Health & Medical Question



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Health & Medical Question
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Conceptual Frameworks for nursing informatics were included in the readings for this week. Models are used to depict the components of the framework. There are several frameworks within the readings; however, choose one of the models listed below for this assignment.

Choose one of these models for the assignment:
Foundation of Knowledge Model (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2022) – see chapter 1 (p 10-11)
Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom Model (Nelson, 2020) – link in Readings
Nursing Education for the Healthcare Informatics (NEHI) Model (McBride & Tietze, 2016) – link in Readings
Review the grading rubric and instructions below BEFORE continuing with the assignment.
Based on your review, submit a written paper based on the following headings:
Conceptual Framework
Describe in your own words a summary of your chosen model
Describe how the building blocks of nursing informatics (nursing science, computer science, cognitive science, and information science) applies to your chosen model
Application to Nursing Practice
Describe how the model can be applied to nursing practice and specifically your role as a nurse leader (administrator or educator). Be specific and give an example.
Review the literature and cite a minimum of 3 journal articles. Additional references may include the course textbook, assigned readings, and other sources (such informatics websites).
Submit a written paper and include a cover page and reference page (Use APA format).
Maximum 1000 words not including cover page and reference page. Refer to the rubric for additional information.