Due Process


Submit a document that includes the following components. You may
include a copy of the questions with a written response below each
question in your submission. Responses are to be supported by examples
from the field and/or research. Be sure you reference the interview and
observations in your responses.
• A summary—based on your examination of the school’s discipline
plan and policies, interview with the principal mentor, and your
observations—of key actions that guarantee due process rights for
students in disciplinary situations including the role of student
guidance systems and auxiliary services, noting any inconsistencies
and/or oversights among all these sources.
• An evaluation of the degree to which due process is fairly provided
at the school, including whether rights are taken into account and if
students are being treated fairly and equitably in various situations.
• An analysis of the effectiveness of the programs that support
positive student behavior and well-being.
• An analysis of how policies, laws, regulations, and procedures
related to discipline and due process are communicated to
appropriate school stakeholders
• The effectiveness of the school’s discipline plan in terms of its
correlation to the school’s disaggregated student data for referrals,
hearings, suspensions, and expulsions, and well-supported reasons
for conclusions Are groups of students overrepresented in the
school data?
• Recommendations for improvement for:
o How the school policy for due process can be applied
consistently, fairly, equitably, and ethically.
o Communicating discipline policies and procedures to
appropriate school stakeholders.

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