropriate to the business enterprise as a
whole, not just the owner or warehousing. The who, what, when, where and how of
the system should all be covered, as you envision it being implemented and used.
2. Describe How the System Benefits all Employees
(The solution should be appropriate also to each employee (not by name). Provide the
benefits as to how this happens.)
C. How Solution Will Be Configured and Used
(Describe to your client how the IT solution will be configured and used by the
organization. Your client should be able to envision your explanation. Separate your ABC
below with line spaces as exampled here)
IV. Enterprise Architecture
Open with a related road map statement of what will be discussed and provided in this
section. Then, provide a narrative discussion that supports your design. Then integrate a
graphical representation of the network diagram into the textual description. Make sure you
appropriately label your network diagram after inserting it.
Approach to Developing This Section. You should include at least one original graphical
representation of your specific technology solution in your paper (not as a separate file). It
should include all major components of the solution addressing each component of the
enterprise, all the locations of the business, to include virtual, how each group of users will
communicate with the system (on-site and remotely), and, of course, the system solution
being proposed. Do not include any PII. The provided file “Example Network Diagram”
shows the level of detail needed and provides sample icons for use in constructing your
drawing, if you choose to use them. You should include labels as to the purpose of each
component, e.g., email server, database server, system administration PC, and similar. The
technical nomenclature (make/model/capacity) of the devices does not need to be included;
simply provide their generic device type (router, switch, server, firewall, network) and their
function (email, database, and similar function). For a cloud-based or hosted solution, you are
not expected to identify specific hardware items used at the hosting site. Make sure you are
addressing every business function by organization, beyond just sales or inventory. Follow
the prescribed use of sections as you change thoughts, follow through with formatting them
into A., B., C. Do not intermix thoughts from one subsection to another. Ensure you call-out
your figure(s) below your diagram(s).
Technology Solution-April 2023
Cost Estimate and Return on Investment (ROI)
First, provide an opening sentence of this section’s contents for your reader. Then lay in your
sub-headings as required below.
A. Cost Estimate
Approach to Developing This Section. The cost and ROI are two differing and critical
sections for any business to consider, and often affect the determining decision to support
your proposed solution — or NOT! There are two fundamental financial decisions that your
client will need to make concerning your proposed solution. 1) Does Trusty Carpets possess
enough cash flow (or reserve) to make this investment, and 2) How long will it take to return
their investment and will it exceed the investment made? These are the narratives you must
develop for the A. and B. above. Be up-front with your responses, then support it with your
story. It must be compelling. Be careful: do not illogically intermix these two subjects as you
explain the system costs, to include: the expected one-time investment and implementation
costs and annual reoccurring costs. For subsection B., develop a narrative that conveys the
ROI and payback period. This should be derived from and supported by your calculations as
developed in your spreadsheet. Should you have a mere 30% return after five years – consider
your own decision if you were your client.
Using information from the spreadsheet, develop a narrative that addresses each section.
So, using the Excel spreadsheet provided with the assignment, first review the “Instructions
for Using the ROI Calculator” document also provided with the assignment. Then, read the
“Instructions” tab, and the “ROI Calculator Example” tab. Next, complete the tab “Costs and
Sources” with a list of all components that need to be acquired (either by purchase, lease, or
subscription), the quantity of each required and a unit cost and a total cost associated with
each item. These general cost estimates may be obtained from any source, but the sources
should be cited –- for this you should complete the “Source of Cost” column in the
spreadsheet inserting the URL where you found the cost. The categories listed are to help
you be sure to include everything. Some items listed may not be part of your solution; and
you may add rows as needed in the spreadsheet. Note that one-time implementation costs are
separated from on-going repeated costs. Enter your items in the appropriate area. For
example, software costs that are a one-time startup fee would go in the Implementation Costs,
while monthly or annual subscription costs for software would go in the On-Going
Costs. Every item in your description of resources and your graphical representation needs to
be included on the cost spreadsheet. Assumptions that affect cost are also recorded on the
ROI tab. Your spreadsheet should show the formulas for the Total Item Cost for each item
and for Sub-Totals and Totals. Display USD($) rounded to the nearest dollar.
Next, using the “ROI Calculations” tab on the spreadsheet, transfer the one-time costs to that
tab, in item 2.2 under year 1. Copy the recurring annual costs for those items and enter the
Technology Solution-April 2023
annual cost in item 2.3; enter the annual cost in the columns for years 1-5. Then, go to item
2.1 and enter estimates for the costs of selecting and documenting the proposed solution; use
reasonable cost estimates for each category; note these are entered in the “year 0” column,
since they are incurred prior to the acquisition of the system. Finally, go to section 1 on the
spreadsheet tab and enter several areas where the organization (your client) will realize
savings (or cost avoidance) by implementing the system. You should refer to Section IV of
your group’s business case for areas where savings may be realized. You can add other areas
where savings could be expected, ending with a minimum of five areas. Use reasonable
estimates for each area.
If you use the spreadsheet as it is and use “Insert Row” to add rows where you need them, the
spreadsheet will calculate the total savings and the total costs by year for the first five
years. The totals are displayed in blue in bold font. The last two lines on this tab of the
spreadsheet show the calculated Cash Flow (Savings minus Expenditure) and the calculated
Cumulative Cash Flow (cumulative cash flow from the previous year plus the current year
cash flow).
Scroll to the top of the page on the “ROI Calculations” tab, and you will see four charts. The
lower two charts show the categories of costs and the expenditures in pie charts; this shows at
a glance where the largest savings or the highest costs are. The chart in the top left shows the
costs and savings by year. The chart in the upper right is the most important one. It shows
the calculated ROI for the project. The ROI is calculated by computing the Net Savings
(Total Savings over the five-year period minus the costs incurred during the five-year period)
and dividing the Net Savings by the Total Expenditure. Then the payback period is calculated
to determine in which year the accumulated savings exceed the project costs. Ensure that you
have a positive ROI and that a payback period is shown. These will be incorporated into the
narrative in Section V.B. of your paper.
Before you complete your spreadsheet and move on, go back and review your results, making
sure you can tell the story that is required in your Section V. narrative. Then, write the
narrative including all the information required for that Section as shown above. This section
becomes your bottom line for decision making by your client. Tell a great, convincing story!
If you cannot tell a story that is convincing, then you will need to go back and reconsider
your costs and savings. Would you decide to implement a solution that provides an 82% ROI
over five years, regardless of the cost?
The Deliverable
Using ONLY the desktop version of Microsoft Word, you are to develop a single professional
submission, with Title, ToC, Body, and References pages and sections, each section preceded with
inserting a Page Break. All formatting will replicate that required for the Instructions to Offerors.
The diagram will be included as part of your Word file, and must be readable and annotated with
figure number, title, and value.
Technology Solution-April 2023
Your Word file will automatically be submitted to TurnItIn. Review the similarity report to ensure
you have properly cited your sources. The standard is below 15% similarity (above this threshold,
you will be required to rework your submission for a maximum grade potential of 75%).
The Excel spreadsheet will be submitted as a separate file to provide a reference to your client, as
they may desire, but you will use the data for your narratives in the Word file to tell the cost estimate
and ROI stories as the last section of the body of your paper.
Project Documentation Requirements — Report Format
As this deliverable is for your same client, formatting will follow each of the requirements as given in
the Instructions to Offerors, and parallel your group’s Business Case Proposal. Other than your Title
Page, the document will be single-spaced. All indentions will follow a hierarchical pattern, as
demonstrated herein.
Writing quality will likewise follow the same requirements as given in the Instructions to Offerors. If
your paper does not reflect the proper formatting and logical flow, you may not receive full credit for
your response to specific requirements. This will result in a decreased grade not only for format, but
additionally declare other relevant sections as unreadable.
Title Page. Your Title page should be double-spaced and centered, using Title Format: identify the
paper’s subject title, the entity name of your client, your name, class, and date — in this order. Insert
a Page Break following the date.
References Page. Following the end of the Body of your paper, insert a Page Break, creating your
References page (also left justified), and complete it in APA style, with no underlining and no italics.
Refer to the Writing Resources located under the course Content.
Filenames and Submission. Submit your files via your Assignment Folder as Microsoft Word and
Excel documents with your last name and first name included in the filename(s):
Use the Grading Rubric provided in your assignment section to guide you in your response and to
ensure you have covered all technical and quality aspects of the assignment. Remember — the
Instructions above address the full measure of the abbreviated rubric as your evaluation criteria.
Follow the given Instructions to Offerors and this document.
Technology Solution-April 2023
Cisco 837
D-Link DGS 1008D
Windows 2000
Remote Support On
CC3 Replica DC
Windows 2003
Remote Support On
Room 6
30 x RM CC3 workstations
1 x HP LaserJet 2500
Room 11
25 x RM One PCs
1 x HP LaserJet 2500
D-Link AirPro
10 x RM Tablet PCs
25 x RM Notebooks
The ROI Calculator spreadsheet is to be included with the individual technology solution description. This
allows each member of the team to specify costs and savings and be able to see how the Return on
Investment (ROI) and payback period are calculated.
Prior to the week in which the individual technology solution assignment is due, there is an ungraded
Exercise for you to practice with the ROI calculator using simple data and step-by-step directions.
First, it would be helpful to understand how the ROI Calculator works. Open the ROI Calculator
spreadsheet and click on the “Instructions” tab. Read the instructions and then click on the “ROI
Calculator Example” tab. At the top you will see 4 charts; scroll down to the data and come back to the
charts later. In the data area, you will note that savings and costs are identified for the first 5 years of
the project, and you will see the following:
Project Cost Savings/Income. These are areas where savings are expected to be achieved, and
the amounts that are projected to be saved over each of the first 5 years. Total yearly savings are
shown in blue.
2. Project Expenditures.
2.1. Selection Costs. Note that these are shown in year 0, as they occur prior to starting the
project. The subtotals by item and by year are in orange.
2.2. Implementation Costs. These are one-time costs, but may occur in more than one year. For
example, training may be done at the beginning and then again the next year. (It may even
need to be done at some minimal level every year after the initial training; if that is the case the
recurring training costs go below.) Hardware and software may be purchased incrementally,
depending on the implementation schedule. It is possible that all one-time costs for a small
project will occur in year 1. Part of the implementation cost is an amount that should be set
aside for contingencies. It may only be needed in year 1, and the amount depends on the
project. The subtotals by item and by year are in orange.
2.3. Ongoing Costs. These are costs that will recur year after year. They may not be the same
every year. For example if a business is growing in employees, additional software licenses may
be needed in year 3 for those employees. However, for purposes of these assignments, the
same annual ongoing costs will be used for each year, including year 1. The subtotals by item
and by year are in orange.
Total Project Expenditures are shown in blue.
3. The next two lines on this tab of the spreadsheet show the calculated Cash Flow and the calculated
Cumulative Cash.
3.1. Cash Flow. Cash Flow by year is automatically calculated by the spreadsheet. Cash Flow is
calculated by subtracting the expenditures for the year from the savings for that year. For
example, in Year 1 (not year 0), the savings are projected to be $65,000 and the total
expenditures are $230,000, with a net negative cash flow of $-165,000.
3.2. Cumulative Cash Flow. Cumulative Cash Flow by year is automatically calculated by the
spreadsheet. It is calculated by taking the previous year’s cash flow amount and adding the
current year’s cash flow amount. The cumulative cash flow for year 1 takes the $-20,000 cash
flow from year 0 ($-20,000) and adds the cash flow from year 1 ($-165,000) for a total negative
cumulative cash flow for year 1 of $-185,000. Note that in year 2, the Cash Flow is positive
(savings exceed costs for that year) and in year 3 the cash flow is very positive and the
cumulative cash flow is now positive. Take a quick look at the chart at the top right side of the
sheet and you will see that the “Payback Period” is Year 3 – the year that the accumulated
savings exceed the accumulated expenses.
4. Section 4 provides a place to record any assumptions that have an impact on the cost data.
Examples might be assumptions about how the number of users or transactions might grow over
time, how the business might change over the 5 year period, which users would be given access to
the system (affecting the number of licenses, etc.).
5. Then, scroll to the top of the page on the “ROI Calculations” tab, and you will see 4 charts.
5.1. The lower two charts show the categories of costs and the expenditures in pie charts; this
shows at a glance where the largest savings and the highest costs are.
5.2. The chat in the top left shows the costs and savings by year. Notice what happens in year 3
– the cumulative cash flow (in purple) is above zero.
5.3. The chart in the upper right is the most important one. It shows the calculated Return on
Investment (ROI) for the project. The ROI is calculated by computing the Net Savings (Total
Savings over the 5 year period minus the costs incurred during the 5 year period) and dividing
the Net Savings by the Total Expenditure. Then the payback period is calculated to determine
in which year the accumulated savings exceed the project costs.
After reviewing the ”Instructions” tab and the “ROI Calculator Example” tab, and the information above,
open the tab “Costs and Sources.” Here you will enter the list of all components that need to be
acquired (either by purchase, lease, subscription, etc.), the quantity of each required and a unit cost and
a total cost associated with each item. These general cost estimates may be obtained from any source,
but the sources should be cited – for this you should complete the “Source of Cost” column in the
spreadsheet inserting the URL where you found the cost. The categories listed are to help you be sure to
include everything; you may add rows as needed in the spreadsheet. Note that one-time implementation
costs are separated from ongoing repeated costs. Enter your items in the appropriate area. For
example, software costs that are a one-time startup fee would go in the Implementation Costs, while
monthly or annual subscription costs for software would go in the Ongoing Costs. Every item in your
description of resources and your graphical representation needs to be included on the cost spreadsheet.
Next, using the “ROI Calculations” tab on the spreadsheet, transfer the one-time costs to that tab, in item
2.2 under year 1. Copy the recurring annual costs for those items and enter the annual cost in item 2.3;
enter the annual cost in the columns for years 1-5. Then, go to item 2.1 and enter estimates for the
costs of selecting and documenting the proposed solution; use reasonable cost estimates for each
category; note these are entered in the “year 0” column, since they are incurred prior to the acquisition
of the system.
Finally, go to section 1 on the spreadsheet tab and enter several areas where the organization in the
Case Study will realize savings by implementing the system. You should refer to Section IV of your
group’s business case for areas where savings may be realized. You can add other areas where savings
could be expected to come up with a list of four or five areas. The total savings over the five year period
must exceed the total cost of the system, or it will not be approved by the decision-makers. So, think
carefully about all the ways your system will save money for the organization and be sure your total
savings if more than the total costs.
If you use the spreadsheet as it is and use “Insert Row” to add rows where you need them and “Delete
Row” where needed, the spreadsheet will calculate the total savings and the total costs by year for
the first 5 years. The totals are displayed in blue in bold font.
ROI Calculator – for IT system projects
2015 Version (v1.04)
SCROLL TO THE TOP to see all entries
Published by Axia Consulting Ltd, 17 New Road Avenue, Chatham, Kent ME4 6BA, United Kingdom.
Web: Email: [email protected]
Axia Consulting Ltd gives no warranty (either expressed or implied) in relation to the quality, accuracy, performance and fitness for purpose of this
‘ROI Calculator’. Axia Consulting Ltd will not be liable for any loss or damage (whether directly or indirectly suffered), or any consequential loss
arising from the use of this ‘ROI Calculator’.
Copyright © 2015 Axia Consulting Ltd. All rights reserved.
This ‘ROI Calculator’ is free for personal use and to help you with projects internally within your organisation. However, you are not permitted to
display this ‘ROI Calculator’ on the Internet, whether in part or whole, whether modified or not, nor to advertise, resell or obtain a commercial
benefit from it.
ROI Calculator objective: to quickly calculate ROI (return on investment) and payback year for IT system projects
INSTRUCTIONS are below (click the tab at the bottom of the screen to access the ROI Calculator Example)
Note: The ROI Calculator includes some fictitious data in the ROI Calculator Example, for illustration purposes. On the Costs and Services and ROI
Calculations tabs you will enter data about your specific project. The notation $’000 means that the data are shown in thousands of dollars.
All calculated figures are in coloured in orange, with totals in blue, to assist in easy recognition. The worksheet uses simple Excel calculations which
should not be altered.
Graphs show analyses of project cash flows, income / cost savings and implementation costs. The graphs in your ROI Calculations will change
depending on the headings and data you enter into the spreadsheet.
Copyright © 2015 Axia Consulting Ltd
Date: 1/10/2024
Page: 1
1. Review the ROI Calculator Example
2. Go to the Costs and Sources tab and enter the costs associated with your technology solution.
3. Go to the ROI Calculations tab and enter the categories of savings and amount to be saved each year – for your solution. Edit the
entries and delete the rows where excess entries are shown. Use ‘insert row’ if you need to add rows. This will retain the formulas
4. On the ROI Calculations page enter the categories of costs (initial investment costs and ongoing costs) and the amounts for each of the
first 5 years of use of your solution using the data you entered on the Costs and Sources tab. Edit the entries and delete the rows where
excess entries are shown. Use ‘insert row’ if you need to add rows. This will retain the formulas correctly.
5. Review the totals that are calculated by the spreadsheet formulas and make sure they are correct.
6. Review the two rows in Section 3 below the costs and examine how the cash flow and cumulative cash flow are calculated.
7. In section 4, enter any assumptions that affected the costs recorded; some examples are shown
8. Review the 4 charts at the top of the page to see how the categories of savings and costs break out.
9. The top right chart shows the Return on Investment (ROI) for your project and the Payback Year. These will be included in your written
narrative that explains your technology solution.
10. Your written narrative will also include the total investment (one-time) costs and the annual ongoing cost amounts.
11. Your written nattative will also discuss the categories and amounts of savings expected from implementing your solution.
Further information about software selection may be found at:
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Copyright © 2015 Axia Consulting Ltd
Date: 1/10/2024
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ROI Calculator – for IT system projects
Project name:
Results Summary
Project cash flows
Cash flow (Savings – Expenditure)
Cumulative cash flow (previous yr
Total project cost savings/income
Total project expenditures
Net project savings / income
ROI (return on investment – after 5 years)
Payback year
Year 3
Analysis of project
cost savings / income
Improved invoice preparation
Reduced storage costs
Improved invoice
Existing software
Time saved
manually creating
basic reports
Time saved manually creating basic
Existing software annual maintenance
Reduced storage
Copyright © 2015 Axia Consulting Ltd
Analysis of project implementation costs
Other labour costs
Additional licences
System configuration
Other labour costs
Reduced consumables
Date: 1/10/2024
Page: 3 of 15
ROI Input
$ 20,000
$ 60,000
$ 15,000
$ 50,000
$ 5,000
$ 150,000
$ 40,000
$ 80,000
$ 30,000
$ 50,000
$ 10,000
$ 210,000
$ 40,000
$ 80,000
$ 30,000
$ 50,000
$ 10,000
$ 40,000
$ 80,000
$ 30,000
$ 50,000
$ 10,000
$ 210,000
$ 140,000
$ 340,000
$ 105,000
$ 225,000
$ 35,000
$ 845,000
1 Project cost savings / income
1.1 Improved invoice preparation
1.2 Reduced storage costs
1.3 Time saved manually creating basic reports
1.4 Existing software annual maintenance
1.5 Reduced consumables
Total cost savings / income

2 Project expenditures
2.1 Selection costs
Software selection staff costs
Travel and expenses
Selection tools / programs
Consultancy costs
$ 10,000
$ 2,000
$ 1,000
$ 7,000
Sub total selection costs
$ 20,000
$ 10,000
$ 2,000
$ 1,000
$ 7,000





$ 20,000
2.2 Implementation costs
Additional licences
System configuration
Other labour costs
Sub total implementation costs
Copyright © 2015 Axia Consulting Ltd

$ 55,000
$ 5,000
$ 5,000
$ 70,000
$ 10,000
$ 15,000
$ 20,000
$ 15,000
$ 20,000
Date: 1/10/2024




$ 215,000
Page: 4 of 15
2.3 Ongoing costs
Annual maintenance / service charges for
software, hardware, database, network (either
the total annual cost, or listed by each item of the
2.3.1 annual cost)
Sub total ongoing cos