Easy (Python Models) project



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Easy (Python Models) project
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– Choose a dataset from “kaggle.com” and provide the link for original data

– Choose either classification or regression (and pick your evaluation metric)

– ETL a dataset that is 1000×5 or larger

– Input features should have categorical and numerical columns

– Apply data wrangling and EDA if needed

– Split the dataset into 80/20 train-test split with a fixed seed

– Apply data preprocessing and, optionally, feature selection and engineering

– Showcase a baseline model (linear or logistic regression) on the testing set

– Pick two models to train on your dataset

– Do grid-search for hyper-parameter tuning

– Use k-fold cross-validation to compare the models

– Use the best hyper-parameter values to train the two models on the entire training set

– Report the test scores

Additional source:

in the attached file, there is a program you can use it as a source. or, mimic the program using the new data set that you chose.


1. you should submit the data link from “kaggle.com”

2. csv file for the data

3. the python project written in .ipnyb