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1. What was your favorite part about the Cognitive Neuroscience lecture and why?
And secondly, during the lecture you learned about a couple of instances where
wrong ideas led to correct ones (e.g., phrenology’s idea of the modularity of the
brain and the nerve net theory leading to the neuron doctrine). Briefly discuss
your reaction to this concept of wrong and inaccurate concepts having a lot of
value to them still.
2.During the long-term memory structure lecture two famous patients with amnesia
were discussed and we watched videos on each. The first is Patient HM (real name
Henry Molaison) What happens when you remove the hippocampus? – Sam Kean, and
the second was Clive Wearing Clive Wearing – The man with no short-term memory.
Discuss your reactions to both of these videos, highlighting what you found most
interesting and any emotional response you may have had.
Create your initial post in response to the following:
Review the Rowan Psychology Career Resource website:
sources/careerresources.html. Make sure to read through all
of the different types of resources that are available to you.
● After reading through the resources posted,
list the 3 most important resources that will
help you in your future career/education
goals. Give 1 important resource for each of
the sources of information (listed below):
1. APA websites
2. Rowan Office of Career
3. Rowan Psychology
Return to the board and read over the posts of your
fellow classmates. Choose at least two classmates and
create a post responding to his/her initial post on the
Discussion Board.
4. We learned about unilateral neglect in the lecture on visual imagery. Watch this
video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4FhZs-m7hA, then discuss your thoughts on
the condition and what it would be like to live with it or live with someone who suffered
from it. Remember, there is nothing wrong with the patient’s vision, it’s a visual attention
issue. They simply neglect one half of their visual field in both eyes (almost always leftneglect).
5. The lecture on memory error brings a lot of very interesting topics to the table, so it is
hard to select one to talk about in this discussion board entry, but it would be remiss to
look beyond the incredible and groundbreaking work by Elizabeth Loftus. Watch her
TED Talk on why our memories aren’t often all that reliable.

n. Be sure to discuss your overall impressions of the talk, what you found interesting or
something that was new to you, and a which this line of research is applicable to your
daily life.

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