Supply Chain Question



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Supply Chain Question
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The purpose of this discussion exercise is to provide you with a forum to discuss your newly discovered production and operations management concepts considering current issues and real business situations. This is a practice ground for ensuring that your reasoning and foundation of these concepts are secure. This portion of the course requires you to interact with your classmates and critique their submissions.

Note that all these topics refer to the Operations function of a business, to manufacture a product or create a service. We all know that these topics may be used in other business functions, such as in marketing or finance, but for the discussions in this course, please focus on Operations examples and articles.


Refer to this sample format for an article analysis Download sample format for an article analysis. Follow this format to ensure that you include both information about the situation within the article, as well as concepts from our readings that explain it. (Attached)


Select one of these concepts:

An example of the supply chain of a business that illustrates the plan, source, make. deliver, return process of Operations Functions.

An Example of the Operations Function of a business that has selected a competitive dimension of (select one):

Cost –Make the product or deliver the service at the lowest cost

Delivery Speed (Time)–Make the product or deliver the service quickly

Flexibility (change it) –Produce a wide range of products.

An example of a business in the services sector or the manufacturing sector, describing their differences.

An example that illustrates efficiency or effectiveness in the Operations function of a business.

Then find a current event in an article from the Wall Street Journal (

Analysis Post

After reviewing and analyzing at least one of the current events articles, compose an analysis of that event or situation using the unit operations concept that you selected.

Note: Remember to focus on your selected operations concept in your analysis.

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This is only an example of how to set up your analysis.
You may want to write it without following this order but
be sure to include all the necessary parts.
☐ Start with a definition of the concept from the text book and how it applies to the news article. Be
sure to include a description of how operation managers are involved.
☐ Continue with a short summary of the news article. Be sure that it involves Operations
management, not corporate management or one of the other business functions. Include what is
happening, who is involved and what the impact on the business will be. Look for the 5 W’s. These
answer Who? What? Where? When? and Why? This is where you provide the background
against which the operations management concept will be applied.
☐ Now add the section about how the textbook concept applies to the situation that you described
above. Use quotes from the textbook where necessary to expand upon your analysis. Look for the
textbook concepts or issues being discussed. Ask yourself if the writer is educating you with the
facts or if he is trying to get you to think a certain way or follow a given action. Look at both sides
of the argument. Consider the solutions proposed if he gives any.
☐ Add your conclusions and opinions. Based upon your readings this week do you agree with the
solutions given in the article. Do the concepts for the week conflict with the information in the
article? What is the impact to the operations function in this business in the short term and the
long term? What should operations managers within the organization do?
☐ identify the source, from the approved list, that you used to prepare this assignment. If you
researched other sites to broaden the analysis be sure to include them as well. Remember that
other students or the instructor may want to go to your sources to better understand as they
prepare their responses, so include the web address and other related information.

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